Wednesday started off cloudy and drizzly and looked like it was going to be a repeat of Tuesday. We wound up getting somewhere between 8 and 8.5 inches depending where you were. If anyone knows where Beaver Creek is that crosses highway 160 it is all underwater. Big mess.
After awhile when the sun came out it was really beautiful out, even tho it was a little chilly , I had to get out and go pull some weeds lol
Wow that felt good lol
I am so anxious to get to planting stuff. I know I cant yet but it is really tempting. Lol
Just to say I did it.
What is everyone fixing for dinner Easter Sunday? I guess ours will be Ham, baked sweet potatoes and Broc. I bought an easter cake for the kiddos but I am making me some fresh strawberries that will be placed on top of a sugar free slice of pound cake. And sugar free whip cream. No more than I can eat at one time it wouldn’t matter what it was really , it wouldn’t be that many calories. My total for today was 728 for the whole day and that was a lot more than I usually get in. By the time I get in 6 -16oz of water in a day and 3 protein shakes that is about all I can handle..
Oh I have been asked by a new person that will be at our meeting on Monday night if some people that use different protein drinks could bring her a sample of what they drink so she will have a choice to figure it all out. I have already mailed her some samples of the On vanilla protein powder , I have a vial of the stuff that Lana drinks that I will bring so a couple of you that are having trouble finding something can taste it too. Any other of you please bring a small sample or something if you would. I am going to get my sister that drinks Isopure to bring some of that too. If I was going to drink anything other than what I do that would be the one I would do I think. Anyway if some of you would it would be appreciated.
JULIA::!!!! How great to see you on the board again. I am so glad that you decided to stand up for yourself about your ex. No one should have to put up with that sort of stuff.
The rooster shots , they aren’t doing both knees at the same time? That is weird. My ortho doctor did mine both at the same time and it helped the first series of shots . So hope you get good results with them .
This guy in the medical field and the teacher are they they same man or two different men lol.
Glad to see that you have upgraded your taste in men. Always a good thing.
Sorry about your car but God will take care of it if you give him complete control . Will pray that He will show you how and what to do.
Was working too hard on your knees or what? It is such a shame of what we did to our bodies by getting fat wasn’t it? But all we can do now is to repair it all the best we can and go from there.
Sure hope you keep posting and the next time you see Gretta, tell her we would appreciate a picture or two…
TRACI: well it stopped raining here so guess you can put your water shoes and flippers away for now.
Did you get caught up on grandma , baby time yesterday?
VESTA: how did you all fair down there with all this rain. Anything flooded over there in West Plains? I saw where you had to cancel your meeting. That is too bad but understand that it was for the best with that sort of rain we had.
JANET: glad you will get your new modem for your computer. Maybe one day soon they will have some sort of broadband out your way. What is the phone service there? Is it Centrurytel? If so keep checking with them about their broadband.. Sometimes it is in the most unlikely places.
How is the flooding around you has it went down any yet? Hope it didn’t get too close to you.
Isnt it a shame that people have to put off taking care of themselves until Medicare kicks in. I know I did too. And I know that you have had too also.
Yeah sounds like your first grandbaby is a fur-baby. I bet it is cute tho. What is its name and is it a boy or girl?
Hey that hunter safety training course is pretty neat that you are taking. And is pretty neat that you want to go hunting. I don’t think I could sit still long enough to hunt lol
You should check into maybe having the gall bladder surgery and the hysterectomy both at the same time. I think they could maybe do them both thru the same holes if they are going to do them laparoscopic. Lol they really might be able to tho and then you would just have one surgery to have to get over. Might save a lot of down time.
The hysterectomy shouldn’t be any harder to get over than the gall bladder surgery tho.
There are a lot of new people on here that are needing angel that is for sure and answers to their questions too. Im glad you are back so you can help answer some of them for them.
Wow 157 pounds since June. That is absolutely wonderful girl. Keep up the good work and you will be miss teeny tiny soon. Wish you could come to the Meeting on Monday would love to see you.
Isnt it wonderful to be able to sit in the sand and then to be able to get back up? Lol that is the best part that we can get up and down.
Keep going you will have more and more wow moments.
BEVERLY B: That is wonderful about the not smoking. I knew you could do it, with the Lords help . That is the only way I got it done too.
Yeah the physical addiction goes away fairly soon but that mental addiction wants to hang on and on. That is when we just have to say phoo not going back to that stuff.
Will be glad when they will tell you when your surgery is. Good luck on the class
BEV: I am so very glad that you are starting to feel better. That is great. Just take your time and do tiny tiny bites of any and all new stuff. Make sure you chew and chew.
You are doing great on the weight loss. When have you ever lost that much weight in that amount of time before?
If you can get more protein in your muscles will heal themselves and feel better. When you don’t eat enough or get enough protein you will have a lower blood count and will have weak limbs.
Hey that crockpot salsa chicken sounds pretty good. I like cooking in the crock pot that way I can do it while outside doing something that I love to do too. Which you know means being outside lol
Will get this posted it is almost midnight and the moon is shining so pretty. Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful . I hope so.
Love all of you

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hey Shannon, I was zooming through the postings just checkin' in on everybody...and your post came up... girl... how in the world do they blame foot drop on WLS? Especially when you mention you already have issues with your back.... I had heard that after you loose weight, then the doc's blame everything on your WLS as a rule.... (Guess I'll find all this out for myself April 28th). One of my goals is to go to the dr. and what ever is wrong with me is not because I'm overweight. So.... All this to say, bless your heart dear... I have heard that time & PT is great at fixing the problem. So keep your chin up and your heart light- Others watch how we handle our problems and that is a great testament to our Lord. Sometimes I wonder when bad things happen to us, is the issue about us and our personal lives, or does someone else need to watch us go through the trial so they can be stronger by watching faith in action. As you know, some people will never believe by being told, they must see it to believe it. Either way it sure is hard on us at the time! ha My best wishes for a fast recovery are coming your way~ Brenda
Good Afternoon, Jan & MO Peeps! Wow, what a beautiful day it is in Kansas today! It's sunny and 69 degrees. We had a wonderful Bible Study this morning then we went out to lunch. I came home and opened up the windows and started doing laundry. I HATE laundry but it has to be done. I have around 10 loads. I know, I know, I should do a few loads a day, just can't bring myself to do that! Jan, thanks for posting that recipe on the board. I just crushed up the rf pecan sandies and placed them on the bottom...didn't add butter or bake it. Might try that the next time I make it. Julia, great to hear from you!! You need to post new pics, would love to see you! Glad to hear you've raised your standards! You DESERVE the BEST!! Well, guess I'd better scoot. Going to try and get some cleaning done tonight. That way won't have too much to do on Saturday besides cooking for Easter dinner. Just having the kids out along with my step daughter's boy friend. Should be a good day. Remember, HE is RISEN INDEED!! Love, Debbie D.