Worked all day long in the yard today. Don’t know if I accomplished much but was out there doing stuff. Lol
Re potted several baby plants into bigger pots in the greenhouse. That was fun..
But not very exciting to report I guess.
The lake is really high and with all this new rain suppose to get tonight wonder how much more it will raise LOL
The weather guys said we are suppose to get some pretty sever thunderstorms tonight .
Thought I would go ahead and get this typed and even put on the board in case the elect fails. Even tho we don’t have near the electric disruption as most places around do.
Got a phone call from Faye tonight wanting the protein ball recipe. If someone else wants it here it is once more.
1 cup of protein powder
1 cup Splenda
1cup of old fashioned uncooked oats
2 cups of natural peanut butter. (I like Skippys best)
Mix together make balls the size of black walnuts ,
Lay it out on cookie sheet with waxed paper.
Put in ref. to cool back down, then store in air tight container in Ref.
About 8 grams protein per ball
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Connie Foray and Cathy Wolfe today
DEBBIE M: well was good to see you here again. hey I have the lumps in my neck too. One large one on the right side completely encases the thyroid gland and have 6 on the other side . They did ultra sounds, and all sorts of stuff. Took 10 vials of fluid out of them and sent it to mayo clinic only to find out that it was nothing. Totally negative of any harmfull cells. Did real extensive thyroid tests and all of them came back ok that my thyroid glands were working great. They did say to keep an eye on them to see if they get larger that it might be something that we want to operate on and get rid of but I don’t think so .
Glad Jason and Wendy are doing good. And that they are now having another baby.
Hope you continue to post and stay with us. We have missed you.
TRACI: lol well I got you to giving everyone lots of answers to the protein question. I have another one for you , Ever since I have know about protein and this surgery I have been told that we cant use anymore than 30 grams an hour. Is this true? I have not and can not find anything that says that it is. Also what about caffeine? Does it dehydrate or what? Thanks for answering all of our questions.
BEV: Pancake? Wow you are braver than me. I did eat a few bites of a multigrain one but don’t want anything to do with white flour pancakes. I threw out all of my white flour and bought wheat flour it is really good I think. I make everything if it calls for flour out of the multi grain flour.
Bev if you are lacking something in your diet it is probably protein. It is what gives you energy and makes you lose but as Traci says you have to get it all from protein drinks.
Glad you looking for a new PCP, I love mine she supports wls , she doesn’t know a lot about it and is always asking me this question or another. I told her to call Dr. Hornbostels office and talk to Him or Margie and have them send her stuff . She did and has a whole file about things and what to watch for with me now. Lol
I have been trying to do as Traci says about my protein drink. And just make them with water. But I have to had some flavor to it. I never have been able to take liquid meds and made with water it taste like medicines to me. So I use different flavors in my water so it at least taste half way good lol
I still make my first one in the morning like I did like a smoothie. I use it as my breakfast and what I use to get down my pills.
Glad you decided to post on here and continue to talk to us ok?
JANET: That is always a horrible ordeal to pack up for someone that has passed away. Poor guy must have been really sad and lonely . Do you really think he took his own life?
That is so sad , what a waste of what God put on this earth.
Good luck on your completing your fire arms test. It will be ok don’t worry about it you are very smart.
I am praying for you to get that Gall Bladder out of there. Even tho it was a horrible pain it can get worse. To the point that you pass out actually. So hope you get that fixed right away.
Isnt it exciting to be able to do things that you never could do before? Amazing isnt it?
Does he go both in the spring and in the fall too? hunting that is?
Joe doesn’t like to hunt them in the fall for some reason. Don’t know but it doesn’t matter cause he never gets one anyway lol
I hope my tulips up in front bloom but I have been having a fight with the deer over them this year. Next year I am going to put up a elect fence to protect them and see . I bought some stuff to spray on them that is suppose to keep the deer and rabbits away but I think it was too late , Some are getting buds on them but don’t know …will just have to wait and see I guess. Makes me mad. I told Joe wish he would sit out there at night and shoot them.
Maybe Mike could take a tractor and make Steph a turn around spot at the end of the drive lol I just don’t think I would be brave enough to get in the car with her. Lol
It doesn’t bother you to work in braces? Or do you only wear them at night?
I hope they find someway to help you. Hey maybe they could inject some of your own fat cells in there that you want to get rid of somewhere else lol
They can inject them from other places into your face so why not your knees.?
Hope you get better quick.
Well I did this post quite a bit early tonight so I can get it on before the storm**** .
Hope where you are at that all of you are safe and dry.
Remember what they say about driving over water covered roads and bridges.
Turn around don’t drown.
\Love you all

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Good Morning Jan and OH Peeps~ What a dreary Friday it is here-and what a change from yesterday. We set a record yesterday-it was 82 here!! Right now its like 49!!! Whats up with that? I didnt sleep much last night-I ended up with that nagging, hacking cough that just irritates you off and on all night long. Sat upright on the couch and tried sleeping that way-would swig my cough medicine like an alcoholic right out of the bottle (LOL) but it wasnt helping-think it helped knock me out at one point, but thats it. Our weather changed by 30 degrees in just an hr or so-and we started getting those storms. About 15 minutes south of us-they got hail so hard and large that it was busting out house windows! They showed it on the news and I cant believe how big the hail was! Yesterday I didnt do much of anything but pitter patter around the house-got a lot of calls yesterday-so much going on. That guy that had threatened to kill me and my dad-he got arrested for holding a gun to 3 peoples heads while his step brother beat the dad with a lead pipe-that guy that got beat-he ended up in the ICU dept at Freeman Hospital with severe injuries-then they rammed a police car while the cop was getting back into it-and the car they used to ram the police car-was stolen. My dad made his call up to the police dept to make sure that this Jeffrey Thurston thug got served the complaint my dad signed. The police know him and his family by name and advised my dad to sign the complaint as the manager of the motel and not to put my last name on the paperwork-due to us being the only ones in the phone book with that last name-and of course-our address is listed there as well!!! Anyway-he is bound over for trial. Hopefully this time he stays behind bars where peices of crap like him belong. Megan was with me in the office the night he threatened me-because he wanted his money back (had been evicted for 4 different reasons) and I couldnt do that-he spit in my face-and without thinking-I wigged out and spit back in his and then I lost it-just before he spit in my face-this huge guy walked in the front door of the motel-and when I spit back on Thurston, the angel, as I call him-walked over and stood right in front of me so that Thurston would have to move him to get to me. When Thurston left the office-I called my dad and then the police since he said I better say goodbye to everyone I love because tonite would be the last night I would see my loved ones. The angel looked at me-and he said-I was driving my truck (semi) and for some reason-I was told I had to get off that exit and come here-Im not tired and I have never been here before tonite, now I know WHY I was brought here! I started bawling. Thank you, God! Thanks for the gaurdian angel that night!! I now have a tazer and pepper spray in the office. I now have Annie at home-just in case-and now we have a rolodex with peoples names on it that we cannot/will not rent to. IF someone comes in with a nondrivers license and they are driving-we dont rent to them-most of our evictions and problem customers-are ones with a nondrivers license-but they are driving anyway. Today I am going to get Stephs car legal, I hope. Have to get her tax exemption paperwork and get the 30 day tag on it, then go to work, then leave work early and finish up the last night of the Hunters Safety course. Yikes!! Im not looking forward to that today. Megan is coming over after school to help me get a couple of boards put back in the fence where the dogs are. They were across the street this morning, they have NEVER done that before!!! I cant have them doing that! Plus I have several calls to make and then Im off. So-I will wrap this up (since I keep getting off track anyway-LOL) and get my day going. **Jan-Mike hunts turkey and deer, and then all year long he can hunt pig. He hasnt been pig hunting in awhile due to his knees and he is putting off his surgery because of his job. He takes Darrel out in youth season for both as well. I doubt I will go deer hunting-but at least with my course completed, should I pass-I can if I want. I know I am going turkey hunting if everything is okay-but will see about the rest. I wont go pig hunting because of the terrain (up around Stockton Lake) and they are mean when they go in packs, I would get too nervous if they started chasing me-like they did with Mike and his friend Terry (not Mels hubby Terry-) Hey-maybe you could put one of those blocks out for the deer-like a salt block-or the apple flavored one-or even what they call deer cocaine-I bet if you put that out there away from your tulips etc-they will go right to that and leave your plants alone-I have them out here-the deer leave my stuff alone-but the rabbits are another story-we have dozens upon dozens of bunnies out here! Hope your shot goes well today and that you have instant relief. Miss you. ***Deb-Good to see you-you look wonderful!!! When did you change your hair? I was like-Deb? Anyhow-you look so good!!! Congrats! I would have never recognized you! So you are going to have a little granddaughter? Congrats!! I keep Wendy and Jason in my prayers! As well as you and David! Miss seeing you here and hope you will keep coming back. We love you.
***Bev-your old PCP sounds like she was lazy, or she didnt know what to treat you with-so she just didnt. Glad your getting a new doctor-you cant keep going to a dr who is an idiot and wont help you with your health issues-kind of defeats her being a doctor if she wont or doesnt treat you medically! Good luck with the new one! **Shannon-Im so sorry to hear about your health issues now being because the fat is gone! Thats what the docs are telling me now too-since there is no fat padding my back-I am in so much pain now-I have to have all my lower discs fused, 2 rods put in my back, have some cysts removed from my spine and my siatic nerve fixed-and thats after finally being healthier than I have ever been-can you believe it? It still makes me go hhhmmm, doesnt it? Im sorry for what your going through, Shannon-and I will keep you in my prayers! Well, I am getting off here and getting the house picked up so I can get my stuff done before work. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hellooo Mo
well I was layed off on wed due to not having any work at the moment
suppose to go back on monday so I have been chilling in my house. finally put the snowmen away. I often leave them up late because they are a "winter" item but not this late!
my son has been home on leave. he will leave at 4:30 am from Joplin....lol of course he sprang it on my last night that he would need a ride...probably at 3am because of all the protacall for those
flying. so now do I take a nap or just stay up? Ill probably just stay up. cleaning out my work area. I have a small mini project in my mind waiting to get built. but my work space is a MESS
or I could read...just finished "The Body Farm". very good book and very interesting if you are into forinsics at all.
my friends in Alabama sent me home with some of their books.
I had a small dumping episode today...this is weird...I eat the same thing each time we go but a few times I have dumped.
its mexican..so I have the chips and salsa(ducking)
and than I will have 1 cheese enchalada....Im real sure its a fat thing but I dont know why it only affects me sometimes???
I do know that fat content is as important to me in choosing stuff to eat as the sugar.
if Hey Tracy....I decided to post today because I wanted to let you know how much I am learning about the protien.
I now know that I have not been getting ANY where the needed amounts. I have increased my drinks to 2 a day. along with the protien bars....tell me is the same said for them? that we are only getting about half of what the bars info say?
and if I were to make Jans protien balls with the protien powder would I be getting more actual protien than in eating the bars?
I am very much interessted in learning how this all works. I feel I have given up ALOT for the regaining of Health and I want to do as much right as I can. plus I still have over 100 pounds I want to loose.
also Bev...how lucky you can eat any chicken at this stage. wow
I just recently was able to eat some chicken and some beef. going to try fish again this weekend as Dean has a hankering for some. but I have not had much luck with fish.or meats in general.
so maybe I have cheated myself out of weightloss and health.
because I definatly can relate to Jan saying dense protien is not her friend.
I finally took my rings in to be sized. I hope I didnt get them to small....LOL
I lost the ring band I wore around my rings..AGAIN so I went and looked in my jewlery box and there was my grans ring...I wore it as a pinky when my mom gave it to me....I wore it to wal-marts on my ring finger...to see what size it was...it was tight at a 6!!!! so my wedding band and diamond is going from an 11 to a 6.5 and my Sapphire is going from an 11 to a 7 to wear on the right hand. my grans ring is old...her mother bought it from the rag man when my gran was 7 or 8 so I put it away and am now wearing my CLASS ring!....I have worn a ring for so long that I just cant stand not having one on...so I am wearing my class ring. I didnt have my mothers ring sized yet. I thought I would wait to see where my fingers are after the next 100lbs.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com