Jan C.
on 3/20/08 2:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Wasn’t Thursday a beautiful day , full of sunshine got up to 74 here in my little corner of the world.. We worked outside most of the day. I found out real quick that I am going to have to do something to get some strength built up , Im paying for sitting around all winter. Too many cold rainy days that couldn’t do anything.. So I started my walking again today. Went around the block 3 times this afternoon will get up in the morning and do it again. I have found that the best thing to do for fatigue is to exercise. I know that sounds silly to some but it works. Being tired is usually because we need to exercise ourselves more.

We got up a couple of arches today. I transferred 2 Carolina Jasmines to one of them. I hope they grow better there than they did where they were at.


I use the welded pig panels to make arches. The cheapest way and they are good and sturdy and don’t rust or fall apart. I have Joe to drive two t-post into the ground and then fold the panels over inside them to form an arch. Great for growing morning glory or any other vine on them. If you want to know what I am talking about go to a farm and feed store and ask them to see a hog panel they will show you one. They are cheap and make the best arches in the world.



I dug up weeds that are already starting to come up , mixed up a mixture of stuff to spray on my tulips to keep the deer and rabbits off of them. I hope im not to late about getting it on there. They have been nibbling them pretty good.

That stuff is suppose to be good , or at least I hope it it , I paid a lot of money for the stuff. They say it stinks to them. I couldn’t smell it but that is ok I guess if it just works.



TRUDY: well happy spring to you too. Spring did begin today didn’t it? I hope that you will be able to work in your flowers so much better this year. There is nothing like gardening in my opinion , for health, and calming of the spirit.


That is wonderful that you have been using the walker around the house. I hope it gets to be an everyday occurance with you soon. Keep up the good work and you will soon be at goal and will be hopefully doing so much better since you will be lighter.


What lake do you want to know about , there are so many of them that to say the lake is like saying the raindrop lol

Im sure there will be someone to be able to give you info or whatever lake you want.


Good to see you posting we have missed you.



TRACI: so how did the flooding go today, did the river go back down already . the day was so beautiful here that it really gives you the impression that all of that rain was just a dream until you go look at the lake at the bottom of the hill , it is just rolling.


Oh I sure hope that you don’t have to have more iron infusions but it is better than not getting enough iron. Will pray that things are ok.




BEV: lol loved the recipes. Some of them look like something I would like and hubby would too. Some things I make he tells me that he would just as soon I not fix that anymore lol

You are beginning to sound more like the Bev we know and love. I am praying that you are getting back to your old self , only littlier. Lol


Im with you on that wishing for warmer weather. I stay so cold all the time anymore that when it is sunny like today, I stayed right out in it all day. Even then I had on jeans and a sweatshirt and was just comfortable. Lol see what I mean about being cold?



TAMMY  V:  that sounds like Dr. H. , he is a really good guy isnt he?

I guess so not bad, that is a lot of weight that you have lost girl. Are you feeling better?

Are you able to walk better now?


Sorry about your car being broke. Seems everyone is having auto trouble.

Maybe we need to have a prayer meeting for the cars? And ask for healing of all of them .lol

I guess I should joke like that since I know and believe that God can do anything even heal a sick car.

I am so glad that you are going to the support meeting there tonight. Getting support is one of the best things you can do for yourself after surgery.

I think the people that go to support meetings have a better chance of maintaining their weight after they get it off than people who don’t.


I hope you like the other protein powder. I guess it is necessary to have a variety to some but for me im too much of a creature of habit ,

What ever it takes to get those shakes down daily anyway you can is what is important.



SHANNON : that really seems like an odd side effect of weight loss surgery. But you know how it is. Before we had surgery everytime you went to the doctor about a illness they told us it was because we were fat, now when you go about something they say it is because we had weight loss surgery.

Not trying to make light of your problem. It sounds really serious. Are you in a lot of pain?

I hope you and Bobbie have a good ole time tomorrow. Tell her we all said hi.



DEBBIE D: lol you are right that is a lot of laundry but you have all of those boys and those jeans make big laundry piles don’t they?

Hope you have a great Easter….

When you going to come to Springfield again and come to a support meeting with us? Would love to see you again.



BRENDA : well you almost slipped in by me without me seeing you . lol. I thought I had better checked the post for anyone new that had came on and there you were.

Loved your thinking about problems and reasoning.

I have often thought the same things. That maybe the problem that you are going thru isnt because you need to learn something but for someone else to see how you handled it .

Glad to see you on. Hope all is well with you tonight


Love all of you




Shannon C.
on 3/20/08 7:09 pm - Kirksville, MO
Jan - try sprinkling human hair clippings around your plants, just call your favorite hair stylist and have her save some for you.  It worked for me as the deer & rabbits were eating our plants down to nothing. As for my problem with the peroneal nerves - there is no fat pads protecting them now and that is what caused the problem.  I just have to keep my faith that it will not get worse and affect my ability to drive.  I am under strick orders not to cross my legs at the knees nor sleep on my side.  I never realized how many times I cross my legs and I keep waking up multiple times on my side.  Oh well... TammyV - Missed you at the support group meeting.  You should have called me and I could have picked you up.  Also we hope to advertise the meetings more and even combine the 2 support groups in one here in Kirksville. Good news about our hospital here in Kirksville - we have a new surgeon coming who will be doing lap bands.  Its so exciting and that will allow so many people in this area not to have to drive the 90 miles to Columbia for fills etc... Have a great day everyone = Shannon



on 3/20/08 10:52 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan and Hi OH Peeps~

TGIF.....Dont know WHY I am so excited about it being Friday-its not like the next couple of days will be relaxing for me, just because its the week-end...My ex-in laws are here from Minnesota. They got in Weds night and they wanted to stay here at my home (we are still very close), but explained to them that Thurs we would be gone all day and then Thurs night, my mom was watching ALL of my children, so that Mike and I could spend our anniversary alone, although it was a week-night. Mike has a big race in KC on Saturday, so he will be leaving the house at 4 am and I wont see him until Sunday morning-around 3 am. Anyway, we went to Applebees-I was going to cook for him, but Megan and I were running late coming home, so didnt have time. It was nice and relaxing. Just what the doctor ordered.

The boys and I went with Megan to Springfield. We went to my appt, we went and toured her new townhouse, filled out the paperwork and then put the money down on it-and then we went to Big K (LOVE that place-we dont have one here-just walmart) and then we went to the Salvation Army and DAV store. I found some amazing buys-and I bought ALL MY PANTS/JEANS in a size 14....YES A 14....Im so happy!!! I got 3 pair of pants and I was able to get Mike 2 pr of brand new dress pants-the ones that usually cost 40.00 brand new for 4 dollars each...AWESOME....I am praying that I get my back child support in 2 weeks-because I have given my livingroom set in the kids den to Megan and Aaron for their new place and I will need to replace it-LOL...I also want to get them a washer and dryer, or get a new set for us and give them ours-but we have to wait and see what happens. Would like to do something for them. I have had some different ideas-but I may just give her 200 a month for a year or something like that. Will see. The townhouse is so nice-they are on an end unit-and its got the upstairs and downstairs. They have 2 big pools and I kiddie pool, a huge playground and a ton of bbq pits and picnic tables. Jon didnt want to leave the playground. It had a rock wall he was infactuated with. He said the cutest/darnedest thing yesterday. When we were at the townhouse-he was asking WHY we had to give them money for her and Aaron to live there-and I said to him "Jon, nothing in life is free", to which he replied to me "Did you get that out of a fortune cookie?" WOW....5 yrs old!

Today I am kid free for a bit this morning, going to get this post done and get some chores done and then head to town to see my kids and ex in laws. I have to take Stephanie to the assessors office so she can get a tax exeption form for last year and then go get her tag for her car. For her birthday I made her go take her permit test and then my parents bought a new SUV (new to them, but used) and so I bought their car for Stephanie. Its a 96 or 97 Geo Prism. I am trading work for pmts on the car. The good thing is that I get to drive it as well until Ms. Stephanie has her actual drivers license and can drive by herself-which will be early July. I can put 20 in that car and go 2 weeks running back and forth, and in the Suburban, it would get me back and forth to town 1 and a half times-so I am saving a ton of gas money. By the time she is the sole driver, we will have gotten something else. We already found the car-and now its going to be a matter of getting some work done on it.

**Jan, the flooding here is horrid! Within a mile of my house they were doing water rescues-for Shoal Creek-it was 22 feet above flood level-and the bridge, campgrounds and several homes-were under water. I have never seen it this bad. We saw the bridge impassable one time-but never like this-all along Kodiak Rd-the water is still on the road in places. Its the wildest thing I have ever seen. Thank God we are on top of the hill. Our 2 ponds on the property are overfull-and we have several lakes in our yard and in the pasture as well.

We have SBC dial up out here. We have only found ONE company that offers satellite service out here-and its over 600 for the equiptment and then 100 a month just for the internet-so we are dealing with dial up. The phone co and one satellite company have both told us in the next couple of years they will be able to offer that to us-and they had both told us that 4 yrs ago when we moved out here-LOL....

My fur grandbaby is a boy, just a cpl of months old-and he is a white puff ball. He is adorable and his name is biskit. I dont know if she spells it that way-but when she gets another dog, we said she needs to name it gravy-LOL....anyway, he is a little sweety, and I leave his little food dish and water down, cause I know he will be back soon!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter, that you all have safe travels and gets to spend time with your loved ones-and remember the reason for the season. We all have so much to be thankful for-I know I do-even with everything we have going on-it all goes away when I look at my beautiful children and awesome husband-thats all I need to remind me of how lucky I truly am! Being this small-compared to where I came from, I am definitely thankful for that every single day! As always, your in my thoughts and prayers and take care. Janet

M B.
on 3/21/08 6:10 am - Warrensburg, MO

Jan - you are right the best cure for tiredness is to exercise.  All those endorphins give you more energy to burn! Glad you were able to get outside.  I know we will be hearing about your beautiful gardens blooming soon!

Weight at Consult - 247 / Goal weight - 145 
Current weight 158
BMI - 24
Height 5'8"
Anchor cut tummy tuck on 11/12/09

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