Meeting w/dietician & physiologist today

on 3/5/08 12:38 am - Grain Valley, MO
I'm a patient of Dr. Price at St. Luke's.  Today is my first meeting after my initial meeting with Thelma and Tricia.  My scale didn't look too promising for a weight loss.  I'm hoping I've lost at least a couple pounds.  I need to buckle down and really stick withy high protein and low carb.  Due to knee surgery, I've not been able to do much exercise.  My Y membership has been on hold but I'm going back this week. After those appointments, I see a pulmonologist about my sleep test.  I'm assuming there is a problem or they wouldn't have me coming in.  It's a $40 co-pay so I won't be very happy if I go in and he tells me I don't have sleep apnea not that I want to have, but I would like answers to my sleep problems. I have 2 more months of diet and exercise and was hoping to lose 10% of my weight. Jo
on 3/5/08 1:47 am - MO
When I went in to the pulmonologist,  I was told that I do not have sleep apnea. You might want to be prepared to be told that nothing is wrong. I did have to have additional testing done for my asthma, just because I have never had it done before. The Dr. also told me that I do stop breathing a little more than normal when I am on my side (which is not normal) so I then had to have x-rays done to see if my diaphram was paralyized on one side. Those tests all came back normal too! She told me that I was just different! I was happy to hear that I did not have sleep apnea though! I sure did not want to start wearing a c-pap!

Cassie L.

on 3/5/08 11:45 pm - Grain Valley, MO

The physiologist understood my not doing exercise due to my knee pain, but going forward I'm to do something every day.    She said the main thing is to get my heart rate up.  She also encouraged me to do water exercises.




Did't lose a single pound but no gains so I guess that's good.  I was sure the dietician would have something to say about no weight loss but she understood why due to my knee.  I took a lot of Maalox the last few days until I got more Nexium and that could have caused some water retention.




The dietician has a fake meal laid out to demonstrate what I will be eating after surgery.  It's amazing the small quantities. 




Then it was over to the pulmonologist.  I left there feeling pretty down about myself and still feel that way today.  Why did I let myself get to this point that I'm so overweight it is affecting so many aspects of my life.  My sleep study showed I stop breathing five times an hour sleeping on my side and 26 times an hour on my back.  I just don't sleep on my back so that's good.  They got the reading by asking me to sleep on my back during the test. 




For now she prescribed Ambien.  I go back in a month for various tests and she will also attempt to find the reason for my cough.  I've given up on the allergist.  A month before surgery, she will fit me with a spcialized CPAP mask.  I will use it for a month and during surgery.  Since I will be on my back for the surgery, the mask is needed to avoid complications during surgery.   Jo



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