Need some help here please.
I need help finding citracal chewy bites calicum. Does anyone know where I can get them? I was ordering them from but they are no longer selling them. I have search everywhere I could think of and cant find them.
If you know where I can get them I would appreciate the help. Thanks
Kathleen G.
the company said they have quit making them no other reason that i can find out.
Lana said there was some for sale on EBay for something like 80 dollars a box lol
So sad maybe we all ought to write them and tell them about we weight loss patients need them..Jan
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but they are no longer being made. I talked to the manufacturer and they sold the Citracal line to Bayer and I called Bayer and they said they chose not to buy the Chews product but the original manufacturer cannot make them because they sold the name. They are selling for $25 or more a box on eBay. But there will be no more. I am now using up my last ones, one a day instead of two and also taking the Citracal petites. They are easier to swallow. During the day I can take the huge horse pill ones but if I take them and lay down they hurt my pouch. Just be sure you take Calcium Citrate - I thought I'd found a replacement and found it was Calcium Chloride. I don't have to do chewable vitamins, have no trouble swallowing, but if you have to chew I don't know what to tell you.
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but they are no longer being made. I talked to the manufacturer and they sold the Citracal line to Bayer and I called Bayer and they said they chose not to buy the Chews product but the original manufacturer cannot make them because they sold the name. They are selling for $25 or more a box on eBay. But there will be no more. I am now using up my last ones, one a day instead of two and also taking the Citracal petites. They are easier to swallow. During the day I can take the huge horse pill ones but if I take them and lay down they hurt my pouch. Just be sure you take Calcium Citrate - I thought I'd found a replacement and found it was Calcium Chloride. I don't have to do chewable vitamins, have no trouble swallowing, but if you have to chew I don't know what to tell you.
You might try Vitalady she may have some idea if not a product that will sub for what your looking for, I don't have a problem with big pills so I can't help you other then her she is great and can help you with your lab results also if you need something she will know. She is here at OH just look her up. I hope this helps and good luck.
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