Question for Tricare beneficiaries
I was under the impression that once Tricare approved the visit to Dr. H, that it would be paid for. I've only had the one appt, but I was just looking at and I saw a claim from my first visit. It says I owe money. Do any of you know anything about that? Did and of the other Tricare ppl have to pay, or is this some kind of mistake? I'm going to call on Monday, but I'm uber curious about it now.
Thanks for the help!
I don't have tri care, but sometimes the insurance has a set amt that they will pay, and if the dr. chg.s more , than you have to pay the rest out of pocket. I know after my ins. paid it's portion of my first visit, I still had to pay 82.00 out of pocket. I am dreading the bill for the 500.00 scope. don't know yet how much of THAT i'll have to pay. Good luck, susan
Hello this is Kerri I also thought that once you were approved you were paid for. Have you reached your cap for deductibles? I have and since last month I have pain no scripts or co pays to any doctor office. Maybe you to have to reach your cap first. Just a thought. I am so happy for you, please keep me posted as to what the military is doing for the psych eval?

In the five years that I have been a military spouse, I have never had to pay a dime for any medical treatment that was given at my military treatment center or after being granted a referral. I've never had a deductible that needed to be met or anything like that. I think it's a mistake. I have a name confliclt.. There are two systems that the mil uses.. In one it's got my first name, middle initial and last name. In the other, I'm listed by first initial, middle name and last name. I think that might be causing the problem. I'm going to call when I wake up in the morning. It's driving me nuts, and I can't stop fixiating on it! LOL As far as my psych eval, there is a Major here at the Whiteman Clinic that does those. He did mine a couple weeks ago and did my friend's last week. No worries there, that's covered for sure.
It's just frustrating.. I'm thinking it's all going to be paid for and then I just happen upon a bill I wouldn't have even known about... and that makes me worry. What if they make me pay a %? How much would it be? Would I be able to afford it? Probably not! That's an expensive surgery.
Like I said, I'm going to call first thing in the morning, so I should know SOMETHING! I'll post as to what I find out. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's a mistake. We'll see in a few hours!
I called Tricare this morning and it turns out that I was right!! YAY!! There was a difference in my name in the computers and it caused the claim to be viewed as a Point of Service instead of a referral.
That's my super great news for today. Tricare is going to pay, I just have to make sure things are filed under the correct name, or I'll have to go through the calling and getting it straightened out stuff, but even that's not such a big deal. One thing I did learn while on the phone with them is that the auth from Dr. H ha**** their system, and the gal I spoke with said it looked like it had been approved! YAY! Woo Hoo! I'm hoping to be speaking with Margie soon... (crossing fingers) It's hard to believe that this is really happening. I'll post as soon as I get "THAT" phone call... here's to waiting. Hope everyone has a great Monday.