Easter Sunday was a nice quite day for Joe and I. No one came around and we did work a little outside in the yard. Lovely looking outside but fairly chilly with the wind we had.
I went for my daily walk and saw 3 deer just standing in the street. They sure weren’t afraid of me and I got within about 10 feet of them. It was really neat. I may never see that again but from now on I will take my camera. I started to take it this time for some reason and I didn’t do it. Now I know why I wanted to take it lol trust your instincts. Don’t know why I didn’t because life has taught me to do that more than once.
My right shoulder is really hurting and I guess it is time to get a cortisone shot put in again.I think the left one really needs it too but will have to have x-rays done before they will do it I know. Which if I make an appointment with Dr. McClain in
Tonight is the COF support meeting, Any of you that are new and live in the Springfield area come on out and meet with us. And get to know some of us in person , would you?
It is at 6:30 at the
This morning Joe and I are baby sitting our granddaughters 2 babies while she runs to an appointment. Her hubby is working and she cant handle both of them at once. So we told her we would watch them for her.
They have most everything out of the trailer now . We can start in on repairs again.
Hopefully get that done. Before we start on the little house we are going to fix up and rent out.
We went out yesterday and marked off where we are going to put in the garden I think. We are going to have enough room to put in our garden and plant several fruit trees and other things like that .I am wanting to make an asparagus bed too. I have always wanted to do that. They have to be about 3 years old before they start producing but you can buy 3 year old plants so you don’t have to wait so long. I also marked off up by the other strawberry bed a place for Joe to make me another bed.
TRACI: So the flood in 82 just wiped a whole town off the map huh? No one wanted to build back there or it was deemed unsuitable or what? I bet it was a nice place , right along the Merimac river like that.
Hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday with family
JANET: I certainly feel for you with all of your pain and cant wait for you to start getting some of it taken care of. Is just a shame that you have to live with so much.
You continue to do so much tho , I am wondering what all you will be able to do when the pain is all gone. No telling what you might be able to accomplish.
I have been meaning to ask you , I know at one time you had a little car bed , did you sell that?
I hope you stayed home and rested from the family dinner. I think you deserve and needed a day alone just to rest.
Every joint in my body has been hurting so im with you on the weather changes. It is always like this in the spring and again in the late fall.
LOL im not talented enough to be called a painter or to delude myself in to thinking im an artist. I can do these Bob Ross paintings because the paint along and show you what to do and what color to use and you follow their directions as best as you can lol and if you are lucky it comes out looking pretty good. But they are fun to do since you wind up with a painting when you leave.
My brother , Joe Darnell, lives in Gainsville, no , no children they are all grown, just him and he has insurance on the house, it is just traumatic to lose things you know.
He lost all of his clothes completely but I think the church he goes to gave him a check for 500 dollars today to go buy clothes and things he needs right now.
Tell Megan she shouldn’t have waited this long really about going to check that out. you shouldn’t mess around with a possible blood clot.
Love all of you and
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Hey Vesta- I'm lurking here - but have had sooo much company the past week and a half I've not had time to even think of posting much. The house clear'd last night and I posted... was good to get back in the swing of things. I am also on a LAM disease fourm and it is hard to read and respond on both sites when I'm busy with company. The house is so quiet this morning and I'm a slugg-snail...ha! Tonight I get to go to a support meeting in Springfield and I can't wait to met everyone again. Is your puppy a Shih-Tzu? the stars blanked part of the letters out... That is what we have, she is 9 months old and we just got her fixed. She had an appointment last month, but went into heat 2 days before her surgery date...aurgh!!!!! She is a sweet dog and a good pet. Talk about energy....
Better get busy around here, rest period is over for this gal! thanks for remembering me...Brenda
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~ Its Monday again. My least favorite day of the week. The kids went back to school today after having the week off from spring break and I forgot to give them lunch money this morning!! They must have forgotten too-cuz they didnt ask me for it either. I did go to the family dinner. Really didnt want to miss it, because I dont get much time with Dave and Jan and they are 2 of my favorite people. I did pretty good, except maybe the last hr or so-I was ready to come home, get on my sweats and lay on the heating pad-which is exactly what I did-and I was asleep Mike said before 8 pm. Got up at 1 am and didnt fall back to sleep till 5. I do feel rested now, so thats a plus. Now if I could just get the pain to where its tolerable, I would be a happy camper. **Jan, I know your shoulders have to hurt. Didnt you have surgery on one of them? I cant remember. I hope you get relief soon too-that pain just feels like you are being eaten alive. I hate that feeling. Did your grandaughter move out of the trailer? How far are they from you now? Yes I did sell the race car bed. Sorry. If I happen to come across one I will let you know, k? Guess what? We are doing a huge garden out here this year. Its going to be the community garden. With Mikes adopted parents, Erik and Vikki, then grandma Vera, Aunt Mary and then us. We are planting everything!! We already have the asparagus bed-it was started before we ever moved in-I just didnt know what it was until last summer-so we are going to have that again this year. Woo hoo. Im hoping we dont get a late freeze like we did last year-because we lost all the fruit from our fruit trees due to the late freeze. We have several apple, 2 cherry and 2 peach. I figure if I dont touch the seeds, they will grow. LOL....The boys are excited about the garden-they love stuff like that-and they are going to be growing their own pumpkin patch this year too. Well, I better get off here. I have a zillion loads of laundry to do and I have an appt later today, so I need to get on the ball. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you all have a good day! Janet