Another beautiful day was Good Friday and it was good. I started my day by going for a walk first to get started. I walked one mile today going to try and get back up to my 3 miles a day or more so I can break this plauteau im on. I would like to lose about another 10 or 15 pounds , Joe says he doesn’t think I need to that im awfully boney already lol
And that if I went and got the tummy tuck that he is sure I would look ok to myself. And he may be right since what makes me think I need to lose more is my middle area.
I wear size 10s in everything now but can get an 8 on but because of the belly fat and skin I cant wear them. You talk about muffin top wow!!!
Man I don’t know what I ate but I have got so much gas that it isnt decent.
I have taken gas x over and over and it isnt helping. And I have a painting class tomorrow, I sure don’t want to cancel that but I don’t want to be having all of this in class. Oh my gosh. Anyone have any suggestions quick???
Maybe I will just take a stong laxative and be done with it. Would that work: lol
Sprayed weed killer on all the pathways today to try and get a leg up on them to start with this year. My roses are all leafed out , the garden phlox are coming up as are the coneflowers, black eyed susans and lots of lilies are coming up already too. I hope that we don’t have a late freeze like last year. The redbuds and dogwoods all have big buds on them as does the bridal wreath and lilacs. Seems a little early for some of this stuff but may be ok. Lets hope so.
I have 25 pots of Hostas to get into the ground as soon as I see the other Hostas that I have are coming up . Then I will plant these. They really are pretty and getting pretty big too.
Lets see what else did I do today? Just soaked up some of this sun I know . I am really enjoying working outside in this weather. Seems a little strange tho . I am out there all day long in the sun in a pair of jeans a sweatshirt and socks and tennis shoes. Not overly hot or anything. Two years ago I would have been sweating to death , in a pair of shorts and sleeveless t shirt and sandles. What a difference this surgery makes. I don’t know if I ever get too warm anymore. When I am sitting jus****ching tv. I am always covered up with an afgan and have the heating pan on too .lol No joke I freeze for sure when I sit still for any length of time.
That really is bad about your feet maybe you could go have a plastic surgeon put some fat back on the bottom of your feet. I know that was being silly and I don’t mean to make light of your problem but is really weird what sort of problems we get from losing weight isnt it?
Hope you have a great week end. And a wonderful Easter.
JANET: glad that you and Mike had a great dinner all to yourselves for your anniversary. Is good for couples to make that together time. Joe and I use to have date night , we haven’t done that in a long time. Hmmmmmmmm maybe something we need to bring back.
Is Megans new home close to where she will be going to school or close to her husbands work? How many bedrooms will she have?
Sounds like you found a lot of bargains at the Salvation Army, I don’t know why but I never can find anything cute , or anything that fits or whatever there. I have only been twice but don’t know. I have fair luck here in Forsyth at the
Sounds like you should have kept the car for your self and let her have the big gas hog, That way she might not go so much lol and if she has a wreck she will have more protection.
Yeah I know about the satellite . I have Hugehs.Net satellite . It cost me 500.00 to install and then 100 a month for the first year but now is 50 a month which is still way too high but I just couldn’t deal with dial up at all.
Alltel has a satellite card that you can plug into a usb port for 60 a month and don’t have to have a dish or anything , you use the satellite from Alltel. I have thought about it especially if I ever got a laptop I might. But since I have already invested in the satellite stuff from Hughes will stay with it for awhile.
Yeah sounds like you are a grandma , with leaving his special food dish and water bowl, even if he does have white fur instead of skin. Lol
You are so right when you said we all have so so so very much to be thankful for.
Amazing isnt it?
MARILYN B: so good to see you once again. how have you been doing? Looks like you are doing great in the losing weight department.
I hope I don’t bore people with all my talk about my flowers and gardens. They are getting so big that it is a big big part of my life .
Hope we will see you more often on here again. We miss all of our friends when they aren’t on in a long time.
Love and care for all
Hi Jan and OH Peeps~
Good Saturday to you all!! I hope you have a wonderful day. We are suppose to have decent weather today, but not so much tomorrow- which is nothing new-it usually rains on Easter here.
So I went to help my parents-ecspically since my ex in-laws are here-and the 4 of them together are dangerous-they are all best friends-and they wanted to go to dinner. Right at 10 pm when the office closes-we had 2 customers come in-and only one room-so had to turn one guy away. My ex FIL, Dave, a couple of his kids came by to say hi, so we had a hopping place last night-and it was still going strong at 11 pm when I finally got out there. Couldnt get the books to balance, was over by 200.00 and it wasnt something I did-so I gladly left that mess with my dad. Got home and boiled 3 dozen eggs to color with the kids tonite. We were going to have Easter dinner at my place, but with Dave and his kids, there would be over 30 people in here-and my nerves are shot, so we are doing it in the lounge and closing the office to customers/staff for 2 hrs tomorrow.
Mike left half hour ago for his big race in KC...If he does good there today, he will be WINNER in 4 classes-all 4 that he runs. A lot of his competition dropped this race-which you can drop 2 per season-Mike and Norman dropped the ones that were furthest away. They only have this race left. Next month are the awards ceremonies. When you win more than one class you get these really cool windbreaker type jackets-really jazzed up with cool designs and your name, the season and classes you won-I have stolen one from Mike (and it fits-YAY) and then told him I want the new one too!! LOL...Yah, right-that jacket gives the racers bragging rights.
Pain wise Im having a lot of issues. Every stinking time I think I cant hurt anymore than I do-I get proven wrong-and do you think that I quit thinking that way? NO!! I still find myself going, I cant believe I THOUGHT I was in pain before!! This stuff is for the birds, thats for sure!
Well, I am going to get off here and check some emails and maybe lay down for a bit before I have to get the boys up and run into town again to help my parents out for the day, so they can bum around with Dave and Jan. They offered to give me the day off, but thats not going to get that car paid off or get me ahead. LOL...Will I ever be ahead? Im hoping so-LOL...
**Jan, the townhouse they wanted was a 3 bdrm, but it had income guidelines and you had to stay within a certain amt-and they were too afraid they would go over (it was within 1,000.00) so, they chose a 2 bdrm that has no income guidelines, which Megan was glad-because she didnt like her front door in the middle of all of the townhouses-and 20 other people see your coming and goings-their 2 bdrm is an end unit and they have a little more yard than the others. They are within 3 miles of MSU, Aarons job and Bass Pro, where she has applied.
Yes, I have thought about giving that big old gmc to Steph to drive, but trust me-it doesnt matter what that kid drives-she makes me tense up so bad, that my back spasms for 2 days after I let her drive-remember, this is the same girl who mistakenly hit the gas instead of the brakes and ran over Mikes new riding mower he had less than a month and broke the deck off it, blew out a tire-shoved it through our chain link fencing and took out the dog cage, crate too. We have so many hills and turns here-that when she takes some of the hair pin turns, I find myself wondering if anyone has ever flipped on that corner, because she tries to take it without slowing down! When I scream because I am scared for my life, instead of braking evenly, she SLAMS on the brakes-lunging me onto the da****s really something to watch, and YES, the mental picture of these torture sessions makes me smile as well. You really have never been scared until you ride with my Stephanie. When she gets nervous-she drives over the yellow line-doesnt matter if we are in her car or the gmc. The boys dont even so much as whisper when she is driving (probably too busy praying back there). When they get out of the car-they drop to their knees and kiss the ground-both of them, makes me smile-makes the teen girl mad!
Well, I hope all of you have a wonderful Saturday and if Im not on tomorrow-a wonderful Easter and I hope you get to spend time with your loved ones. As always, your in my thoughts and prayers. Janet
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Hope everyone has a great EASTER! I wasn't able to meet up with Bobbi but did get to the GNC store after seeing my dr and got 2 weeks worth of protein drinks I can tolerate. Dr. Suttmoeller told me that the only way to stop losing weight is to get my protein in. I get fitted for braces Monday after work for the foot drop and finally found out why this is happening to me. By losing so much weight I do not have enough fat in between the bone and the nerves around the knee area which causes the foot drop. Also got an appointment with a surgeon to see about getting my hernias fixed and have the panni done at the same time. That all has to be done within a year of my surgery as I meet the income guidelines for so much to be wrote off.
You all have a great weekend, take care - Shannon
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!