First off let me say Happy Birthday to Colette Swan and to Tara Wheeler. Their birthday is Wednesday the 5th. So everyone hope you all wish them Happy Birthday.
Well don’t know where the snow is that we were forcasted. They said 7 to 12 inches. Nary a drop Tuesday morning. Well cant say that there has been snow flurries off and on. But so scant amount it really doesn’t count since it doesn’t seem to be collecting.
Doesn’t bother me but wi**** would either do it or not one or the other. ,
Joe has to go into town this morning to get some more propane for the green house.
Man it sure seems to go thru it fast. Well I guess when you consider that we are keeping it about 75 in there and it is a green house. .
I thought it might be cheaper than heating it with electric. But I don’t know if it is or not..
We decided to wait until Wednesday morning , this morning to go get more propane and I can go to the groc store too. Tues morning I awoke with pain in my gums, yes my gums. I don’t know what it is but I am unable to even wear my dentures. Gross I know but it is true. I have worn them since (not the same pair) I was 22. and I have never had pain like this in my gums not even right after I had to have them pulled and they put my teeth in.
I have tried everything today, ambusol , all it does is numb my tongue. Finally out of desperation used some afrin for my sinuses and it is really helping my gums , now tell me im not weird lol . Anyway if it isnt gone tomorrow , the pain that is , I will be going to a doctor, dentist or someone.
TRACI: well did you all get any of the snow? I was sort of disappointed that we didn’t get a drop of it. Hope you got your organizing done. You can come and organize me if you want. Lol
LANA: well I hope finally they are going to be getting you some help in there. Did you enjoy your half day off?
Are you worried about your grandson playing football? That can be sort of rough, I know.
Sounds like you have a cat that has found himself a home even if he does share himself with others in the neighbor hood. Lol He knoes an easy mark when he sees one doesn’t he?
Im so sorry that your wrist are hurting you now. Hope the new meds will agree with you .
Yes I planted two more kinds of tomato seeds today. One a yellow sweet cherry tomatoes and the other is a big red one cant remember the name of them right now.
Did you get good results off of the tomatoe plants I gave you last year? Don’t remember if you ever said or not. I wound up with 4 plants and two of them produced like crazy but the other two didn’t do much.
BEV: there you are….we miss you when you are gone. . It is ok to come on here and complain it is a safe place to be really it is.
Newbies need to know your story too , not just all of the great ones but yours is important.
When I had my surgery it was text book and everything went really great but my sister had her surgery and she almost died. Was so sick for about 2 months but she finally got things straight and she is doing wonderfully now. She had buyers remorse for about 5 months but now she says she is glad that she did it.
When you are able to get in all of your water and all of your supplements and protein you will start feeling so much better. I know it is hard to think about getting it all in but you will eventually be able to , really . You are really doing great on your weight loss too. Keep it up and you will be a tiny thing before you know it.
Be sure and come on and keep letting us see your progress. Love you girl.

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Hello everyone, Thank you for remembering my Birthday. That is nice!!
I have to work today, that kinda sucks but my hubby is home with an injured back so he isn't any fun to be around. We had to cancel our plans tonight. Maybe he will feel up to it this weekend.
Everyone have a good day and keep safe. I can't wait for Spring!!!! Tara.
Hi Jan and Everyone!
Jan your new picture looks GREAT! You are one “Hot Mama”!! I wanted to tell you the pictures of your vacation were beautiful. However, they weren’t as beautiful as those pictures of those precious One Year Olds! They are sooooooooooo cute!! You must be very proud of those babies!
Happy Birthday to Collette and Tara! I just posted letting everyone know that TODAY is my ONE YEAR WLS Anniversary! Doesn’t seem like it’s been a year!
We had beautiful weather this weekend, was up in the high 60’s. Then we get hit with another cold spell and now we’re in the low 30’s. I am so ready for Spring!! My youngest son came home from school yesterday with a stomach ache. I guess there’s a stomach flu going around, I am just hoping the rest of us don’t get it!
A group of us are going to the Women of Joy Conference in Branson. It’s April 18th thru the 20th. We are all so ready to get away and enjoy ourselves. I’m praying the weather is nice, warm and dry!
I hope all of you have a great day.
Debbie D.
Hey Debbie- I was thinking that was the conference you were talking about...but I was not sure... It is wonderful!!! I know many friends who have gone to it. I've gone to others, but not this particular one. They have fantastic gospel singing at the Grand Palace sometimes too.
I used to work in the Branson tourist world. I got in everything free. Now that I don't work and have the time to go to all the shows, I don't get in free anymore! LOL Over the years I have sure seen some great shows in Branson and had lots of fun on my job. It was so sad to have to give it up. But, health does that to lots of us.
I'm am sure you will have lots of fun acting crazy with a bunch of other ladies- if ya'll get in trouble just call me, I'll bring my Pastor and we'll bail you out...hahahhaa
Brenda - Harrison, AR