Hi Everyone, I see my neurologist tomorrow and have the EMG done and hopefully he can tell me if the "Peroneal Nerve Palsy" is temporary or is this permanant. I now walk with a cane and still stumble around a lot. Was fitted for braces the other day for the foot drop. Am so tired of the going to physical therapy 3 times a week. All this is because of losing the fat pad from between the peroneal nerves and the bones causing compression. Have doubled up on my B-vitamins so hopefully that will help also.
Am so very thankfull that I can still work and drive! Just can't cross my legs or sleep on either side.
Some of my herb seeds and the grape tomatoes are starting to sprout. I plan on just planting my herbs in containers this year. Dad has started peppers as well as some tomatoes also. We have such a huge garden and give so much away. Take care Shannon