Have you all ever heard the sky being so noisy as today? Sounded like my belly lol
Has rained a lot again today. Im beginning to think we need to tie our flat bottom boat to the back porch just in case. I could put lots of ice water bottles in the big cooler and keep it stored in the boat and be ready for the high seas. Lol
Just got a text from Janet saying the tornados that went thru
I hope they are allright.
Lots of places that have never normally flooded will begin to do so before long im afraid. None of this rain is soaking in it just keeps filling up more and more .
Went to my brothers in Gainsville to get some more decomposed horse poop. Joe says can you believe that someone really wants this stuff. Lol Yep black gold.
MELISSA: Your post got carried away with them selves didn’t they? You have really been thru the mill lately haven’t you . I have been praying for you and your mother, your children, your bil and fil and dh. I know that it hasn’t been easy but God put you in these places because he says he will be there with you so rely on him and all will be ok.
I sure hope the court decides to let you and Terry adopt those wonderful children. You all are the only stable reliable people they have known
And God gave those babies to you when you were really being in despair about having babies. I for one prayed that God would take care of that and I think he has.
Hopefully you can get some relief from your back pain. Maybe a lot of your pain would be gone if you could get Plastic surgery. It seems to help a lot of people and their back pains.
TRACI: hey I have another question. I get asked this all the time and I don’t know how to answer it. Maybe you have a answer for it……Why is Caffeine bad for you? Does it dehydrate you? Maybe you have some answers for us.
SHEILA:::: hey glad you got your little cultivator that will help a lot im sure.
On the Strawberry Pyramid go to www.millernurseries.com they have them for sale including 50 plants for 39.65 not a bad price at all. you can make the pyramids yourself without buying that part but if you don’t know how would save you some time trying to figure it out. lol
When I find the site for the samples again I will send it to you. For the necture stuff. You can get samples from them of all their flavors for something like 18 dollars.
You sound like me about exercise, I get so much physical exercise by working I think I don’t have to have the other kind but I still nee the walking I know.
DEBBIE:;;; such a shame and such a waste of a young beautiful life isnt it? Kids it is so hard to make them understand that just one slip up can ruin them for a long long time if not for life.
I am keeping your son in my prayers, I know this has been hard on him. To lose a friend like that isnt easy for someone my age let alone his age.
Im sure that God has a special plan for your son , tell him to keep his eyes on Jesus and his heart open before the Lord.
Will continue to pray for him and all involved.
CHRISTINE:: of course what else would be great topic for you to speak on other than wls. I hope you have them all mesmerized . Good luck on all of your school work.
Maybe you would like to share your papers on emotional eating on here. And after you get you speech written you could if you want to share that with us also.
When will you have the nerve decompressing done?
When will that be done?
Still praying.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hellooo Mo!
wow did we have some weather yesterday! we were in storm areas at work at one point....nice to be paid to sit around and yak for 30 mins or so.
Im glad to be back at work. the 2 weeks of layoff was nice but now im used to getting up before the birds and being busy all day. now Im thinking would be a good time to join the y and start adding more excersize to my daily/weekly routine. not so sure about wearing a swimsuit but maybe they will let me wear some shorts or something.
I dont like wind or tornados but they are a definte sign of spring around here! yea!
I did alot of tie-dying with one of my friends over the weekend. so nice to be able to do that stuff without waiting for Dean to help me. now I can do all of the WORK myself.
getting ready to do a sheet set this weekend. all in preration for our big camping trip on memorial day....I cant believe I just said camping....havent been in about 7 or 8 yrs. but the whole family is going this summer...I cant wait. and I too cant wait to ride the jet skis at the lake or the little paddle boats....I have never done that either.
so much more to look forward to now that I no longer carry all the extra weight.
well Im off to work....just wanted to say hey!
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