Might as well jump. Right?

on 3/5/08 6:17 am

Hi, everyone.  I am Linda and a lifetime resident of the greater St. Louis area.

I have been poking around the site (biiiig site, this) and reading some.  There are so many forums, I wasn't sure where to start particpating (and frankly, I probably won't have time to follow and participate on more than one or two) so I picked the Missouri forum. I have been flirting with the idea of WLS for a long time, years in fact.  Sometimes I want to kick myself for not having done it 5 years ago.  Most of the time I think it's right for me not to do it until I'm sure.   Well, that time is coming closer and closer.  As my weight-related medical conditions become more obvious and serious, as my continued attempts to lose it non-surgically continue to fail, I come closer to the decision. Signing up here is part of that.  Scheduling an orientation meeting with Dr. Eagon at BJC is another part (April 15th is that day). I have tons of questions and wanted to find a place to ask them amongst others who have 'been there, done that' and I'm hoping this forum is the right place??  Would you kind people answer my questions and share your experiences? As a bit of a bio... I'm 43 years old.  I am married to a wonderful man and we have 5 daughters (oldest is 24, youngest is 3 - I know, I know).  I work full time and travel for my job (and those airplane seats - oy!)  I'm currently at my all time high in weight (yah! go me!) of 273 on my 5' 6" frame. So, there you have it.  Hmmm...

on 3/5/08 7:44 am - pomona, MO
Welcome Linda, you can get alot of help on here, just ask questions we will be glad to help if we can so just jump right in....vesta


Jan C.
on 3/5/08 8:55 am - Cedar Creek, MO
Linda so happy to have you come in out of Lurkdom and come into the light. This is a great site and we old timers will try our best to answer all your questions. and if we cant we will try to find the answer some where. You are still young so that when you get the weight off you will have so much more to enjoy out there.   Welcome once again. Happy to have you onboard. 



on 3/5/08 9:00 am - Ozark, MO
Hi Linda, Welcome to the site. We have a lot of smart people on here and someone will have the answer for you. The people on here are truly great and caring people. Ya done good picking the Missouri forum.Glad to have you. Connie 
on 3/5/08 12:05 pm

Thanks for the welcome and since you called me 'young' I shall never leave this place.  I shall stay and do your bidding just as long as you continue to stroke my ego that way.  hahaha

I have an appointment to see Dr. Eagon in April.

My mind is leaning toward lapband.  I've done online reasearch and talked to a few people who have had procedures (both RNY and band) and I just am "feeling" the band as the right one for me.  But I guess I'll listen when I go to the orientation and see if that changes. I have many concerns that tend toward the emotional side.  Will my husband still find me sexy?  (I know, that seems so backwards, but he's attracted to curvy women more so than thin ones.)  Will I suddenly be the focus of male attention?  Will I fail?  Will I succeed?  Will I recognize myself?  Will I feel deprived of my favorite foods and angry over that?  Will it be the hardest thing I've ever done?  Will I regret it? I know no one can answer those questions for ME but I'd love to hear if you faced the same thoughts and doubts and concerns and how it all worked out for you.

Britt W.
on 3/5/08 8:18 pm - Republic, MO
Linda, hope you get all the sipport here you need.  the missouri board is a great board.  i see that we have to same surgeon.  dr. eagon is very knowledgeable but lacks in the bedside mannors.haha  he knows his stuff that is for sure.  i had my surgery a year ago the 15th of this month and like you wish i had done it sooner.  you will find that donna which is eagons nurse is very nice.  it might take a while to get back to you but she is nice.  i hope everything goes well with you visit.  do they still make you go through the weight managment clinic?  good luck to you. britt
Brenda Nutt
on 3/6/08 12:59 pm - Harrison, AR
Britt, I have two doll houses!  Brenda
on 3/6/08 1:58 am
I haven't even met Dr. Eagon yet - just registered for his orientation.  It's all very early in my process.  I don't even know which surgery would be 'right' but I seem to lean toward lapband for a few reasons. How did you guys make your decision?  What were the critical factors that led you in a certain direction? 
Jan C.
on 3/6/08 12:56 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Linda the factors for me having RNY was that i didnt want to have to keep going back and forth to the doctor to have the lap band adjusted. and i wanted the weight off fast. not to say you dont lose weight with the lap band you do but it is slower and it is too easy to cheat. I am a food addict and i know me well enough to know that if there was a way to cheat i would cheat. But that is just me maybe you are in better control of your eating than i was.  those were some of my reasons , will probably think of something else later on i should have told you but that is what i can think of now.  Each person has to decide what they think is best for them and only them....



Brenda Nutt
on 3/6/08 12:52 pm - Harrison, AR

Hi Linda, Brenda here, I'm a newbie too.  I have been working on the process of WLS for almost two years, but once I got my file going, it seemed to move relatively fast.  My surgery is April 28th and like you I have many questions.  It will be nice to journey together!  Once you have your met and greet with the dr. and decide that you like each others looks and manners, the process moves along fairly fast if you have done your paperwork .  You will get your paper work to complete at the seminar usually.

Congratts on posting to the forum!  We take from the fourm exactly what we put into it.

Glad to met you, Brenda

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