Ugh - I am so sick. I have never felt so bad in my entire life. Ok, that might be an exaggeration, but it is close. I started getting a cold/cough last weekend. I saw my primary doc on Friday and got some antibioics even though I was feeling better. Well sometime this Friday night my ear drum busted. I woke up Saturday morning at 4:00 a.m. in so much pain. My right ear drum busted when I was in high school this time it is my left ear. I went to the Urgent Care because of the pain. I begged the doc for a shot for the pain and after bawling for 5 minutes he gave me one. I talked to my primary doc again this morning and he called me in a different antibiotic, but I haven't had the energy to go get it yet. I'm thinking of calling my friend to see if she'll go get it for me and bring it to me. I know it is a big fave, but I feel so bad! I guess my question is - after the surgery - how effective are antibiotics??? I would hope my primary would know whether or not they would be effective or not since he knows I had the surgery, but I know not primary docs are not always the expert on the surgery. Any information anyone can give me would be wonderful. Thanks Renee