2 wk. pre op I'm HUNGRY wah!!

on 3/24/08 9:43 pm - Overland Park, KS
O.k, yesterday I had to leave the house at 6:00 am to be at bothwell for my pre op assesment at 9:00, I made it with 5 min. to spare. I knew way ahead of time that , this was to be the start of my 2 week slimfast diet. I already stocked up on the slimfast, I cleaned walmart in paola out of all18 4 pk.s of the high protein and the low carb.(don't get the boost , it is only 8 oz vs 11 for slimfast) Anyhow, I figured 5 shakes a day , chicken broth, beef broth. jello, no calorie liquids, big deal! No problem, i've gone 3 day's with nothing more than diet soda, when i've been depressed, and most day's I don't even eat a meal until 2 pm or so.  I mapped out my slimfast schedule to get the max. benefit, 8 am , 11 ,2, 5, and 8 pm, with jello and the rest inbetween for snacks. I drank my first slimfast on the way to sedalia at 8 am, right on schedule, I wasn't even hungry, hey this'll work . unfortunately...at my next scheduled time I was still in the hosp., I got my next one at 12:00 an hour late, It was o.k , I still wasn't starved, but being up since 5:00 am I was a little hungry. Everything was fine, had to stop at walmart pick up a few things, and by this time, my hubby was starved, my bright idea, go get chicken from the deli! oh yes, he liked that idea! get back to the car, he breaks out the chicken and nice fresh yeasty smelling bread, yep, you know where I'm going.. the chicken , the bread...slim fast betrayed me! It was NOT the meal in a can to end all meals, it did not chase the hungries away, OH NO, I was suddenly RAVENOUS! hubby "thoughtfully" only eats a few , pronounced it "delicious" but out of emphathy for me (i think he really just though i'd snatch the wing out of his hand and maybe take a finger with it) He stashes it in the back seat to take home and eat it. He waits until i've fallen into an exhausted sleep driving home, and breaks out the bread..sneakily , quietly, furtively, stuffing his face with  warm, delicious french bread, he thinks I can't smell it, he thinks I won't reach over like a slobbering rabid dog and stuff the whole thing in my mouth cackling like a mad woman..yes I thought  about it! We get home, I go to bed , they,  hubby and my teenaged sons go about making dinner, (ha ha my sons ate all his chicken!)  I take a nap, i'm not torturing myself why they eat! today I am going to walmart, they are all getting 2 weeks of microwavable hungry man dinners for the next 2 weeks,.I am sipping my chicken broth at the moment, wonder what today will be like...I am hungry, just saw a piece of leftover cheese, I gave it to the cat, must .be. strong. I am hungry..hence the theme title, it's only my second day, will I make it? what a wuss, I hope it get's easier, should just take my leftover vicodin and sleep for the next two weeks, probably won't..but it might be an option (not really just kidding). thanks for listening i'm a crybaby i know
Jan C.
on 3/24/08 10:05 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Oh ok here goes Mama Jan again lol . I know it is hard , we all do , been there done that , but will give you my famous saying  (Keep your eyes on the prize)  keep looking down the road at where you are going and what you are going to get out of all of this. Another think keep yourself busy, plan things to do so you have to get up get out of the house , being at home is one of the worst places in the world for when you are on a diet, pull out all the tricks you can remember when you were on diets before. Sounds like you have got a good plan , stick to it you wont be so hungry after a couple of days. I know that you know that and it doesnt make it any easier right now.   Just keep saying to your self. Others have done this , I can too.  More than likely it is more head hurger than belly hunger anyway. Keep coming to the board and venting , good place to vent away, safe here.  by the way you are a great writer, I could smell and taste right along with you. lol 



on 3/24/08 11:02 pm - Overland Park, KS
You are so right, I think it is head hunger also. thanks for the advice and compliment, I am sooo happy I found this board...time to take a walk I think.  oh wait it's time for a shake..yipee!!  lol lol ..then a walk.
Jan C.
on 3/24/08 11:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
after surgery when i was on the liquid for a couple of weeks i ate lots annd lots of s.f. popcicles  for the urge to chew. someting more substantial at least i wss able to convince myself that i was lol



on 3/24/08 11:17 pm - Overland Park, KS
The chicken and the beef boullion fool my head into thinking it's food lol, I bought the sugar free pop sicles , but when I got home I realized they had 30 calories, I was told 10 calories or under was free food, ..hmmm, I wonder if I ate 10 calorie sf jello 25x aday if it would still be "free" lol probably not...ahhhh
Tammy H.
on 3/24/08 11:28 pm - Holcomb, MO
Susy....The head hunger can be pretty strong at times...And it follows you for some time.....I am almost 10 months out and I'm still having issues with it....I think a lot of mine comes from stress.....eating is the way I use to deal with stress......And I have found myself grazzing more and more lately....And I am paying for it cause I am stuck at a point I have been at for close to 6 weeks....And if I would get stronger against it and get back in routine I could get to my next goal, which is to make it to under 300lbs!!! I only like aprox 2lbs and I am so excited and can not wait to get there but still I catch myself nibbeling here and there..... It is very hard to get past old habbits we have had for years and years or even all of our lives..... Try putting a pic of yourself you hate on the fridge or maybe put up a few lil notes like on the fridge and any cabinit that might contain something that could make you slip and eat....that way if you head that way you will have a lil reminder of the goal you are setting for yourself and how important this is to you.... I wish you all the best...The two week liquid diet is no picnic but you will make it thru it!!! Hang in there.... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Nancy S.
on 3/25/08 3:15 am - Knob Noster, MO
YOU"RE NOT A WUSS!!!  You're human.  I am 1 week post-op from Dr Hornbostel and I went through the same thing...not to mention the crying bouts that hit me for no reason on about day 4.  Come to find out that is a pretty common thing too because you are purging all the bad junk out of your body...it messes with all of you.  I wanted to let you know it is worth it.  You will feel better after several days.  Something they don't share with you is that you are allowed to have the slim fast bars as well...any combo of 5 in a day between cans and bars.  His objective is to keep you at 1000 cals and still get the protein and vitamins.  The bars actually have more protein in them.  Once i found out i could also have the bars it became easier because i got the satisfaction of chewing!!  Get some bars and see if that helps.  I wish you nothing but luck and sending hugs through the line...Nancy

on 3/25/08 3:34 am - Overland Park, KS
ARE YOU SERIOUS!! how could they forget an important fact like that?! I am getting some TONIGHT, Thank you, thank you!
Nancy S.
on 3/25/08 7:35 am - Knob Noster, MO
I'm very serious.  They are re-doing the white binders and that is some of the new information that wasn't included in our binders.  You might also note that you can have the Nectar protein and the clear protein bullets that have become pretty popular as part of the clear liquids during your first week post-op...you won't feel hungry but it will give you some good calories and help you heal faster and help give you some energy.  Glad i could help. Nancy

on 3/25/08 4:42 am - Wichita , KS
I am 2 month post op and I remember that 2 week liquid diet before surgery it was horrible!!!!  I liked the slim fast high protein powder mix in Van. and Choc.  you can blend it up with some skim milk and berries taste much better then the can stuff and seemed to last longer.  They do have sugar free popcicles that are only 10 cal. you just have to read the lables.  I cried too during that stage and after surgery because you will be on all liquids then too.  Avoid watching TV at dinner time cause they want to only show all those fast food commercials and that only makes you feel that much worse seeing all that food that you love and used to be able to eat and no longer can have made me more depressed!!!!!  I won't lie to you this is very hard but you can get through it just remember that even though you can't have something now you will eventually be able to have it again in a few months maybe just smaller amts.  Good luck and hang in there it will get better.

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