scope sites
not sure Brenda if they do or not, i did but the thing you have to remember is that your tummy starts shrinking right away , anyway i guess that is something that you need to put on your list of things to ask Dr. H when you see him. Just a thought, if you have lots of questions for him write them all down as he is always in a hurry . He will answer all of your questions for sure.
I have a hernia around my ambulicus and I hope the dr. will fix that while he's in there..but I'm not sure. I won't see him again unitl April 2nd for my pre surgery stomach scope. I emailed his nurse Margie and asked her, I hope she gives me an answer soon. I sooo appreciate the people who put pictures on their sites to prepare me for whats ahead! Knowledge is power- but it can also sure raise a lot of questions!