Jan C.
on 3/29/08 2:24 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I think im about to go bonkers, nutso or off the deep end. I am so tired of being stuck in the house and not being able to get out in the yard and work. Seems like every year there is something that keeps me in the house till the last minute then I have 3 months worth of work to do outside within about a week. I don’t know how much longer I can stand this rain, cold , rain and cold. And then more rain.

Lol  phew. Now I feel better. Lol


I just stayed in today and tried to be productive in the house but didn’t do much. Turned on the tv and got hooked on watching the home shows . lol Joe says I get too many ideas when I watch them.  I told him I already had the ideas but just need to know how to do them .


Well I see we had lots of lurkers today but only 3 of you were brave enough to post .



TRACI::: I cant begin to tell you how much I really appreciate your advice and allowing us to pick your brain about protein. You sure are a wealth of information. I don’t know why there is so much difference in the instructions that are given to patients. All the info that you have given makes perfect sense to me and don’t know why that it wouldn’t to any one that knows about the stomach and the normal digestive system.

Thanks again unless someone else has a question will let you rest for awhile. But there may be more lol don’t know.




NANCY ::::: there are a lot of nurses on here. Seems like we don’t take very good care of ourselves and let ourselves get fat. Wonder why?


Well I see where you and Christine met up and evidently liked each other and neither one of your got carved up and put in the others deep freeze.  Glad you could get together. Are you both wives of Service men?

I have thought about trying the nectur but just haven’t. I use the ON 100% Whey protein that is about 32 dollars but is for 5 pound jug.

Will keep that protein in mind for some of the people that don’t like the milky taste and want something a little clearer.



CHRISTINE::::      well guess we don’t get to call the cops huh? That is one of the tricks to staying busy till you have surgery. Just keep putting days together that you have something to do almost daily. Before you know it surgery day will be here.



Hope someone out there had a more interesting day than I did. Help tell me about it please lol









Shannon C.
on 3/29/08 8:11 pm - Kirksville, MO
Shannon C.
on 3/29/08 8:22 pm - Kirksville, MO
Have started my herbs inside.  Got all kinds of seed trays filling the kitchen windows.  Also have a metal shelving unit behind the wood stove with the tomatoes, peppers & cabbage seeds started.  We are trying something differant this year in my herb garden off the patio.  We planted candy onions and will sow lettuce & radishes in it this year as with my medical problems I am going to do all container planings of my herbs.  We have such a big garden down the street so this will be the little kitchen garden. My Neurologist is checking me out for ALS and other things.  I was in the office for over 3 hours friday and still have spots and bruises from the EMG and the needle tests done.  Haven't slept much worring about all this.  Keep praying its not ALS as I don't want to be burden to my family.  I have lost 155 pounds and plan on having my hernis repaired & having the panni done this summer instead of going to Virginia to see daughter. Have a great day Everyone!  Shannon



Traci K.
on 3/29/08 9:56 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Goodness - what LOUD storms came through here early this morning.  I WAS sleeping so good under the thunder boomers started.     Hopefully we won't get too much rain to cause flooding again.  I've got church this morning, the grocery store after that, then prayer & worship service this evening.  A very full day! Have a great day everyone!! 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Bec M.
on 3/29/08 10:36 pm
Good Morning Missouri, I'm back from my travels and such a good time I had!  I spent a week with my daughter in Texas, she was on Spring Break.  We went shopping, played cards, watched movies, and the highlight of the trip was a visit to a tea room.  So fun!  so "foo-foo" ~ha.   The atmosphere there made the "luncheon" so fun. The room was painted a dark green and all around the top was grapvines  with white lights and flowers mixed in, and then they had made a fake house front on the wall with lights in the windows so it made you feel like you were in a courtyard, they had a special "nook" with an arbor all decorated with tulle and flowers that was for "reserved guests".... while we were there a "red hat" lady and her grand daughter were lunching in "high style" under the arch, it was cute!  The little girl was "all" about the tea set and all the little "finery's".  And the grandmother looked like she stepped right out of the movie, "Anne of Green Gables" for those of you that know of those books and movies. I then got to spend a week with my other daughter too, I told Jan, how much better could heaven be! ~ha  I dearly love and miss my girls, and only get to see them a few times a year now, so I  treasure every minute I get with them! My dear husband made me a wonderful arbor yesterday... all out of things we had just laying around... all galvanized so it won't rust, at least not for awhile anyway, I'm so forutnate to have a "handyman" husband!  and this project, it was unexpected, made it so much more the fun!  I seem to always have a "honey do" list and this one wasn't even on it!   I can't wait to get something growing on the arbor... I have checked with my "plant specialist" (Jan ~ha) to see just what would be best.  But as so many of you are experiencing, it is too wet and cold here too. I go for my third visit of the six month supervised diet this week, the time seems to be going by fairly fast.  Hopefully, by fall I will be able to have this surgery and get on with things... I know I will look soooo forward to being able to do more things easier than I can now... I have way more in "my mind" to do than this ole body will let me! ~ha  Janet, I'm so glad to see you are able to post again, I just love to read what all you are doing, did you get the book I sent you awhile back?  thank you for the e-mail, as always you and your family are in my prayers. How is Mel doing, I am praying for her and her family also...  I remember when we were teaching our daughter to drive, she mistook the gas peddle for the break and we flew across the sidwalk thru the yard and landed on top of the cistern pump!  we have never let her forget that!  we all have those "skeltons" in our closets.  One time I was in the drive way going back and forth and back and forth... my husband come down to see what I was doing and started to laugh and laugh... I did not see what was so funny!  I was busy running over a snake only to find out it was a stick!  I like you, are deathly afraid of snakes!  I've never heard the end of that episode either. Brenda, I too have been trying to get some pictures to upload... on to my profile and am not able... it says it won't take "jpeg" and that's the way my pics come on the disk from Wal-mart.  Does anyone know what I can do to get them to work?  I am very limited in my knowledge, any help would be appreciated. I always think it is so neat when those of us get meet in person, like those that got to this week.  This site is such a blessing in so many ways! and am so glad as someone put it... they did not get chopped up and put in the freezer! too funny! Traci, thank you so much for being willing to share your knowledge with us... I too am "listening" to what you saying...  Well dear friends, I pray you all have a wonderful day! bec
Sheila H.
on 3/30/08 12:14 am - Marshfield, MO
good morning every one.....  i had a pretty good day yesterday even though it was rainy, started the morning off going out side and cleaning out 2 bags of cans and 2 bags of trash that the last tenants left here and my fingers were froze when i got done, then i decided to drive to spfd to see my daughter Traci.....the look on her face was PRICELESS when i walked in the door,, ,,she has never saw her momma  this small, ive always been big since i got pregant with 1st son......she was like ( mouth hanging to her jar and eyes big) hahahah  she said i just wasnt allowed to lose any more...said her mom was supposed to be coming to see her but a different lady showed up LOL   a BIG WOW moment for me, remember she didnt support me in this surgery in 1st place... since she had plans already for lunch with a friend i decided to go to PFI and i got me a pair of ariat fat babies gem studed boots!!!! now that i can wear jeans and a belt to help hold up jeans lol  then i went to wallys world and got me a new pair of sweats capris  ( size 7/9) BRIGHT orange already have the hot pink HAHAHAHA and some mens white t shirts cos i have no tops to wear and i can wear white with anything 4 now....weird i can wear 7/9 in them but in size 14 jeans or i guess i am cos ALL my 16s are to big been taking em up and up.... got me some seeds to  TRY to start indoors..... went by and seen another friend then came home and made a l/f  s/f  strawberry pie...HMMMMMM yum yum then just sit back and chilled cos my back has been bothering me a lot and by then it was killing me....today i am gonna go to Ozark to try to be the 1st one to get to this guys house to get me a small tiller...oh i hope i get it, supposed to be light and easy to use so thats what i need for my shoulders and now my back...then i can do my small garden and work on my flower beds YES!!!!! come on sunny warm days im so READY!!!! hope no one got to flooded out with this rain.....   Traci thanks for all ur input on protein and yes Momma Jan  im working on getting mine in ( dont wanna be BALD like my ex ) and dont wanna get sick.... well im gonna get off here and go start on my seeds..miss ya all and hope younes are having a GREAT sunday love and hugs


on 3/30/08 2:35 am - in the forest........., MO
Revision on 09/30/13
Good Morning folks.... I mostly lurk from time to time...only pop on the computer a couple of times a week it seems anymore but will try to stick around a bit more....    It is rainy and dreary here in our neck of the woods.  I am like Jan... sick and tired of the damp, cold dreary weather.  It wouldn't be so bad if old Mother Nature would just go and get it out of the way and then let spring SPRING!...   I have oodles of things to do in the yard as well and I am restricted (due to working two jobs) on the "day" I have available during the week to get anything done.  Of course of THAT day it is always yucky weather so I can't get out and do....  grrrrrrrrrrrrr. So in the house I am today, doing laundry and cleaning.  DH and son went out last night and got a new router and got it installed so I don't have to keep moving the cable modem from computer to Xbox...  our youngest plays in alot of online tournaments and is actually sponsored by a gaming business (he is that good - proud mama here!) so he gets paid to play... so that will free up my computer as well... we can both be online at the same time!....    I am participating in a "greatest loser" contest that my bank is having right now...  all of our branches are competing against each other...  it will run through the end of July....  lots of incentives and prizes will be forthcoming, although we don't know what they will all be as of yet...    I always end up padding on an additional 15-20 lbs. over the winter and I am not quite through 1/3 of the way of shedding that....  so this is going to be a good thing.  Plus I want to go ahead and push ahead and make MY ultimate goal weight.   I guess goals are a weird thing.  I set my first goal and hit that.  I went past my surgeon's goal and then went past his revised goal.  I have talked with the dieticians and nurses that I work with and have set upon a new goal that I think might be realistic... we shall see the closer that I get to it....  I have never been at that weight since I was a teenager but I will strive to see if I can meet it realistically and ....  most importantly ... STAY THERE.    Alot of times folks lock in on a magical number on the scale and whereas they might "hit" it...it isn't a realistic one to stay at... as in maintenance wise....so they end up regaining slightly.  I want to see if this new goal will be a maintenance goal that is realistic for my life and lifestyle.    Gotta scoot...the dryer buzzer just went off!  Will be back in a bit! ~*

Anything WORTH having is WORTH working for !

Christine F.
on 3/30/08 4:09 am, edited 3/30/08 4:50 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
I REFUSE to leave the house today.  It doesn't have anything to do with the weather.. it has everything to do with sitting in my pajamas, doing laundry, dishes and run of the mill cleaning, and not seeing or being seen by anyone!  This week has been wild, I I need the break! Meeting Nancy yesterday was really nice.  I enjoyed talking with her about WLS pre and post op.  I'm amazed by how well she's doing.  Nancy's a pretty cool chic and I look forward to getting to know her.  I can't wait to go to the WLS seminar and support group next week.  I'm excited about meeting more ppl who are on this amazing journey.  Nancy made up her protein drinks and allowed me to try all of them (how nice, huh?!) and they were awesome, for protein drinks!  Enjoy your Sunday!  Hope everyone has a great Monday!


Nancy S.
on 3/30/08 10:40 am - Knob Noster, MO
  You're awesome too sister!!!!!!!!!

Meg S.
on 3/30/08 6:03 am
So where and when is the support group this week?  I would really like to come if possible.   Were Nancy's drinks that good?  Would you buy it?  I would like to find something I like before my surgery.  Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!  Meg
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