Seminar with Doctor Hornbostel?
Hello all I will have my seminar with Doc. H in May and I was wondering if I needed to take anything with me for it. I know the general insurance stuff but is there anything else? What can I do to get a jump on the game? I will answer tomorrow, it is 12:45 and I have to get up way early, 4 am to be exact. Talk to you all later and Happy Spring and Good Friday.

Kerri, I was bound and determined to have surgery I wanted it speeded up too..I made sure my Cardio test were out of the way and sent to Dr H's office. Also, with psychiatrist. Cardio, I had to do stress test, and catheter to heart Scans. psychiatric I took a test, answered a bunch of questions..This is to see if you're mentally stable enough to go through with the surgery. Getting you tests in does speed up the process some and setting your first appt with Dr H. also helps. The sooner you get all this done the sooner your surgery date will come..I hope this has helped you...God Bless Craig Lee
Craig Lee Watts
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"
426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________
267lbs PRAISE GOD.....
If you are just going to the required informational seminar you don't need to take anything...if it is your actual appt with him in his office you would speed things up a lot if you have already seen an internal med doctor in the sedalia of his requirements...and get the psych eval out of the way. You MUST see an internal med in the sedalia area because he/she will be required to follow you throughout your stay at the hospital. It will do you no good to be cleared by a doc up in KC. Also...if you are borderline on your BMI...rolls of quarters in your pocket and a big meal with an XL drink can help "tip the scales" in your favor !!
Good luck to you. I had surgery with him 3/14 and am doing great!.........Nancy

Thank you so very much. Doyou know of any doctors in the sedellia area that I can see prior to the seminar? Great advice on the scales, will I be weighed at the seminar? I have no problem just wondering. Again thank you so very much and I will check the boards later this evening.
God Bless you and keep you,
There are several that are appropriate for what you need...the question is whether they are taking new patients. I recommend you call Margie and ask who she thinks would be the easiest to get in to see...usually Dr Ken Azan is the one they send people to...They do not weigh you at the is strictly for information so you can make an informed decision regarding the surgery. I don't know what kind of insurance you have. You may not be able to get all those things out of the way without paying for them if your insurance hasn't approved you yet. I wish you all the luck in the world. I am 10 days post op and have dropped 17 pounds and feel great!!! You will be there soon.