Feeling discouraged and impatient

on 3/27/08 6:07 am - Diamond, MO
Hi there~ Im with Tammy-DONT get too discouraged-IT WILL HAPPEN for you~Faster than you think. Pretty soon you will be a week away from your surgery date and asking yourself if you have enough time to get everything prepared! LOL...  I, like Tammy-had to have my BMI 60 or below! I felt like I had just had my heart broken! I went to my seminar July 8th 2006, met my surgeon Aug 29th and had my surgery, with 44# lost-on Nov 29th!! I am now down 247#. Being told I had to lose 40# made me feel like such a loser-Like, how awful is that? You need WLS and yet-your too fat to get it! I was so humiliated-but you know what? I did it, Tammy did it-Mel did it-and all of us are here to tell you that YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU CAN!! I did the protein/liquid diet for so long before surgery-I didnt want to do it after-LOL....But, the weight came off quickly and it stayed off. Please know that you can and will succeed-and ALWAYS remember that you are worth it-and those pounds that come off pre-op-are going to be the ones that mean the most to you!!!  If you need anything-let us know. WE are all here for you for support. Just keep your chin up and know that we care-your our friend-and we are here for you to lean on when you need us.  I will keep you in my prayers-for strength and peace of mind-and the time will fly by before you know it-you will be on the bench with us!!!  WOOOOO HOOOO!!! Love, Janet
on 3/27/08 10:27 pm - Dearborn, MO
At this point I cannot imagine being a week out from my surgery date..the waiting will kill meAs you can probably tell I'm not a patient person, it's something I have to work on. I felt exactly the same way when I was told I had to lose 60 # such a  loser or rather not a loser since I didn't think I would be able to do it. I am so glad I found all of you, you are so supportive and help lift me up when I feel like really giving up...thanks to all of you!
on 3/28/08 5:34 am - Overland Park, KS
You should be soo PROUD of YOURSELF!! 18 LB.S IS ALOT! we ALL CONGRATULATE THE PEOPLE THAT LOSE 100 PLUS LB.S after THE SURGERY, well that's pretty much the easy part, the liquid diet and restricting calories, excercizing at 400 lb.s is very very hard, I am in day 5 of my liquid diet and could eat even my most hated food in the world and pronounce it YUMMY, I am grouchy, I go to sleep and dream I cheated and the dr. won't do my surgery because of it.  What a freak..I DREAM about food! You can do it, you ARE doing it, I am in awe that are so dedicated , GREAT JOB!! ...RAH RAH SIS BOOM BAH!!
on 3/28/08 5:49 am - Wichita , KS
I had a high BMI of 60.1 and I didn't have to lose any weight before my surgery.  Don't know if you know this but Dr. Hornbostel in Sedalia MO will do the surgery if your BMI is over 60 have you checked him out?

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