Today was so much fun, I went to a Bob Ross painting class, you know the curly headed guy on tv that was always painting happy little trees? Well he is dead but his style of painting is taught by a lot of different people. You paint an oil painting in one day. This class today was from 9am till 4pm with about an hour off for lunch. Tough day but it was worth it , I now have a pretty painting of a bunch of azaleas in the woods and even if I did paint it I like it. Lol
On the way home I got a phone call from one of my brothers , my other brothers house burnt to the ground today. Don’t know what happened just that it burnt. I know that is sad because I have had a house burn before , in fact I had two houses burn in my life time. Not fun.
They do have insurance but that doesn’t help a lot right now , it is knowing that everything you had is gone. Even down to your toothbrush. Weird feeling.
Does that mean you are too materialistic when you miss things that you had ? Who knows I guess so if it involves too much time and thinking about it.
Stopped at Lowes today on the way home. Oh man it was all I could do to keep from buying a bunch of flowers. They had petunias and pansys all colors they were so very pretty. I guess I could have bought some and put them in the green house but I have trays and trays of both of those flowers coming up and growing like crazy so don’t need to buy more right now. Lol but I still had to make myself walk away.
JANET: Hey how is Megan? Got your text and was wondering? Let me know ok?
Did your dad find how you were over 200.00 . tell him that you can make it balance easy enough .lol
Hope Mike wins his races. Those must be really competitive . I guess it is like anything else that if you find out all the details about most hobbies there are awards and ways of being classified as the best. The jackets sound neat.
My sister in
Plus they do win money too I think but have to wait till they send you a check in the mail.
Oh man I sure hope the different things that you have scheduled to have done will help with your pain. And I don’t see how it cant help some. With all the things you have wrong the pain is probably all running together. If you are having gall bladder pain it is awful and can even make your toenails hurt. I don’t know how you have stood it as long as you have, you must have some strong pain pills to be able to.
That is neat about the kids and their townhouse. Did you say they are buying it or renting it? You will have to make sure that you have a good comfortable bed in the second bedroom so when you go to stay all night with them. Lol
I surely do get a laugh out of your description of Stephs driving, but if she is that bad I think you must be crazy to ride with her. Send her to drivers ed at school.
What is she a senior this year? Anyway let someone else take all of that punishment. Lol
TRACI: yes I have heard about all the flooding there. It is awful. They are saying over around here that it is the worst that there has been in like 80 years.
Where is
I don’t know if they have ever closed 44 before have they? Really weird.
So when are you having your tummy tuck? I need to go back again to the surgeon here , he is the only one in and around here that takes medicare , and he already told me that I had enough overhang to have medicare pay for it. So I guess I need to bite the bullet and go get it done, Im just thinking that I have so much bending to do with summer coming on and planting flowers and weeding and such that I might ought to wait till fall of the year? Don’t know.
TAMMY: wow this flooding is really getting bad isnt it. And I guess when you live on big rivers like the
I guess all of us that weren’t affected by this flooding should be on our knees thanking God for his blessings that he gave us. And praying that he take care of all of those that it did affect.
Would love to see those pictures of Popular Bluff if you still have them.
Well im ready for bed been a long long day.
Happy EASTER sweet people and remember our savior and Lord today and what it means , which isnt eggs and bunnies and easter clothes and baskets but the real reason for EASTER, seems like all Christian holidays are being so commercialized anymore.
I guess that is the worlds way of being able to handle all of it. And when did EASTER become a time to give gifts like it has. Advertisements for that special easter gift????
What is that???

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Jan - I don't understand it either but will do what he says. Woke up to white covered things - I guess I did not realize that snow was forcasted. I over heard some old timers talking abou****ching out this spring as the flood of '93 will be nothing compared to what we can expect this spring... So everyone - stay safe! Got to get ready for church after I call my kids . Shannon
Happy Easter Jan and OH Peeps~
I hope and pray that all of you have a wonderful day and get to spend time with your loved ones today.....
Wow-yesterday is kind of a blurr-LOL...Busy, Busy, Busy! By the time I got done, I could barely walk-AND.....As MY luck would have it-I HAD to stop at Walmart for a couple of things. We got home at midnite-the kids fell asleep in the car......So-I got home and went to make the famous bunny cake, which takes 2 circle cake pans-and I had loaned them out and havent gotten them back-so I couldnt do the cake. That was a bummer! I got to bed at 2:30 am-and Mike rolled in at 3:30 from his race. He won 5 of his classes and gets the jacket and all of that. Woo hoo!!
Woke up this morning, literally could NOT move-I had to lift my legs like an inch at a time, take a break and try to loosen up. I was crying before I ever stood up! What is going on? I want to say its the weather changes, when that happens, it really feels like there is something on my insides that is just chewing away at me. Eating me alive-thats what it feels like! I asked for prayer-IF it doesnt feel better in the next 2 hrs-Im not going to dinner with the family-they will have to go without me. I cant even pretend today or smile. Usually, I can fool everyone BUT Mike-but not today!! I have also been experiencing these sharp pains, like I got hit by lightning or something-and this pain radiates from my lower spine-to my hips and shoots down my leg or legs. I cant walk when that happens-in fact, I almost fell to the ground at Walmart last night because when the pain shot down my legs-I lost the feeling in them like they were asleep-but I could feel the sharp shooting pain-thats new to me, before last week it had only happened a couple of times, now its every day or several times per day. I have decided that IF the nerve burning doesnt work, then I am going to have my major back surgery about 2 weeks before school starts. I can and will deal with everything else later. I am having the gb out, of course-but Im holding off on the female stuff and going straight for the back. At least if I do end up paralyzed, I wont have to feel it anymore-right? Im looking at it that way.
**Jan, My grandma took painting/art classes-I still have a lot of her originals-and some are water colors too. LOVE them!! I have always wanted to be talented like that-but it skipped me and went right to Stephanie-she is very talented and they are letting her start a college course beginning of school year in the fall for graphic arts. Her art work has been displayed within the school, the mall and several art museums...Im so proud of her! Oh-they DO NOT offer Drivers Ed here. Their is a place in Springfield-but am not going that far-or paying hundreds to have someone teach her-
I am so sorry to hear about your brothers house fire. Do they live around here-does he have children? Is there anything we can do for him or his family?
Megan is going to the dr monday. She says it does feel like a charlie horse, non stop-but its not warm to the touch and etc. I know the doc tomorrow will order a doppler of her calf/leg and then we will know if its a blood clot. She got mad at me yesterday because she knows they will admit her to the hospital IF its a blood clot-and she doesnt want to go, and I did. She is mad at me.
No-my pain pills are not good, nor are they strong, to be honest-they dont work anymore-at least thats how I feel. I havent been pain free in months. My ortho doc said that he had never had a pt with the pain tolerance Mike and I have.
The kids are renting the townhouse. Once Megan graduates from college-they will more than likely move again, to someplace where she can make decent money and all of that.
I agree about the commercializing Easter. Another ploy for the big stores to make more money from us. I like to keep it simple, we do the egg hunt and that, but I dont make it about how big your Easter Basket is or any of that. Never have. They may get say a kite or like Jon got a bat and ball set for his basket this year. Under $5 and he will have it all summer long-loves to play his sports.
**To everyone-I hope and pray that you all have a wonderful Easter today and as always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Make sure and Thank God today for all of your blessings. I do-and I thank him for all of you!! Love, Janet