Jan C.
on 3/18/08 2:39 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I was asked to put this recipe on here today so here goes.

Easy Sugar Free Pie

Melt 6 tbls butter , smash up a package of Sugar free Pecan Sandies , mix this with the butter , saving back a small amount to put over the top of the pie…

Mix together and mash into a pie plate and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes.

Mix up 1 package of choc. S.f. pudding mix pour into baked pie shell

Mix up 1 pack of cheesecake s.f. pudding mix pour over the top of the choc.

Sprinkle left over cookie crumbs over the top of pudding and ref till ready to serve.

You can vary the puddings if you want to and can always crumbly pecans and put over the top of pudding too.

Well there it is. Simple but looks good and taste good too.


RAIN!!!!!  It started about 6 Monday afternoon and has rained off and on all Monday night, and all day Tuesday, don’t know when it will quit that is for sure.

But things are starting to flood really bad.   So far we have had 5.7 inches of rain since Monday evening. Just a good thing that we aren’t flat down here or we would be washed off the face of the earth.


Did some spring cleaning today since I couldn’t get outside. Took a lot of clothes out of my closet and the ones I haven’t worn for one reason or the other I put in a box to decide if I really want them or not. Lol It takes me awhile to decide if I want to get rid of something. I hang onto stuff a long time. Too long I guess. Most all of this was things that someone gave me since I have lost weight so rather than tell them no I wont wear that I take it and then I feel guilty if I want to get rid of it lol Don’t know what that says about me ?



TAMMY: thanks , Melissa text me the other day after I wrote that and told me what I wanted to know. But thanks anyway.

Did you all get this rain over your way?



TRACI: I would imagine that a flood and losing everything would be about like losing everything in a fire. Never have flooded but did have 2 house fires in my life and they are devastating. You lose so much .

Be sure and let me know what you think of  the peanut butter. It is a little high but for a treat now and then it is ok I think.




SHEILA: I just don’t know what to say or to tell anyone that doesn’t like their protein I just know you have to have it so you really need to find one that you can tolerate and go for it.  You don’t have to love it just do it.  Have you tried Isopure? Sugar , my sister , uses that one. They have lots of different flavors.

Sure hope you will be at the meeting , let me know if you are coming for sure and if you have tried Isopure or not and I will bring you one for you to taste. Ok?



JANET: yeah !!!!! there you are….wow thought you were lost in cyber space forever.

You know people really are disgusting anymore , stealing peoples identity that is just so evil. I hope you all are getting it all straightened out …


I know that it is hard to deal with someones impending death, especially if it is someone that you really love. And yes no matter how much you think you can deal with death by working in that area most of your life , it is different when it is someone you love.

Just know that we are all praying for Melissas Mom


How is your Dad this evening? I sure hope he will be ok , Will add him to my prayer list.


So good to hear that Steph , Darrell, and mr. Jon are all doing great. And good too about Megan and her husband buying the townhouse. That will really be great that you wont have to drive back after a meeting now. Wow. Sounds like your brood is beginning to learn the lessons of life.

I am so very glad that you finally got Medicare so you can get some of your problems fixed. Once you get some of that stuff fixed hopefully you will start feeling so much better.

Congratulations on the weight loss, I bet you are looking really really good by now.

Cant wait to see you on the 24th



TAMI: Yeah it turned out to be only one full day of misery with my stomach, sure was glad that it wasn’t more. I get so very weak so quickly it seems like , Do you?

Hope you have a nice trip with the family

Will see you after Easter.will you be back in time for the COF meeting? Hope so.



I am going to get this wrapped up here and go to bed, seems like I have a new wake up time about 4 am every morning im wide awake, so I need to go to bed a little earlier than usual lol.


Stay warm and dry





Julia D.
on 3/18/08 3:06 pm - Sedalia, MO
Hi All my family and friends. I have been lurking but decided I needed to say hello.  I am currently single, kicked the ex out when I found out he had been cheating for a long time. I am not working now, been having the "rooster shots" done on my knees.They seem to help so far. I have the left done and will start the right the end of April.  My family is doing well. My daughter is finishing up her divorce and has started dating a really nice guy she used to go to school with. Which makes the whole family happy especially her.  I on the other hand have started dating. I am dating a man in the medical field in Columbia, a teacher in the KC area and I have re-united with someone I had a crush on 37 years ago in High School!!!! He is in Springfield, Illinois. He will be here thursday and we are going out. I am so excited.!!!!I have lost about 120# total but have been that for a while. I hope with the nicer weather I will begin to do better.I am selfconcious of the loose skin but I get nothing but compliments from my family, friends and the guys I date. Jan and Deb. I have raised my standards drastically for the men in my life. So that is good.They have to be educated, have a good job, their own home and goals in life. Right now my car is broke down and it doesn't look good. I owe $2100 on it still and It needs $1000 or better in work on the motor. But I just give any and all my problems to the Lord and he takes care of them.People keep asking me if I am stressed and I tell them God will guide me and take care of me.So I let the stress go and do what I need . I hope to get pics up soon since my g-daughter has a digital camera.I see Gretta Lake occasaionally and she looks fabulous!!!!! I have to check to see when I see Dr. H. It has been a while and I am a year out the 4th of April. It doesn't seem possible. I would do everything over in a heartbeat. Complications and all. It has saved my life and I am so thankful and grateful.  I send my prayers to all and hugs to my "family on OH". love and miss you all Julia ps. I dance a lot, even at home on a daily basis. That was my first goal.
Traci K.
on 3/18/08 8:41 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Yes, I'm definitely ready to be done with all this rain.  I'm not a duck, so I've had quite enough thank you.  I've got my grandbaby here today, she hasn't been here since last week Monday - so I miss her!!!  Jan:  thanks for the recipe! Julia:  good for you girl!  I divorced my ex for the same reason.  I have a strict 'no-dating' policy I require of my spouse and when I found out my ex was cheating, I even gave him a second chance and stayed for a whole year after, until I found out it was still continuing.  So I tried to work it out even then and be forgiving.  But, enough is enough.  Anyway - I'll be praying your date goes well.  Have a great day everyone!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 3/18/08 10:46 pm - pomona, MO
Good morning Jan and board, quack quack, Traci I am tired of it too. Julia so glad to see you on here, I know you look great , you sound wonderful, am so glad you are happy, dont be a stranger on here we miss you...vesta


on 3/18/08 11:43 pm - Diamond, MO

Hi Jan-Hi OH Peeps~

It feels so good to say IM BAAACCCKKKK!!! I have missed you all so much. I thought a lot about you guys and prayed for you in my absence. Mike is going to pick the new modem up this Friday because the puter that Megan loaned me-well, they have so much on it-that it runs even slower than mine. What would take 1/2 hr, now takes more than an hour....LOL...So-since I dont have the patience for that, nor the time, he is going to get that to make MY life-and his (cuz he gets to listen to me complain!) better. Small price to pay for some peace and quiet, huh? Twenty bucks.

Mike left for work, called me 5 minutes later and told me that the shoal creek bridge was totally under water and not only the bridge- but the campgrounds and 2 houses were affected! They were doing water rescues this morning for those houses. He turned around and went down a road right before us-and it was flooded over too. We have never seen the flooding this bad. We have seen the bridge under water once-but you cant even see the bridge right now-and the whole campground is under water-right up to the undercliff restuarant. This is within a mile and a half from my house. ALL of the roads are covered, the ditches and both of our ponds are over full. Thank God Im on top of the hill-or Id be on a boat now, not in the house typing my post!!

Jan, thanks for the prayers for my dad. I know he is scared. He put off his health issues until his medicare became effective. I had to help him with his medicare and then I called MY doctor and made him an appt. He is forgetting so much and my mom and I both believe he has mini strokes, or whatever. He forgets everything anymore-and not just to pick up milk from the grocery store. Big stuff. Im praying that they can fix his health problems and praying for a favorable outcome!

Since Megan and Aaron arent having kids any time soon-they got a dog. He is a poodle/bichon mix-cute little white furball-roughly 4 months old-and guess who dog sits when they are both at work or school? Yep, that would be ME....I guess I should feel honored, because they treat this little guy like a real baby, LOL...He is SPOILED ROTTEN....but fun, all at the same time. The boys like him being over to play with.

My kids are on spring break this week. I havent seen Steph yet-LOL...She worked the whole weekend, and then went to her g-friends house Monday night. Maybe I will see her before Sunday when I get her at work.... No, I know I will because her grandparents are down from Minnesota right now-and they are pretty close to the girls still.

I have been training new people for the motel for my parents. I think the girl, Jennifer that I trained yesterday may actually work out!! WOO HOO....its been a rough couple of weeks there, with firings and things. Very active. Enough to make me want to pull every freaking hair off my head-LOL....

I am taking a hunters safety course next week, so I can go turkey hunting with Mike. I have been target practicing. Aaron, my SIL is taking the course with me-which I am thankful for-so IF I am the only female-I can sit by him and not feel inferior-LOL....Just kidding, Aaron-if your reading this-Love ya!! I call my gun Annie-for Annie Oakley. I am a dead on bulls eye first shot-but then when everyone is watching me, I get nervous- Mike says that it will only take ONE shot-so Im good to go-LOL...

I got a text from Mel that she will be home sometime tomorrow. Will be here for almost a week-havent seen her but a day home since she found out about her mom- (Home I mean-I went to West Plains for 3 days) which just happened to be the day of her aunts funeral. Its been so hectic-and then trying to get the adoption done on the kids-YIKES....I thought that we would be able to go to her moms before spring break was over with-but I only had ONE day-which is tomorrow-which also happens to be my anniversary!! I am going to Springfield early, and then Megan is dropping the boys off at my moms for me-and I am cooking for Mike-candle lit dinner. I am making Lobster for him. Wish me luck!!

Jan, my back-what can I say? I SHOULD just go for the surgery, but being that I need 2 smaller surgeries ASAP, I am having my gb out first-and then the D n C, and IF they need to-they will do a hysterectomy. I really dont want to do that one right now either. IF there is something bad in there tho-I am going to have it ASAP and not wait. I am hoping and praying that the nerve burning will be effective for a cpl of months tho so I dont have to go for the back surgery before this fall. Im not even thinking about the tummy tuck or anything cosmetic at the moment-I just want to FEEL healthy. Thats my number 1 priority right now. We go out walking through the woods as a family-and I am not the lagger behind everyone anymore-usually I am ahead of the pack-and I can walk uphill and not stop and feel like I am dying....things like that-I am really enjoying the things I do with the family that I couldnt or wouldnt have done when I was huge. Its been nice. I pay for it always, afterwards-but it feels good to have done it. In my 4 month absence-I have broken 2 more bones in my knees. I now have knobby knees-full of bones sticking out, but ortho doc says since we are having knees replaced, he will fix all that when he gets in there. So, my knees have been worse lately-but then I use them so much more than I ever did before-for walking AND prayer!!!

There are so many newbies on here-HELLO HELLO HELLO.....I hope to get time to get to know all of you. I keep everyone in prayer. I am wondering about Bev and Renee-both have my doc-Fearing-and wondering how you gals have done with testing and or surgery. PLEASE let me know. Miss you so much. Miss Lana, I miss you too-and Glenda. Cant wait to see my peeps. Love you guys. Better get this copy and pasted before I get kicked off. All my love and prayers-and good to be back. Love, Janet

on 3/19/08 2:01 am - pomona, MO
Janet good to see you on again..do you have family in west plains? that is where I live, or pomona which is 9 miles out..let me know next time you are here I would love to see you.. Tell Mel she is in our prayers also you are too, I know about the bad knees I had a piece of cartlidge taken out of mine about a mo ago...love ya....vesta


on 3/18/08 11:54 pm

good morning from Florida! I got a week long layoff from my job on thursday so the trip to Dr. Bakers office was not counted against me on my attendance and I was able to come all the way down to Pensecola to visit my BFF and family! we will be home sometime tomorrow night. for home.

although I am farther out than  6 months because of the drive and the weather I was scedualed for friday the 14th for my 6 months check-up here are my grand totals.... 440 startout at the first visit....287 on friday a loss of 157 since surgery my waist was 58in...now is 40 and my hips went from 70 to 57 all my labs are good and talk was started on tummy removal could be sometime in Nov.  when buy new clothes to wear I have been buying 3x shirts and the fit well....I have bought the 3x pants but not yet brave enough to try them....I did try a pair of 22 yesterday but still to small not WAY to small but small enough to be but in the drawer for another time. summer is comming...now looking for capris to wear to work. am heading off to shop as it is raining down here and there are some great sales on stuff to add to my smaller size wardrobe. as I have nothing to go down into. no 3xs or size 24 pants. my ex SIL who I saw in Alabama before arriving here cried as did my friend whom I am visiting! the support has been overwhelming and the kids sooo happy to see a new improved aunt nut! we have gone to the beach everyday but no sun to speak of to burn or tan us much to the kid's dismay!   it was soo exciting to be able to sit in the sand and watch the waves. I will miss it when I leave to come  back to good ole rainy MO! miss yall much and see ya soon! nutti





Beverly B.
on 3/19/08 1:15 am - Sedalia, MO
Hi all, Gee it is good to see all the old losers posting. lol...It is such an inspiration to us preops to see all the wonderfull progress you are making..Gives us hope.... Janet I thought about emailing you but everyone said you were without a computer so that wouldn't have done any good. I have all my testing done and it is a go for surgery but stupid me didn't quit smoking completely so I am scheduled for april 19 to go back so they can see that I have quit smoking. It has been 20 days.  Not even one puff.... I prayed and ask god to take the desire away for the cigarettes( and he did) , smoked one last one and gave my pack away. (couldn't stand to throw it in the trash, don't know why) but that was on Feb 29th and I have been smoke free since, praise the lord, it is liberating not to have to smoke. This is the first time in about 45 yrs that I haven't smoked...There have been a few times where I will reach for a cigarette but the moment is fleeting and then I think I don't smoke anymore, thank you lord...My brother quit smoking about 15 yrs ago and he told me every once in a while he will reach for his pocket like he is looking for a cigarette. Isn't that weird... I really debated with having the rny or the sleeve but Dr Suttemoeller told me that I wouldn't lose the weight I wanted to with the sleeve (but he said I could have my choice) so I decided since I only wanted to do this once that I wanted the rny. He also scheduled me with Dr De la torre. Dr Fearing would be a long wait since she does other surgeries than the rny and she was booked quit awhile in advance and since that is all Dr Dela torre does is the rny now that I could get in in May. So all I have left is the 5 hr class that they have and schedule surgery. I am terrified but know that it is necessary.  Craig so sorry for your loss. I have been praying for your family.. Melissa I have been praying for you also. It was so hard when I lost my mom, I know that you are going thru a really stressful time, there are no words that can comfort you so just know that we are all praying for you and your family. Well like I said before it is so good to see everyone posting, and I know I am guilty of not posting very often. Hope everyone has a good day today..God bless....



on 3/19/08 2:23 am - Wichita , KS
Good morning OH peeps!  Thanks Jan for the recipe I was wanting that!! Yesterday I think I have eaten more than I have since my surgery.  At least yesterday I was eating about 4 times that day and not just once like I have been so I know that's better for me.  I didn't pig out or anything like that it's just that I ate little amts. of things during the day which is what I'm supposed to do.  Since my surgery I haven't felt much like eating so I was doing good to get 1-2 meals in so I guess things are getting better?  Friday I get to go to the no restriction phase and I'm a little bit scared to try foods that have been off limits for the past several months.  I have found that if I eat too fast I get sick so it's a challenge to me to slow down and take my time eating I am constantly having to remind myself of that.   I am 2 months out and have lost 63lbs!!!! It seems like I am starting to slow down on the weight loss I think it's time that I start exercising cause I still have a long ways to go to get to my goal weight.  My legs and arms have been so weak and I also have a low blood levels so that doesn't help, but I know it's time to start exercising now that I'm feeling better.  I am supposed to start back a****er aerobics Monday and even though I don't want to get up that early to go (starts at 8:30am) I will have to make myself cause I really need this. Yesterday I got a lot of good recipes off the internet for low-carb and low or no sugar.  I will share them with you all if your interested?  One of which is called "Crockpot Salsa Chicken" I'm going to try that this weekend.  I also got a good recipe for a cake called "Orange Pineapple Cake" sounds good and low in sugar. Last weekend I got into my closet and found numerous clothing that still had tags on them of things that I couldn't wear when I got them but kept them anyway, well it was like Christmas finding all those and trying them on and seeing that they now fit I was so excited!   Sunday I went to my uncle's wake and saw my dad for the first time since my surgery and he was amazed at how good I looked and how much weight I had lost so was my other family members there that hadn't seen me in a while.  They were all teasing me about how I will have all these men running after me now...ha, ha, ha..... Well, it's sad that it's supposed to rain and be cold on Easter I hate that!!!  It seems like the past several Easters it's been cold.  We are having a dinner at my niece's house this will be interesting because it's our first family function since my surgery and I will be bringing things that I can eat but I'm not telling them that its made differently or they won't eat it!  What they don't know won't hurt them right? Well, I hope you all have a wonderful day....  Bev~

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