Feeling discouraged and impatient

on 3/25/08 10:33 pm - Dearborn, MO
I am fairly new to this board, I've been looking around for a while and decided to post a message hopefully to get some words of encouragement. I am just beginning the process of being approved for surgery. I've done the seminar, paperwork, transferred medical records..you know all the important stuff.... With the insurance I have I had hard time finding a surgeon that met all their criteria so when I found one I stuck with it. I learned from his office that he will not perform the surgery on anyone with a BMI over 60. Of course mine is and I have to lose 60 lbs to get down to the BMI I need to be at. I've lost 18 lbs so far and I am working with a nutritionist to lose it. I see her once a month until I meet my goal. Meanwhile the surgeon's office is working on insurance approval so that when I meet my goal weight everything will be set for me to have the surgery. I guess I am just not a patient person. I want to lose the weight now and get the surgery done now!
Nancy S.
on 3/25/08 10:59 pm - Knob Noster, MO
You are a third of the way there!!!!  You need to be as healthy as you can be going into this...I know you know that.  I am new to the board also...but let me tell you...I have never "met" a more caring group of people that truly care about you and what you are going through...AND understand it.  You keep posting and we will keep encouraging.  You can do it....Keep your eye on the prize...I am 11 days post op and i feel great.  I waited 6 months and like you wanted it NOW.  In that 6 months i journaled...and i still do.  It is a great way to keep track of your progress and if you are having a bad day...go back and read how you felt on a good day and try to reclaim that.  I wish you nothing but good days...and good luck...HUGS  Nancy

on 3/26/08 10:14 pm - Dearborn, MO
i must admit I was surprised at all the replies I received from my post. I posted mainly just to vent and get it off my chest but there really are a lot of caring individuals out there to support me. I need it more than you know sometimes...thanks alot. I realize losing the weight is in my best interest to be the healthiest I can be when I go into surgery but I can't help being so impatient. I am trying everything I can to get the weight to come off and cannot wait to go back to see the nutritionist to see how much more I have lost. the first time I went in I had lost 18 lbs since my last dr's appt and I was stunned. I had upped my water intake and I'm afraid maybe it was a fluke and that 18 lbs was water and now that it is gone I won't lose anymore. That would be my luck! I am journaling and I keep a food diary so I can see everyday what I ate and how much to see what is working and what is not. thanks for the support...Charlene
Jan C.
on 3/25/08 11:36 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
we are all here for you and we know you can do it. You are doing wonderful with your weight loss eat lots of protein and drink lots of water, drin****il you think you are going to float away. it carrys all the toxins out of your body that you are breakijng down. I know at your bmi you can exercise like you should but you can move your arms. get you some tiny weights and while you are sitting move your arms all the time. make it a game to see if you can keep up a certain movement during such and such comercial then two commercials.  I know you are axious to get the surgery done and you will get it done. just hang in there. Be sure and read Traci post in the Whats Happening, it cant be stressed enough. a lot of nut. and doctors either dont know or wont tell you but it is very very important. 



on 3/26/08 10:19 pm - Dearborn, MO
Good morning! I have been drinking a lot of water, sometimes it does feel like I will float away and I guess I get additional exercise running to the bathroom so much:) No but really I have been drinking more water than I ever have before. I have quit drinking soda and all I drink is water and unseetened tea. It wasnt' as hard as I thought it would be to stop drinking the soda. I have started exercising, i try to walk at least one mile per day. I have a video that I follow and after completing the video you have walked a mile. I try to get that in at least 4 times a week and then I go to the high school track and walk a mile 2 days a week. I'm hoping this works for me..thanks for your support.. Charlene
on 3/26/08 1:11 pm - Republic, MO
Your post caught my attention (you all thought I disappeared didn't you!) and I have to say...I always get irked when doctors tell patients that.  My thought is, if we could have lost the weight, we wouldn't be HERE!  But, everyone here will help encourage you and I know it is a hard fight.  Thankfully, my doctor was okay doing surgery but you are not the only one who's doctor requires that.  Just keep it up, work with the nutritionist and stick to it.  I did have to do the 6 month supervised thing though and I was counting down the days till surgery.  It is okay to get inpatient sometimes, it helps motivate us.   Keep up the hard work... Jennifer
on 3/27/08 10:14 pm - Dearborn, MO
that was my thought exactly when Nola told me I had to lose 60# to get down to a BMI of 60. I thought lady if it was that easy to knock off 60 then I wouldn't be trying to have this surgery done. But then she offered to set me up with people to work with me to lose it and I understand it's only her job but still it's so hard to hear. I felt like it was over before it even began. i thought great I'll never be able to lose this weight. When I found out had lost 18 lbs I was excited and it did motivate me to lose more. It's just not coming off as fast as I want it to...I know I know be patient....
Brenda Nutt
on 3/26/08 1:40 pm - Harrison, AR

Charlene, I just past the point that you are at now.  I did all my paperwork and got my insurance approval.  I'm waiting on April 28th to get here for my surgery.  Keep working on this, it took me 2 years to find the right doc. then the right hospital and then tackle insurance.  So keep the faith, it WILL happen for you...  I am proof!  Meanwhile catch a couple support group meetings and met others.  You would be amazed how much that helps.  You will not be the only one there without a surgery date, lots of people go pre surgery.  It is how you learn all the in's and out' and tips.

Good luck, and stay on the forum- you will get out of it, what you put into it...Brenda

Tammy H.
on 3/26/08 9:39 pm - Holcomb, MO
Charlene... Sweetie don't get discouraged...There quite a few on the board that know what you are going thru..And you CAN do this!!! My doctor told me that I had to loose weight to have surgery too.. I had to loose 50lbs!!! That seems like a ton of weight to loose when they first tell you.... My doctor put me on a liquid protien diet. I was actually suppose to do it complete liquids but I could not imagin NO food for how ever long it took me to loose that much weight.  So I did the liquid diet along with eating a lite meal in the early evening. I lost close to 65lbs in 3 months!!  And that was with no exercising...When I started my journey I weighed 474lbs!!! I weighed like 414 the day I had surgery... I suggest on here all the time that people not wait till the last minit to start their liquid diets....It's a big change in your life and it's no picnic. But it's not impossible to do and it gets easier as you do it.  If your interested in how I done my liquid diet just drop me a line. I promise it's not impossible to drop the pounds you need to loose. I have sucky will power and I even done it!!!  Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

on 3/27/08 10:22 pm - Dearborn, MO
Any help yo can give me would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to do whatever I ahve to do to lose the weight and if it means going on a liquid diet (gulp!) I guess I will do it. Let me know how you did it since it went so fast for you. Thanks for the support!!
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