Jan C.
on 3/31/08 1:51 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Have you all ever heard the sky being so noisy as today? Sounded like my belly lol

Has rained a lot again today. Im beginning to think we need to tie our flat bottom boat to the back porch just in case. I could put lots of ice water bottles in the big cooler and keep it stored in the boat and be ready for the high seas. Lol


Just got a text from Janet saying the tornados that went thru Neosho were about a mile from where Mike works and that they have had 6 inches of rain and are flooding.

I hope they are allright.


Lots of places that have never normally flooded will begin to do so before long im afraid. None of this rain is soaking in it just keeps filling up more and more .


Went to my brothers in Gainsville to get some more decomposed horse poop. Joe says can you believe that someone really wants this stuff. Lol  Yep black gold.



MELISSA: Your post got carried away with them selves didn’t they? You have really been thru the mill lately haven’t you . I have been praying for you and your mother, your children, your bil and fil and dh. I know that it hasn’t been easy but God put you in these places because he says he will be there with you so rely on him and all will be ok.


I sure hope the court decides to let you and Terry adopt those wonderful children. You all are the only stable reliable people they have known

And God gave those babies to you when you were really being in despair about having babies. I for one prayed that God would take care of that and I think he has.


Hopefully you can get some relief from your back pain. Maybe a lot of your pain would be gone if you could get  Plastic surgery. It seems to help a lot of people and their back pains.




TRACI: hey I have another question. I get asked this all the time and I don’t know how to answer it. Maybe you have a answer for it……Why is Caffeine bad for you? Does it dehydrate you? Maybe you have some answers for us.



SHEILA:::: hey glad you got your little cultivator that will help a lot im sure.

  On the Strawberry Pyramid go to    www.millernurseries.com they have them for sale  including 50 plants for 39.65    not a bad price at all. you can make the pyramids yourself without buying that part but if you don’t know how would save you some time trying to figure it out. lol  

When I find the site for the samples again I will send it to you. For the necture stuff. You can get samples from them of all their flavors for something like 18 dollars.


You sound like me about exercise, I get so much physical exercise by working I think I don’t have to have the other kind but I still nee the walking I know.




DEBBIE:;;; such a shame and such a waste of a young beautiful life isnt it? Kids it is so hard to make them understand that just one slip up can ruin them for a long long time if not for life.

I am keeping your son in my prayers, I know this has been hard on him. To lose a friend like that isnt easy for someone my age let alone his age.

Im sure that God has a special plan for your son , tell him to keep his eyes on Jesus and his heart open before the Lord.

Will continue to pray for him and all involved.



CHRISTINE:: of course what else would be great topic for you to speak on other than wls. I hope you have them all mesmerized . Good luck on all of your school work.

Maybe you would like to share your papers on emotional eating on here. And after you get you speech written you could if you want to share that with us also.



SHANNON ::::PRAISE THE LORD. That is the greatest thing that I have heard today. Wonderful and amazing.

When will you have the nerve decompressing done?

When will that be done?

Still praying.











Traci K.
on 3/31/08 8:48 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Today my oldest son turns 25 - no foolin' either!!    My kids go back to school today after being off all week last week on spring break.  No grandbaby today.  So my goal is to WORK.  I have to get two of the dogs bathed and quite a bit done in my office.   That's my plan.  I'm praying I can stick to my plan.  Coffee/Caffeine:  [hold on, need to take a sip of mine before I answer ]  Okay the deal with caffeine is this:  first it's a stimulant and not just to give you a boost of energy, it can also be an appetite stimulant, then there's the issue with caffeine and dehydration - yes, it does do that too.  But it also prevents some of your vitamins and such from absorbing, like calcium and iron.  Oh, and then there's the potential for ulcers because of it's acidic properties.  Yeah, too much coffee is not a good thing at all.  That said, I still drink my morning 1/2 cup per day.  That's extreme moderation - enough for me to enjoy my coffee, but not so much that it's giving me the negative effects of having too much and having it all throughout the day.  Consequently, this isn't just coffee, this is any caffeinated drink (including tea), coffee just has more caffeine than tea.  It's the caffeine that's the root problem.    Gotta run - have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 3/31/08 8:58 pm

Hellooo Mo! wow did we have some weather yesterday! we were in storm areas at work at one point....nice to be paid to sit around and yak for 30 mins or so.   Im glad to be back at work. the 2 weeks of layoff was nice but now im used to getting up before the birds and being busy all day. now Im thinking would be a good time to join the y and start adding more excersize to my daily/weekly routine. not so sure about wearing a swimsuit but maybe they will let me wear some shorts or something. I dont like wind or tornados but they are a definte sign of spring around here! yea!    I did alot of tie-dying with one of my friends over the weekend. so nice to be able to do that stuff without waiting for Dean to help me. now I can do all of the WORK myself.   getting ready to do a sheet set this weekend. all in preration for our big camping trip on memorial day....I cant believe I just said camping....havent been in about 7 or 8 yrs. but the whole family is going this summer...I cant wait. and I too cant wait to ride the jet skis at the lake or the little paddle boats....I have never done that either. so much more to look forward to now that I no longer carry all the extra weight. well Im off to work....just wanted to say hey! HEY! nutti






on 3/31/08 10:57 pm - pomona, MO
WOW what a night around here, no winds just thunder, lighting and rain rain rain.......but this morning windy and real cold, come on spring.. I made my appointment with Dr. Hawes, I go April 9th to talk to him, just want to talk to him before I make a decision...  everyone have a great and remember spring is right around the corner " lets go around the corner..lol.....vesta


on 3/31/08 11:03 pm - Diamond, MO
Dear Jan and OH Peeps~ I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldnt let me-it kept saying error on the page-such as life. I thought I would just get on later in the day to do it, but the storms kept me off the puter the rest of the day. The 3rd round of storms that came through this way were way too scary!!! Mike called me and asked if I was watching the sky this way (YES, DUH!) He said a tornado had just came through the main road from my house to his work-and leveled the convienence store we always go to - and 3 of the public works departments bldgs along with some houses! Thats like 10 miles from me.....I knew I was uneasy for a reason~ We got 5-6 inches of rain again-and are now flooded again as well.  When the 2nd round was coming through, Mikes adopted parents had called me-to let me know that they had just called my dogs to them-they were across the street-so out in the thunder and lightening, I was out fixing the section of brand new privacy fence we just put up a couple of weeks ago-the wind knocked it down-and so the dogs thought that they were free! Yes, you can imagine me out there-cussing under my breath-soaked to the bones, with the dogs rubbing against me-and they are soaked too. ARGH!! Didnt sleep well last night. I hope and pray that this doc will help me today-I NEED IT!! I want it. Have some calls to make, get a few things ready-and Im off to KC to meet my new doc. My sitter is sick-so I am taking Jon. Mel offered to watch him, but we have all had the crud-and so has her family-and I sure dont want to start spreading this around! Jon doesnt remember when he is playing to cover his mouth all the time-or wash his hands all the time, like he does when he has no distractions-LOL..He doesnt want to leave his toys for one second when Claire is here or he is playing with her-cause you know-SHE may try and play with something HE wants to play with!! I hope everyone is safe and that you have a good Tues. I am getting off here so I can get all the chores done, get in the shower-and get ready to get out of here.  As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Debbie D.
on 3/31/08 11:18 pm - KS
Good Morning Jan and MO Peeps: Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.  The visitation will be Wednesday night and the Funeral Thursday afternoon.  It truly is so hard to watch our children go thru heartache!  I so want to try and take away all the pain and yet I know I can't and I know the Lord has a purpose for everything that happens in the life of His children. Vesta, I am so sorry that you lost your son at the age of 18 in a car wreck.  ((((((Vesta)))))))  How long ago was that?  I truly as sorry. Well, my youngest son, Jake, his stomach started hurting Sunday night.  He didn't go to school yesterday.  I thought it was all the Ham & Beans and cornbread he ate on Sunday.  Then I started getting sick yesterday afternoon.  It is coming out both ends and is horrible!  My poor hubby started getting it last night.  He was up and down all night.  He has inventory at work so he went ahead and went in.  I tried to get him to stay home.  Will see how long he makes it at work.  I'm feeling a little better this morning....am hoping it's just a 24 hour bug.  Jake did go to school today.  He never did throw up or have the runs.  Guess it affects each of us differently. Once again, I love all of you and hope you all have a good day! Debbie D.
on 4/1/08 1:26 am - Ozark, MO
Hey OH Board, Yea,the weather was crazy here in Ozark yesterday too. Thank God we live on a hill, so no flooding here. Work has been great. I really love it. It's long shifts (12 1/2hr.), but they go quick.  It's sad to see these girls that no one wants anymore though. All I can do for them is care. I'm about 5 inches away from being able to button my size 12 jeans, but I at least got them up over my thighs and butt, so that's my major WOW moment. It's amazing that I'm still at about 180 pounds and almost in a 12. I don't get it ,but I'll take it. I'm not sure what's going on with our young kids lately. My son's good friend Levi Ricketts died over spring break by an accidental shooting while he was cleaning a gun. He was in my sons ROTC class too and the school sure is sad about this.We're waiting to hear when the funeral is. My son David (15) said "He was only 15 and hasn't even lived yet." It was all I could do not to cry. That is the main reason I do not or will not ever have guns in my house ever !! God Bless to all of you. Good luck to everyone on the beginning of their journey. Nice to see all the new people on here. Connie
on 4/1/08 5:18 am - Joplin, MO
Howdy **** Peeps      Just thought I would jump on here while I had a few seconds to myself. Loved the shorms we got thro here yesterday. Hated to see one get hurt or lose the property. That is always such a shame.     Terry & Dad are going to dad's doc appt with his Ortho. He has 3 displaced pins in his hip. So we will see what the new Ortho has to say about that. And what can be done besides surgery (only as a last resort).  Then he has to stop off at the post office to get stampa and mail off some bills.     I'm calling the phone comp today to set up traps on both my phone and my father-in-law's phone. Cause my asshole borther-in-law wont stop calling. And he thinks he is smart by blocking the number. That we dont kow it is him. He called last night or actually early this morning at 2am and the calls didnt stop until after 4:30 this morning. Once again the police were called and a complaint was signed by me for phone harrassment. While the officer was there the phone rang again and he answered it and they hung up on him. The oficer that came to the house is going to try and get it to where instead of phone harrassment he isgoing to see if he can get charges for stalking. My borhter-in-law already has charges for that from me. But they cant serve him cause he blocks his driveway so the police cant come up his hill. And whoever is in the house with him. Will lie and say that he isnt there. I'm so tried of all the BS from this. I was sitten down last nite after cooking supper and I was feeding the baby when a police officer showed up. Once again they got an onommis (sp) tip that the children were home alone with no adult supervision. I actually got a LOL at that one.   It just goes to show me that he is loseing and he knows it. So he is grasping at straws tring to comeup wih something that will shake me up. When Terry comes home I'm going to run some errands with him. I' looking for either a foghorn or a wistle. so when they call I can blow there ear off of them!!!    I pray everyone has a blessed day. Thank you for letting me vent. lol Looking forward to the support meeting is a big way this month!!! Love ya Mel
Shannon C.
on 4/1/08 5:30 am - Kirksville, MO
Having surgery on the 11th here at the hospital I work at.  Dr. Glen browning will do my procedure on an outpatient basis. Hopefully I can go home the same day. Shannon.



Nancy S.
on 4/1/08 9:17 am - Knob Noster, MO
 I just feel mad today...we have a teenage girl that is just giving us fits.  She has ADHD and other issues and we got official custody of her this year from her mom.  She is doing better, but driving me nuts.  I let her get the best of me and that makes me feel worse.  She is constantly trying to get away with things and then throws the tears and "I'm sorrys" around when she gets caught.  Some days i just feel like I have had enough and today is one of those days.  Now I can't even...and really don't want to...just dive face first into some comfort food.  I take more walks....that's good right?  UUGGGGHHHH!  I just need to scream outloud....AAAAAAAHHHHHHH    .  Thanks for listening...I feel better just having let some of it out.  I am sorry to hear you all are having such dramatic weather...we haven't had much of anything...just some rain and wind yesterday.  Looking forward to spring!!!!!!!!!!   Hope you have all had a great day......

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