Well is Sunday evening and we are back home for awhile I hope. We decided to wait till today, Sunday to go to the home and garden show. They had lots and lots of vendors but most was home stuff , not a lot of vendors for the garden part. I was a little disappointed on that but it was still good.
Im tired and think I will go to bed in my good comfortable bed soon. God sure knew what he was doing when he made the young ones have the babies and not us old women.lol Altho I do think we maybe have more patience but that might not be patience actually may be not being able to move as fast and easier to laugh about something they do than get upset .
When we got home the granddaughter had to immediately bring her two little ones over because they saw us pull up and were driving her crazy to come see Mimi and Joe-Joe.
After they left I sat down and watched my recorded shows of American Idol and Survivor. Then I watched tonights show of Big brother.
Boy you sure save a lot of time if you record stuff and then watch it. I watched all of those shows by fast forwarding thru commercials all in less time than it takes to watch one show.
Was a beautiful day again wasn’t it but I afraid that tomorrow Monday wont be anything that we want. I love the spring but hate the transition into spring from winter.
Can you believe that it is already the 3rd of March on Monday? Gee whiz time is going fast. But hopefully this will be winters last hurrah. You think?
TRACI: how is your son? I hope he is feeling better. The flu has been all around me and Joe this year , everywhere we go and so far(knock on wood) we haven’t caught it. I have been trying to keep myself as healthy as possible this winter.
I do love Dog shows too, I have never seen one in person but I love the big one they have on T.V. every year. It is really neat, this year the Beagle was judged as the best overall , I really don’t know how they go about judging them at all but still like to look at them , some are so pretty. And some are funny looking but you can still tell that they are the top of their kind.
VESTA: I thought of you today when I was at the home show. Was lots of neat things to see and do .
BRENDA: so good to see you , I have the satellite for my computer too. I don’t notice it going out too much unless there is a storm. But then all of them go out once in a while even wireless. It is faster the biggest complaint I have is the price. But dial up out here is horrible. I had gotten to where it would take as long as 30 minutes to even dial up to the internet and then sometimes would take that long to go from one site to another. I just couldn’t stand it anymore.
So glad all of you there are feeling better, and that Dennis is doing better with his new doctor.
Oh I love that song “Go rest High on that mountain” it is absolutely beautiful. It was sung at my brothers funeral. Beautiful song.
TAMMY V: so glad the headache is gone whether it was just a headache or had a reason behind it doesn’t matter when it hurts does it? For future reference yes we can take Tylenol that is about it as far as pain meds go. After my knee surgery I took vicodin for awhile but I wouldn’t do it on a regular basis don’t know what it would do to our tummies. I take Tramadol for arthritis it was approved by Dr. H. and have found that it seems to work better if I add 2 tylenol with it but I always eat something at the same time I take this don’t know if I have to or not but don’t want to chance it.
Sorry about the son staying where they are but we all have to turn lose even tho we don’t want to . They have to do what they have to do. Doesn’t make it any easier I know.
But they are saying that here it will be in the 50s all night and tomorrow, Mondays high will only be 50

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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Hello Everyone, Yes Jan it takes me 30 minutes to try to post on here. Dennis tells everyone that I could live on the computer, but it's just that it takes forever for a page to load! I like the dog show you are talking about. It's the Westminster at Madison Square Garden. I enjoy watching all the dogs. I would have more dogs if Dennis would let me. I already have Gracie my toy poodle and Mattie my long hair Chihuahua (she has some Pom in her, she looks just like the Chihuahua but is a little bigger, she weighs 9 pounds} and we are taking care of my g-daughter's yellow lab , his name is Merlin. He is not even a year old yet and weighs 120lbs and his head hits me just below my waist. He sure is a lover. He will lean on you when you pet him like he's hugging you, he is a beautiful dog. I would like to have a Chinese Crested, I think they are beautiful but most people don't like them. They have the powder puff ones with hair but I like the ones without the hair on their bodies. And I would love to have a German Shepherd. I would prefer a full blooded one with the low slung hips in the back. A lot of people have what they call German shepherds but they are not true blood. Well everyone have a great day. I hope we miss the storms this time.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.