Howdy Yall....
We are still in a mess down there in SE Mo...I think it is going to get worse for the bootheel before it's over with! We are still flooding and we are suppose to get rain off and on for the next 5 days or so!!!!
Do any of you have a boat I might borrow LMBO!!! Where I'm at,our yard is mostly muddy but there is a lot of water in most places around us. And Joe is still having to take the long way around to go to work, because 53 to Poplar Bluff from Campbell is still closed from about half way down it on up to in Poplar Bluff!
I seen more pictures on the news last night of the Cape Girardeau area and of Memphis...I didn't even realize Memphis had gotten hit so hard.....This water is really causing a mess!!!
Jan....You think all that bending over you do out in your yard is starting to effect you!!! LMBO!!! Just kidding, I get lost in the week sometimes too...
Need advice on some flowers that will grow well in shady areas! Want to work on my flower beds when all this rain quits and I have two against the house that are really shady when the trees fill in....The flowers will have to be ok with wetness at times too cause both beds are under the eve of the house and water rolls off there everytime it rains! Love to have gutters to stop that but I dought my landlord will go for that just for me to have flowers lol lol.....
If everyone will please pray for Janet and Mel....Janet is really having some health issues and she could use all the prayers she can get for her back...I am really worried about her! She has appointments finally to get some of the things take care of ...Those things are going to require surgery so please pray that the surgeries go well and help her the way she hopes they will. She has done so wonderful on her weight loss and it would be so great if she could finally enjoy her new body!!!
And for Mel I know she would appreciate all the prayers she can get for her mother....Not been updated in the last few days but I know she is still pretty sick and still fighting with that darn cancer! We all know that is something pretty hard to deal with and can be so very painfull! Please pray for her, Terry and the kids....They are trying so hard to hang on to both their neice and nephew that have been raising for about a year now. The kids are in so much of a better place right now than they were in before Mel & Terry got them!!!!
I would like to ask for prayer for myself too. I am so sick of being stuck where I'm at on my weight....But I know I am doing it to myself!!!! I got off track with things by getting so busy with everyone around me....I am constantly busy, can not get a routine going cause it's impossible with the way I do for everyone and I have started grazzing more and more....AND I AM DRINKING MR.PIBBS!!! I knew better than to ever even sip at one cause I like them way tooooooo much.......For those of you who are in shock about the Mr.Pibbs...I had the VSG, So I don't dump....Sometimes I wish so much that I had fought to loose more before surgery so I could have had the GB done...Then I would have had no choice but to have more will power or suffered sevearly for it....I was told at the time I could have mine finished up after I lost some more weight but now I hear medicade wont pay for a second part!
I know I could do fine with the VSG if I set my mind to it cause that's what Mel had and she is doing wonderful!!!! I just need to get back on track and stop some of the stuff I'm doing....But I can't do it alone so PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!!!
I've not had as much time as I'd like to be online lately so I've not kept up with things like I use to...I'm so excited to see more and more newbies on the board......And pray for all those starting their WLS journey.....I hope we get to have the reunion in Sept again and I am praying hard I get to make it this time....There are so many on the board I would love to meet....
For those of you who do not know about the reunion...Last year was our first year having it...Janet did a lot of work checking things out and finding the best place for us to have it...The ones that went seemed to have had a really good time, other than having to deal with the rain they got....Janet will probably have to have a few of us help her this year due to her health issues but any of you that would be interested this is a heads up on it....If nothing has to change it will probably be around Sept again....And it is for a whole weekend and you can stay longer if you want.... One of the days...Probably Saturday will be set for the main reunion day so that there is a specific day for everyone to meet so that the ones that can only make it a day trip can have a day to come.....You will be notified for sure where it will be and how to go about making reservations for the time you want to be there....There is even housing that can be shared by 3 or 4 couples to help on the price of things.....Your welcome to bring your family too.....
As I said there are no details as of yet but I thought it might be a good day to remind everyone that it's not far away...aprox 5 months....Cause if your like me you have to start saving ahead of time!!!! And Janet of someone will post as soon as some details can get worked out so that everyone has time to put in at work for time off.....If you can at all please come and meet everyone...Even if it's just for the day! There are meetins scattered over the Missouri area and it gives people a chance to meet other WLS friends, but it doesn't give us much of an chance to meet others from other areas.....Hopefully we will know more on it soon and someone will start posting on it so that you will know the details!
Well got to run....Been working the past few days and I've got laundry and house work to catch up on....
Miss all my COF friends...Hope yall had a great meeting last night! And hope to make it to another meeting very soon...Might even try to get with Brenda & Cindy and see if we can't set it up to come in April or May....We will have our meeting again the second Tues of April....Hopefully we will come up with a name for ourselves lol lol....And I hope to get things set up to advertise more so that we can draw in more from our area....
Well gotta run....
Hope you all have a great Tuesday...
God Bless each of you...
Luv & Hugs....Tammy~ammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!