Waiting for my phone to ring
They have my cell, and I told them to call it first b/c it is the most reliable way of reaching me. I've lost hope that the phone is going to ring for me today! It's after 2 and I'm sure they close around 4ish. Margie doesn't work on Weds, so I most likely wont get the call tomorrow either. I'm feeling kind of bummed about it! I know that's sad, and I'm being impatient and selfish ( I want it NOW!). I'm like the kid from the original Willy Wonka. You may now call me Varuka! lol
I'll be sure to let you know if something happens in the next couple of hours, but I'll most likely be waiting until Thursday. Maybe if I just "give up" they'll call... b/c things usually happen when you least expect them. Maybe I should put my proactive side to bed on this one thing ;)
OK, ranting/venting done!
Yes, my insurance has approved me and I did try calling yesterday. The office staff seemed really irritated that I was calling THEM and not waiting for them to call ME.
I'm thinking about dropping by there here in a few mins.. I do have some paperwork to drop off... couldn't hurt
Maybe they've black balled me!! LOL