Today sure was rainy wasn’t it? Bull Shoals lake is completely over all of the park in Forsyth. Not many buildings are left showing the roofs. It is up that much. From out house you can really see the lake thru the trees and most of the time you don’t see it at all. The water was running over the highway in a couple of places on our way to Lowes.
If it keeps raining like it has been and like they are saying it is suppose to no telling where all this water is going to go.
We went and spent quite a bit of time and money in Lowes. Bought everything from soaker hoses , flowers and another tall stand up cabinet for our house. I am so sick and tired of not having enough room in the house for my pots and pans or dishes. Especially the ones that you doint use everyday , you know the ones , the cookie sheets , the pizza pans, the big pots , loaf pans all of those that don’t get used on a regular basis. The fancy set of dishes that don’t get used. The pretty glasses that I don’t have a place for.right now
Anyway it will be full im sure.
I bought 2 large bags of potting soil too that I will mix other stuff into but like to have some of this on hand for plants that I need to plant up quickly.
My goodness there was a lot of talking on the post today. I love it.
Will try to answer all of you if you were talking to me lol
Your kitchen garden sounds like a nice ray of sunshine. Keep concentrating on that and let the job of it help you thru all of this. I will continue to pray.
TRACI: lol they were really loud storms here too about 6:30 they woke me up so I stepped out on the back porch to see what all was going on and I could hear the rain coming up the valley toward us. It poured about a minute and was over with. I said boy that was a lot to do about nothing lol
I hope you didn’t get any more flooding up there.
BEC::::: so good to have you back home. You are such a ray of sunshine (and we sure need all of our rays of sunshine)
I love Tea rooms, I love the atmosphere and the charm and all the pretties they usually have sitting around. Some of them are antique shops too. The one in Forsyth is also a floral shop too. Joe even loves going there for lunch. They serve big delicious sandwiches that he just loves. And their soup is what I usually get , They have never had the same soup ever when we go there. But it is always soooooo good.
I really could see the red hat lady and granddaughter having their afternoon tea there. Sounds so nice.
Im so glad that you are already on your third month? wow time is going fast for me is it for you? Have you been approved by your insurance company or they want you to do all of this stuff first?
SHEILA::::: Well did you get your tiller you were hurrying off to get?
Sounds like you had quite a few wow moments with your daughter.
The Strawberry pie sounds great but I like anything with Strawberries. My favorite fruit.
I have one of those pyramids that you can buy and put strawberries in, I had all kinds of strawberries last year, so I ordered me another one to put by it so I will maybe have enough strawberries to put up in the freezer.
Did you see the name of the protein that you can put with hot drinks? it is called ==Any Whey. So maybe you could try some of that. Just google it and see if it comes up with their web site. I don’t know where you can buy it. If you find their web site you might ask for a sample most places will send you one or two samples to try.
Also the Necture protein, that has a koolaide taste I think that is mixed with water.
So you might try those to get your protein in.
PIXIELF:”””” oh wow it has been a long time since we heard from you!! So nice for you to come and talk to us …I know you stay really busy but we still miss you. Havent seen you at a meeting for I know a year at least hasn’t it been?
That is neat that your son gets paid to play games wow
I bet he is envied by the other kids lol
You know I have never gotten locked into needing to be a certain weight. I figure I will know when I reach the size I want to be. I like looking healthy so don’t want to be skinny and that look isnt the best at all for an older woman my age too. We tend to look like old hags if we get too skinny. Lol Well that is what I tell my self anyway. That way I don’t have to worry if size 8/10 is the smallest I can get into . I think if I went and had my tummy tuck then I would be wearing all size 8s.
Are you still doing the exercise thing as regular as you were?
CHRISTINE::so glad that you and Nancy got to meet up. Hope you got your house all cleaned up and did you stay in your pajamas all day? Sometimes that is a good way to be.
MEG: seems there are a lot of us on here that have used Dr. Hornbostel. I of course think he is awesome, cant be beat.
I think he is doing his own support groups now on Sundays I believe.
For us that are suppose to come in now once a year he is saying that if we come to his support group meeting that will count as our yearly checkup.
Hmmm wonder if he weights you and everything in front of everyone lol But I guess that would be alright , weight doesn’t bother me anymore.
I didn’t have Nancys nectur protein but I did do protein shakes 2 a day before I had surgery and then after as soon as I could have them and I know that getting in the protein that you are suppose to get helps your body heal fast. I was up and going and pulling weeds in my garden 2 days after I got home. Never had any trouble at all. about nothing.
LO::::: Great to see you on line, another of Dr. H patients huh? It is good that you are starting your walking program now. After your surgery you really need to walk several times a day to keep the blood clots from forming. And is also good to help get your strength back too.
You know girls that I don’t think there was not a one of us that didn’t wonder if we could just one more diet and we would be ok. But we knew and you do to if you have come this far that it doesn’t matter how many more diets there were for some reason they didn’t want to work for us. Or if they did as soon as we went off the diet we gained it back. So we all knew that we needed something that we wouldn’t be able to go off the diet with. Something that would give us that will power to only take a bite of something and that would be enough, not eat the whole pie or cake or box of donuts or the whole bag of chips . Now you will have that tool. And that is all it is is just a built in mechanism that will help you if you want it too. Oh yeah you can make it be in the background so much that it doesn’t work real well but if you want you can always drag it out and start doing right again.
Just remember the protein shakes in some form or the other will be something that you need to do for the rest of your life to stay healthy just like the vits. So don’t short change yourself.
Take care of yourselves and hope no one is getting flooded out

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Morning ALL Jan... yes i did get my tiller i hurried off to get . actually its a cultivater so i may still need a tiller to do 1st work up but this will for sure help me keep it cleaned out when plants start coming up and give me a good work out, plus i can use it to make NEW and MORE flower beds haha its a ryobi and i got it for 35.00... please tell me more about this pyramids for strawberries....i wanna plant some to this year... i am going today after work to buy me the mr coffee new hot beverage maker and im gonna try the left over protein powders i have here 1st then if that dont work i will have Traci order the any whey for me ( no credit card here ) lol and the necture protein sounds like it might be my thing too........will look em up and thanks!!! wish weather would clear up and stay clear i need to start walking again...im just not much on exercising so i try to get my work outs cleaning and etc.
hope every 1 has a GREAT day
love and hugs
Hi, Jan & MO Peeps:
Yesterday was one of the longest days of my life. My son, Luke, (age 17), had one of his friends die in a one car accident just about a mile from our house. This young man’s name was Garrett George. He had been drinking and was driving home around 3am and missed the 4 way stop and skidded off the road and over a fence. And no, he did not have his seatbelt on. Please pray for this family. As most of you know, Luke is going to this summer on a mission trip. Ever since he said he felt the Lord wanted him to go on this mission trip, we have been in spiritual warfare! I have claimed victory in Jesus and I know His Will, will be done!
Please keep Luke and our family in your prayers. David and I have told Luke numerous times that just one bad decision, age at 17, could ruin the rest of your life. I remember being 17 and of course thought I was invincible. It grieves me to see my son going thru such heartache. I wish I could bear it for him. I just have to trust the Lord and know He wants what is best for Luke even more than I do. It’s hard lesson to learn.
I’m so glad I have all of you for support! You will never know how much I love each and everyone one of you (most of whom I’ve never met in person) yet feel like I’ve known you forever.
Well, it’s only 10:45 and I am exhausted. I had my bi-annual blood work drawn today. They took 8 vials of blood. I guess it will be close to 2 weeks before all the results come back. I just drank my protein shake and am thinking about going back to bed for a much needed nap.
Hope everyone has a good day. Thank you for your prayers.
Debbie D.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com