I'm worried about one thing with your scheduling....just when are you fitting in your bowel prep? I do hope your May 15th final test is in the early am...because if you drink the goop at noon, you will need the day for running ot the bathroom, and maybe on into the first part of the night-
If I am wrong about this, please- some one correct me...... Brenda
I only thought of this because my husband just had some colon issues and had to do the bowel prep....so I know it takes a while to complete. He took his goop they make you drink at 6pm for a 8am test...and he wondered if he was 'all clear' before we had to leave for the test. So I know I want to start mine by noon. I don't want to be laying on the operating table feeling like I need to go poo! That stuff is powerful! It will teach you not to sneeze or cough any by no means fart! hahahaha
I think I'll start a new book and just live on the potty for the evening I have to do this- I'll be in a hotel and not at home. We travel 3 hours to get to Sedalia, so we are booking a hotel room the day before since my surgery is at 6-6:30am.