It was really nice today , Sunny and warm I got out and worked most of the day in the yard. Cleaning up flower beds , cutting back flower stalks and hauling them to the burn pile. I leave most all of my flowers stalks up on them for the birds to eat the seeds that are left there for them. Also make for a pretty interesting sight if and when it snows.
Now they are calling for snow Tonight and tomorrow down in North Arkansas along the border where we live in
Well I have to go to town today to pick up some things and get new tires on the truck so will pick up some other things that we would need in case.
I got my renewal form in the mail today for my nursing lic. They have come down on the price of them . Down to 36.00 for 2 years that isnt bad at all.
I also got my new Nursing drug handbook today, now that wasn’t cheap but I figured that if I am going to go back to nursing even part time that I need a book with the new drugs in it. Mine is old and doesn’t cover most of the new drugs.
Joe finally got our grand-son-inlaws car running today after him running into deep water, Joe had to change all the oil out , drained out all the other fluids, and then had to put new spark plugs in and dry out the wells for the spark plugs. Joe said he guessed he could have let him do all of it but he doesn’t know how and Joe did so ----
They will be moving into their own place the first of April, I am going to miss them badly expecially the babies but hopefully they will come and see us often.
They aren’t moving that far away just the other side of Forsyth , at Bull Creek, they have built these large pretty apartments there up on top of the big hill across from the store there , if any of you are aware of the place. It is on highway F. They will be the very first tenants that the complex will have.
Please everyone remember all the prayers we need to send up for Melissas family , also Friday morning Bobby Jo will be having gall bladder surgery . So please pray for that also.
Do we have any other surgeries this month that anyone is aware of?
TRACI: well you all really did get snow huh? Did any of it melt yet?
How were those cookies that you all made ? That is one thing that is so hard to do for me is to smell fresh baked cookies and not want to eat some of them.
Oh yeah I love your new picture, You really look different you know it?
Younger for sure.
DEBBIE: I will have to agree about the pictures of the babies , aren’t they just too cute for words?
Nothing can compare to pictures of babies and puppies lol
You look really good in your picture too you know…we have come a long way baby---as they say.
Hey when you come to Branson if you get any free time at all let me know and I will meet you somewhere there and we can talk for awhile anyway ok? Where will you be staying? Well lets hope that it will be nice that week end after all it is in April anyway.
I guess I will have to make an appointment to have either these lined or new ones made..
Hope all of you are doing what ever makes you happy

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Hi, Jan and Missouri Peeps! What a beautiful day it is in Kansas. It's cold but the sun is shining! We had our first lesson in Beth Moore's Bible Study on the book of Daniel this morning. I'm really looking forward to study the bible. We haven't had a ladies bible study in almost a year and I have really missed it. Beth Moore is one of my favorite teachers and I always learn so much. I will be praying for Mel and her family. We lost David's Mom about 3 years ago to cancer. It was a horrible time and she was only 67 years old. You just never know how much time you have on this old earth. Jan, I know the registeration for the conference opens at Noon on Friday April 18th. However, the conference doesn't actually start until 7:00 that evening. I will let you know when we will be arriving. I'm hoping we get there between noon and one. That way we can get settled into our hotel and have plenty of time to visit and relax. Maybe you could meet us sometime aroun 3 or so? I know you would really enjoy all the ladies from our church. There are 10 of us going (that includes my mother in law who lives in Stockton). I guess I am the offical group leader since I'm the one *****gistered us. Not sure exactly what duties that title holds...will have to ask! Hope everyone has a great day. I guess it's suppose to be a lot colder tomorrow. I'm with all of you, Please, please, Spring get here soon! Love ya all, Debbie D.