Had the monthly support meeting last night of the COF in
Joe and I babysat the two great grand babies yesterday while mama went and did some much needed running here and there. I love all the babies that God has blessed me with having around lately but oh my it wears me out a lot.
Fran was at the meeting last night and I think she maybe pushed herself to get out and come , she had to go home early, Fran if you are reading this I hope you are doing ok now. Let us know ok?
Connie Wright you are really looking great girl. So very proud of you as well as Tina you are doing good also. We missed Janet and Melissa,Sugar, Sheila, Britt, Tami, and several others that come a lot. Sorry if I didn’t get your name in there but you know who you are.lol I do too but cant think of your name right now . Don’t get mad at me, I just have a horrible memory.
TRACI: no we didn’t get any snow. That is weird that you all would get it this late isnt it?
Traci I quoted you and gave you credit for something you said one time , hope you don’t mind. I thought it was very very good ……If you aren’t ready or willing to drink your protein shakes, take your vits. And change your lifestyle then don’t have wls . ….
I really think everyone needs to have that told to them before having surgery.
Thanks for the inspiration.
VESTA: You know that was one of the questions at the meeting last night , when it comes to big family functions does it bother you to cook all of that food. It doesn’t me and you said it doesn’t you . most of the others there all said the same thing.
Oh I know your new puppie is just adorable. Put a picture up on your profile.
That’s the way to get them all trained and everything. Lol
Have you lost most of the weight that you wanted to lose? How about your exercise? Maybe bump it up a bit and up your protein too. Also more water. I know you think you cant get any more in but I bet you can
BRENDA was so good to see you and Randy again last night. April 28th will be here before you know it. Just keep busy and don’t focus everything on that and you wont notice the days slipping by.
JANET:Well your poor little kiddos , they will be so hungry when they got home I bet.
I know you are in a lot of pain but I really was hopping to be able to see you at the meeting.
No that was Lana that had surgery on one of her shoulders, I had surgery on one of my knees. Lol got close anyway didn’t you?
Yes Granddaughter moved out of the trailer in some new apartments right outside of Forsyth. Nice place but no way I can run over there to just get a kiss from the babies lol
That is fine about the little bed just wondered if you still had that one. If you happen to see one somewhere cheap holler . ok ?
COLETTE: so sorry to hear about your hubby getting worse. Did they ever decide what was really causing his problems? Was it mini strokes or what? Are you still working full time? Need to slow down and smell the roses woman.
Thanks for the comments about my picture that is very nice of you.
Miss you being on here more often. I can never thank you enough for all the help you gave me in the beginning of my journey ,
I guess I better tell all of you good night and will see you in the morning,
Hope all is well with everyone
Love you all
morning well as you can see i MISSED the meeting again and i had every intention of being there but i guess i was to stressed out , came home and back was hurting so i layed down on couch to watch tv for a bit and lo behold i fell asleep and slept 3 hrs and woke up at 7...i NEVER do that. i was so MAD at myself!!!! Jan i need to u text me next month on day of meeting at 5 so i wont miss.........i really did wanna come see you all and see how every body looked and to show off too..LOL..had my protein bars packed in purse . but i wanted to try yours out and to get the iospure sample.. im really sorry i missed...wasnt intentionally. with out you guys i would of never made this journey..so THANK YOU all very much

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com

Hey Jan and All, Now Jan I'm not that young!! I'm 44 and a grandma. But thanks for saying so anyway.It made me feel good and made my hubby laugh.LOL. In case nobody else knows what I am talking about I changed my avatar today and Jan thought I looked much younger. I also added some more pics to my profile. So check them out if you like.Jan I added a couple more that you haven't seen yet.Of my hubby and of my son and I. I got myself a couple of new things to try today. I finally got some Vanilla Body Fortress protien powder. So now I don't have to have chocolate all the time. Can try some strawberry or vanilla or what ever I want to through in there.And altho I'm not suspose to technically have them until the first I got some Gen soy Soy Crisps the Creamy Ranch flavor and I love them. I needed something crunchy like chips.Very good. A serving is 17 crisps,calories 120, carb 15g, sugars 1g, protien 7g. Just something for when I need that crunch.And I got my Rx filled for my B12 injections, so I am good with that for ten months. I'm gonna take some pics on the first, that will be two months since surgery. I will post them so you all can see the difference.It's starting to really show.I was at 61# loss this morning.Can't wait to get under 300#.Nine more pounds!! Then my next goal is one hundred pounds loss. Keeping everyone in my prayers. Take Care and God Bless,Tammy V.