Jan C.
on 3/17/08 2:00 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

This sure has been an awful day for me lol. Everything excep****er that I have put into my mouth has made me dump. Don’t know what is going on with that. I have been able to keep down 2 protein shakes and lots of water so I will be ok but don’t know why im doing this today. I don’t really feel sick , so I guess my tummy is just rebelling.


I went outside and tried to do a little work in the green house but kept having to run into the house to use the bathroom lol Finally just gave up.


So didn’t do a lot today. Did go meet Sugar over on 65, she and Rick were going to Sardis Miss to crappie fish this week and I wanted her to bring me the clothes that I had bought the day she and I went shopping. I still really like them, tried them on for Joe and he did too.


Finally got all the week end clothes washed , dried and put away. That is one of the worse things about going away on a trip , putting everything back up. I wish I had a good place to store stuff in the house and I would keep all the personal stuff packed in a suitcase, you know like cosmetics, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc etc. But my suitcases have to be stored out side in the shed and it gets so hot out there in summer that they would be ruined . lol

I would hate to try to use them after awhile.



TRACI: oh wow hopefully you can use what you have to keep warm and not have to worry about replacing the furnace right now.

Yeah seems like no one really notices how clean your house is but if it is dirty they all notice don’t they?

I only entertain in the evening, can pull all the blinds and light candles all over the place and no one can see the dust then lol  and they think it really looks lovely and romantic.

Yes the peanut butter is worth the trip most defiantly. It is carried in Mo. By all the Dillon grocery stores looks like. I will go on the 24th when we have our next support meeting and buy some. I know the white choc is great and so is the cinnamon and raisin too. They also have a dark choc mixed one too.



SUSAN T: Uhoh wedding cake? That stuff is pure sugar most of the time. Sorry it had to make you sick tho. I know how that feels  after today, that isnt fun.

Hope you get your internet back soon too . Do you think you are home for awhile now or will you go back out on the road with Rory again?



LANA:sure hope you like the flavored peanut butter too. Let me know what you think.

I was thinking that it would make some awesome protein balls. What do you think?

Cant wait to see you at the meeting next Monday.



KERRI: WOW !! I live 3 hours south of you and my tulips and lilacs aren’t blooming yet..that is amazing. My forsyth and daffodils are in bloom and the hyacinths have buds on them but no flowers yet. .

You are going to be busy next week end aren’t you , with twins that will be 7 oh boy. But loads of fun, enjoy every minute of it, the time will fly by you and all of a sudden they will be celebrating their 21st birthday.



Well it has rained some here tonight but not a lot yet. Sometimes where we live seems to have a bubble around it there will be all sorts of weather all around us and we wont get any of it.


Well going to close and get this on the board in a little while so I can go to bed. I am really tired tonight.


Love you all and GOD BLESS   



Tammy H.
on 3/17/08 3:29 pm - Holcomb, MO
Jan...Stoped by to scan thru the posts real quick and seen you had asked about Mel....I got a text from her a few days ago about the ruling but I didn't think and deleted it..Can't remember what it said word for word but it didn't go exactly like they wanted it to go..I will drop her line and tell her to take time and get on and post about it.... If all goes well Janet will be back to posting real soon...she got a puter to use for now and is working on the internet...Soon as they get it thru to her out there she will probably be on to post..... A BIG howdy to all the newbies, lost oldies and the rest of the gang....Hope all is going well for everyone...Stay safe in the weather coming thru!!!  Hope you all have a great Tuesday... God Bless each of you... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 3/17/08 8:11 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone! It's raining again this morning.  Pouring actually.  We have flood watches/warnings for my county.  Thankfully I don't live where it would really flood, but I feel for those who do.  I lost everything in a flood in '81/82 in Times Beach.  Ever since then, I live on high ground.  Today will be busy working.  The house is clean!  YAY!  LOL  Jan:  when you have folks over, the furniture is dusty and the guests notice, just tell them to sign their name in it.    Well, regardless of how clean the house still looked after they left, it will definitely cleaner than it was before, so not a wasted effort.  It didn't take much to get it back in order again.  At least my spring cleaning is DONE!  I will be making a trip to Rolla for that peanut butter.  I imagine it would be worth the trip.  Oooooo, I got some liquid protein samples via UPS yesterday for my support group members!!!  And our OH magazines arrived too!!  So make sure you come to our April meeting so you can parttake of the samples and get a free OH magazine!!  Well, need to run.  Have a great day everyone. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Sheila H.
on 3/17/08 9:32 pm - Marshfield, MO

good morning Jan and OH peeps we have easter lilies around here blooming but thats all ive seen. its raing cats and dogs here elec keeps going off  so im not staying on long.. Traci how do u manage to get free samples i have tried and tried cos im tired of buying a big container and then pukin it up so wanted samples. hope every 1 has a GREAT easter and god bless love and hugs


Traci K.
on 3/18/08 12:11 am - Sullivan, MO
Certified OH Support Group leaders have the opportunity to get samples from a few different companies for their support group members.  It's a perk of being an OH leader. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 3/17/08 11:10 pm - Diamond, MO

Dear Jan and OH Peeps~

I know, Ive been MIA for 4 months now? Forgive me, we have had one issue after another come up, and its been hectic here.

Most recently, Mike (hubby) had his identity stolen. We found this out due to whomever stole it, they had our phone and internet shut off and they used Mikes checking acct to pay or purchase items. They did everything on line and since we havent had a puter at home-we are assuming that they got our info from where our computer was to be fixed AND/OR at Mikes job where he has access to do bill pay and etc. What a freaking mess!! They now have his checking acct frozen.

We are also dealing with my other moms terminal cancer. It tends to wear you down emotionally, let me tell you. When your not there, your constantly worried and when you are there, you want to soak up every second with her, and keep it locked into your memories. You want to hold her and get as much hugs and love as you can. This is all so overwhelming. No matter how long I worked at the Cancer Institute, when its your personal loved one-it sure affects you much differently.

This isnt going to be very long. LOL....I just wanted to pop in and say hi. As soon as we got our puter home and hooked up-the modem went out. Megan lent us her desk top and we are going to buy a new one with that extra income tax check when we get it. My email addy has been reinstated-that only took 2 days and 4 hours on the phone. I will give you a quick update and off I go to run errands and train some new employees for my parents today. Megan and Aaron have put money down on a town house in Springfield. They move mid May. Very nice place. 2 pools and its spacious. I will miss them, but now Jon and I will be able to come to the meetings, spend the nite and she can watch him while I go to the meeting.....YAY... Stephanie is doing fantastic. She got her permit FINALLY. She turned 17 the end of Jan and she is enrolled in a college graphic arts class for the next semester next year. Im so glad and proud of her. She is doing great. Darrel turns 14 in 2 weeks. He is also doing well. Still hasnt seen his biological mom since weekend before Mothers day and now he just refers to her as Angie-not mom. He made A honor roll again is doing fantastic. Hasnt been in trouble except for a few little teen age things. Mr. Jon-he turned 5 the end of Jan as well, and he is doing good. He is sick right now, but am hoping and praying its just a cold and he gets over it without any doctors.

I got my medicare. I bought a rx plan in addition. I am going to a pain management doc April 1 in KC and then on the 15th, having the nerves burned in my back. I also need my gb out and a d & c. Im falling apart. LOL....But, for the good news, and a MAJOR goal for me- I HIT ONELANDER on Feb 18th. Im now down to 193 and holding for now. I can get into a cpl 14s, but mostly still in 16s. I can wear Mikes size 34s jeans!! There is only 20 lbs between Mike and I...YAY FOR ME!!

Im going to do my best to get there for the meeting. My ex in laws will be here Thurs and are staying until the following Weds-so will see what happens.

HI* everyone!! Have missed you all. It may take me awhile to get caught up-but I will do my best to pop in say hi. I have missed u all so so much. Have thought of you all very often! Please send me an email-I dont have the addresses saved anymore. its the [email protected] Love and prayers to all. Janet

Tamara B.
on 3/18/08 3:54 am - southwest, MO
Jan, I sure hope things start staying down for you soon! I only had ONE day like that but it was enough. I'm miserable with a darn headcold now though. The whole family has had stuff for 3 weeks now on and off. We plan to travel north for Easter so I hope as the week progresses, the illness moves on. I just posted about the next 2 ANGELS support group mtgs, so pass the word! : ) Feel better and since I won't be back on before Easter, have a GREAT Easter EVERYONE!!!!!! Try some new recipes for WLS freindly foods and share them with us!!!!
openRNY 4/04
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