Jan C.
on 3/3/08 1:59 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

The weather report said we had 6 inches of rain down here where we are at. I know my yard looks like a swimming pool. Now they are saying that when we wake up in the morning we will have about a foot of snow on the ground. Late March snows. They are always known to be big ones. The year my Dad died, we were at the veterans hospital in Little Rock on the 8th of March and we were driving back home following the ambulance that was bringing him home and from Harrison north highway 65 was only one track , it got so bad that we pulled off into a motel outside of Branson and got a room cause we couldn’t go any futher. Was like 12 inches on the ground the next morning but the snow plows got a path opened up on 65 and we were able to drive the rest of the way in. but then the next day it all melted. Doesn’t look like it will melt that quick this time, the temps are going to stay low for a few days. I tell you what Spring is going to be really late I guess this year.


My granddaughter didn’t think about the tender tomato plants Friday and Saturday when the sun was so bright about opening the green house up. It burnt them all up so now I have to start over with new seeds again. Oh well doesn’t look like it hurt too much else , or at least I hope not. Will see.

I am getting so anxious for the weather to warm up and stay warm.


You all know that this Sunday the 9th daylight savings time starts? Turn your clocks ahead one hour or you will be late . lol


This Saturday I am going to a gardening workshop in Branson . an all day thing put on by the Master Gardeners of Taney county Extension Center .

Im excited about it.



TRACI: sure glad your son didn’t have the real flu. They say it is really a bad one this year.

I know what you mean about getting anxious for spring. I do a lot of pots of flowers too but plant most of them in the ground. Only do pots for the porches..When we lived in Shell Knob I had to do all of them in pots since the ground was nothing but solid rock but now I have the greatest soil in the world. No rocks at all., good soil …

Hope your day wasn’t too busy and you had a little time for yourself.



BRENDA: YEP  you sound like a true dog lover. You and Traci should have a lot in common. I love our dog Rebel but he is really special to us. Don’t know if he  is special to others or not but he is to us.

Did you miss all the rain we got? Man it was a lot.



Grand son in law just called Joe and ask him to come pull him out he got into some water and drowned out his car. So now they are calling a wrecker to pull the car home tonight since we are going to get this snow cant leave it sit where it is . But will have to drain it all out and empty out all of his fluids and replace them before he can try to start it again. Kids , don’t remember being that dumb. Lol


Talked to Craig while ago . He has the flu and would appreciate everyone praying for him to get well. He just started a new job and has only been on it for about a week and got sick now.



Hope everyone else is doing well. Keep healthy , drink lots of water, and the best thing you can do to keep healthy is wash your hands a lot and I mean a lot. I have trouble with dry hands all the time because I wash mine so much but I don’t get sick too much either.

So as a nurse that is my recommendation , WASH YOUR HANDS. Lol







Traci K.
on 3/3/08 8:26 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone No school for my kiddos today, just as I predicted.  I'm hearing a bit of sleet pinging my office window this morning, I guess that's in front of the snow that's supposedly still coming.  I'm tired and wanted to really sleep in, but had to get up to confirm no school today and what the weather was doing.  I may take a nap later or something, then try to get some organizing done today.  Stay safe everyone with this weather. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

on 3/4/08 12:15 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri,
Since school is postponed until 1pm today thought I'd take this opportunity to say Hey to everyone. In north Nixa we didn't have as much snow as Springfield but I'll take the 1/2 day off just the same.
Yesterday we interviewed three candidates for the job opening in our office and all were good. We have to check references and then make a decision so we can get the person on board soon. I really didn't think they'd call off school today, just by chance turned on the TV before I got dressed. Boy, would I have been mad if I'd gone up there for nothing.
DD got a little job cleaning empty apartments in the Senior housing in Union Star. She's pretty happy about that even though it's not a big turnover. With gas the way it is now, every bit of money helps. DGS start weight training at 7:30am next week to get in shape for football next fall so that should be interesting. He's never lifted anything heavier than a bag of dogfood before.
Remember the community cat I've been feeding. Well, he's decided to come in our cat door and visit whenever he wants - doesn't stay long, just eats some dog food (despite the fact that I put cat food outside for him), drinks some water, gets some pets and moves on. He's beautiful, black with white chest, chin and all four paws. John thinks he's making the rounds getting pets from anyone he can and he's probably right. He's a little leery of Mike, the dog, but not terrified and Mike won't hurt him. We're more afraid Bootsie will scratch Mike's nose up.
I can't remember if I told you all that I've had some kinda bad news. Have been hurting in wrists and hands and went to the rheumatologist and he confirmed that the Rheumatoid Arthritis is back. The Plaquinil held it in remission for a year but now, after extensive blood work, he's going to start me on a more agressive treatment. I think it will be Methotrexate since we RNY patients can't use NSAIDS or anything that might be hard on our pouches. He told me that he promises I won't get the twisted up hands like my Momma had - it is a fear of mine - but right now I'd settle for relief of the pain, especially in my wrists.
Physical therapy on my rotator cuff repaired shoulder is coming along good. I think I'll stop myself soon because it costs a blooming fortune and I can do most of the stuff at home on my own. I love the therapist but can't see supporting her forever.
Stacy and Adam will be here for Easter I think. It, of course will depend on the weather, but I doubt we'll have snow that late - however, right now it seems like it will never end.
I guess I'll go do some reading. I have some books from the library that I need to finish.
Jan, sorry about your baby tomatoes but it probably won't set you back too much - the ground will be too muddy to set anything out for awhile after those rains you've had.
Hugs to all,

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 3/4/08 1:36 am - Wichita , KS
Hello OH and Jan, I have been lurking a lot but not posting, I guess I just didn't want to be all negative all the time so that's the reason I havn't posted lately.  Not everyone has complications like I did so I didn't want the newbees to get discouraged.  I am feeling better it's been a slow and long road (6wks) but most days I feel ok.  I still have problems getting in food/shakes and vitamins but continue working on that daily.  Today is my first day back to work and everyone was so glad to see me and amazed at how good I looked (if only they knew how I was actually feeling!)  I am on my period and it's heavy and I have a lot of cramping really didn't want to come back today but had to since I already told them I was.   I have lost 55 lbs as of last week since my surgery so that is one positive thing.  I try to hold on to that on those days I don't feel well.   I can't wait for spring I am so tired of this on again off again weather it's driving me crazy.  I know we are all ready for spring and the warm weather!!!!!!   Have a great day everyone! Bev~

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