Jan C.
on 3/28/08 4:27 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Sure was different weather Friday than we had Thursday wasn’t it? 30 degrees difference. Brrrrrrrrr. Just when we think Spring is here she gets cold feet or embarrassed or something and runs away and hides. Lol


Went and finally got that shot in my shoulder. He is so good I never ever feel that. And the relief is almost immediate. I cant believe how much better it feels now.


My sister, Sugar met me at the doctors office and went in with me and afterwards we went over to Glennas new house, it is a very pretty house , loved it. She wanted to know some things about some of her flowers and bushes . Some I didn’t know what they were since they haven’t bloomed yet. But really wanted to know how to get rid of this Ivy that is all over her yard and starting to climb up her pretty dogwood trees. She has like sever or eight dogwood trees in her yard. Don’t you know that will be pretty when they all bloom? Told her about the ivy that if you don’t want to use about 40 or 50 gals of weed killer the best way to do it is just to sit down and pull and dig and cut and it will probably take about 2 to 3 years to get it all. but with their little puppy running around in the back yard I wouldn’t use the weed killer .



Stopped at wal-mart on the way home , bought a few things and filled up with gas. Gas there is 20 cents cheaper than in Forsyth at the stations there. That just doesn’t seem right does it?





TRACI:::: well you sure have been getting your brain picked haven’t you. I am so glad that so many are paying attention and are listening to you. Maybe  a few will wind up being healthy really.


I have another question. How many grams of protein do we decide that is enough for us? Or do we just shoot for a number and get that amount in???


I try to get between 80 and 100 a day at least.


When something says that it is protein Isolates does that mean that it is pre digested?


I looked on several protein bars that were in Wal mart and that is what most of them say.


Do you ever eat a protein bar? 


I know what you mean about getting the hair on someones hackles raised about the protein drinks. I cant believe what some people (Doctors) tell their patients. One girl said her doctor said to eat like she always did just less of it. She couldn’t figure out why she got so sick after every time she ate.


I was asked if I thought all of those other people were lying? No just that they aren’t thinking about how our body works. But are thinking about a normal digestive system.


I know that if they really think about what we have had done that they cant say that we don’t need the protein drinks for the rest of our lives.


As a nurse I hadn’t really thought it thru that much until you said all about it, don’t know why , guess I had my head in the sand or something , you wouldn’t think as a health professional  I wouldn’t have figured it out myself. Well I guess in a way I was doing right just didn’t know exactly why tho.


The protein even mixed with water and only 4 oz  keeps me so full that there isnt room to eat much of anything. But I guess as long as what im putting into my mouth is the good protein and my vits. If that is all I can get in that is the important parts huh?




JANET:::::::Sure are glad that they arrested that idiot that threated you  yesterday. Wow about your Angel, yes that is what God used him for that day. Im glad that he listened to Gods voice .The outcome might have been a lot different if he hadn’t have. Did you get the Angels name?


There is a huge hugh group of wild pigs over close to Shell Knob but the terrain is probably worse there than close to Ozage Beach. Don’t know.


They are in the National forest there. Friend of ours goes all the time .Most of the time he makes jerky out of the meat .



The guy across the road from us had 3 blocks out over behind his house , I don’t know if they don’t know they are there or just prefer my Tulips. Yeah we have loads of bunnies too and they don’t like the flowers after you spray for the deer too. What repels one will repel the other Isnt that weird you wouldn’t think that Rabbits and deer liked the same thing but they do it seems. I think since I sprayed the flowers with this stuff they aren’t bothering them , now if they haven’t ruined the tulips already.




NANCY :::::thanks for the info on the Any Whey. I had heard of the name of it before but had never gotten any. Does it not matter how hot the drink is when you add that to a cup of coffee? And does it desolve easily.


So good to see you posting on here. Thanks that is for sure. Love to see some of the newer babies that are looking.




BEV::::You are really doing well about eating so many things. I still cant do that. Somedays I can eat Chicken and other days it just wont go down.


No reason for it just wont go down.  Who all are you cooking for that you can make all of this stuff to eat? When I cook I make it for only Joe and still have food left over. Sometimes just a bite or two for me . For the most part I just drink my protein drink.



NUTTI; :::::: So sorry you got laid off already. I know how much you were enjoying your job. Have you been there long enough to draw it? At least now that you have been working awhile you will have time to clean up again. I too had decided that with the way I was before. Noth much mobility at all , I want to do everything I can to stay healthy now so Hopefully you can up your protein shakes to about 4 a day. It makes a difference to be able to put up with that I think.


Wow what a difference a year makes isnt that so?






















Traci K.
on 3/28/08 11:21 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone!! Definite temp change.  Brrrr!!  Hey, at least it's not snowing.    Today I've got to do some work up at the church.  I also need to make a 'snake cake' for my Sunday school class tomorrow to go along with our lesson.   Then I need to bathe my two Cavalier and do some laundry too.  Another busy day for me.  I honestly don't think I have days that aren't!  Jan:  girl, are you talking about a steroid shot into the shoulder joint?  Honey, I've had that and it HURTS!!!!!  Yikes!  And you didn't feel that?!   Hopefully that works for you.  Protein (again   ) :  if the protein source says hydrolyzed that means it's pre-digested.  That's what we want:  hydrolyzed protein.  Protein powders are hydrolyzed, even if it doesn't say it on  label; as most will give you the amino acid levels and such on the label which is the bio-availability (high absorption/quality) of that particular protein.  That the basic function of a protein supplement powder, quick and easy absorption, so they are hydrolyzed.   I would say that most protein bars are using supplement protein, which is a hydrolyzed protein.  As with everything, read the label and do your own research on any protein bars you're eating to know for sure about that particular bar.  Call the company and ask!!  (and yes, I do eat some protein bars!) Now from there, there are different qualities of protein with different actual amounts of protein in it, versus the other ingredients like carbs and fat.  The best overall protein for us to have is hydrolyzed whey protein isolate.  It is generally 90-98% pure protein.  It costs more, but it's worth it.  You're getting more bang for your buck, so to speak.  The next best would be hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate:  that's generally 70-85% protein.    What many feel is actually best is a combination of isolate and concentrate; this is certainly the most economical route as it will be less expensive with the blend, yet still a good protein source.  Not sure it's best, for us, necessarily - as isolate gives the most protein per serving, but the bit of fat and carbs found in a concentrate usually are what make the taste on those more appealing.   And even if you went with an all concentrate protein source, it's still better than some other forms (like soy, whey casein, egg, etc....); or even a blend of the two (isolate and concentrate), even if it had a lesser quality third protein source in there, it would still be better than having your entire protein source from a lesser quality. How Much Protein:  at the absolute bare minimum, everyone needs 60 grams every day.  And with the shakes being in predigested form, we will absorb pretty much all that we take in - maybe not every last single bit, but being liquid and predigest, we're getting in most of that.  That's great news!!!  But, personal experiences have shown that 90-120 grams or so per day is best for keeping our bodies (muscles, brains, etc...) fed and healthy with the protein it needs and it will also help us with our weight loss if we're still in the losing phase, and help us maintain, if we're at that stage:  it also wards off those carb cravings and helps keep you feeling full and not hungry.  You're feeding your body what it needs!!!  Yes, you still need to eat food - eat veggies, even some whole grains, fruit (if you can tolerate that) and even eat protein (meat), but to get the protein into your body that it needs, drink those shakes, or possibly eat a protein bar, if you find one that's decent and not a glorified candy bar. Okay - I've got to run, now that I've overloaded your brains again on protein. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY  7/27/04
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Nancy S.
on 3/29/08 3:36 am - Knob Noster, MO
Hey Jan...I am a nurse too!!!  Nice to meet another in the profession  .  The Any Whey does dissolve well...just don't use too much...  I just read Traci's post and have some input on protein....like I could add to that  ...I  use the Syntrax Nectar protein and have since I came home from the hospital...it is acceptable on stage 1...clear liquids...and I am sure that is why I have recovered so well.  It is the protein isolate she talks about and it has NO CARBS and NO FAT...just pure protein...and it is sweetened with splenda.  It mixes nice and smooth and is not chalky at all...and the flavors are great....esp with the summer months coming up...they are juicy and not milky.  I mix mine with 1/2 water and 1/2 apple juice because I started my journey off with post-op hypoglycemia and that takes care of it.....It is more expensive...but given the way I feel...it is worth it.  I consume around 100gm daily and my energy levels have really improved.  I found it on www.directsupplements.com for $25.00 for a 2 lb. container which is 36 servings.  That is the least expensive I have found it.  Hope my input can help someone...Have a great day....Nancy PS  "andstuph" is coming over to my house today and we are meeting for the first time...I'll let you know if she is a weirdo! 

Christine F.
on 3/29/08 4:21 am - Whiteman AFB, MO
I had a choir concert this morning and I'm getting ready to go meet Nancy for the first time.  If I don't post in the next couple of days, somone please call the cops and send out the search dogs! LOL A good friend is having a house warming party this evening, so we're going there after Nancy's and we've been invited to go out to the club tonight, but I'm hoping to come home and have a good long chat with my pillow!  This week has been insane!  Maybe if I stay this busy, the next 6 weeks will fly by.  I hope everyone has a great Saturday and gets some rest!


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