whats happening saturday

Jan C.
on 2/29/08 9:45 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Well while i have a connection with this laptop i thought i would come on and say hello to all of you. ' Yesterday here in Rogers it got up to 67 and sunny sunny sunny, beautiful , I hope it was as pretty where ever you are as it is here....this morning it is nothing but sunshine too, now watch when we come home tomorrow it will turn cold and rainy lol. I told Joe that if we were home i could get a lot of yard work done. Sure hope my granddaughter is taking care of my baby plants while i am away. I should have some more things to transplant soon into a little larger pots . We went to Sportsman warehouse here yesterday, ON the way i saw a sign for a home and garden show that started yesterday but didnt see where it was., Joe said we would drive back by it today and see if we can locate where and go , oh Boy !!!! you want to turn this old woman on take me to a home and garden show. lol  I hope everyone is doing well. I see there has been a lot of posting to the board and im sorry that i cant respond to all of it but will be home tomorrow and do so then.  Traci: glad you got some sunshine at your house and here is hoping for a lot more.  Tammy did you get rid of your headache, sometimes the headaches we get are from getting dehydrated, so watch that and try to get in as much water as possible. ' Everyone take care and im going to get off here and get Joe and the baby some breakfast and get going so we can go to the flower show ....yippppppppeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!Should be a big one since it is in a big place.   Love and hugs GOD BLESS   



Traci K.
on 3/1/08 1:13 am - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Squee - another morning of sunshine!!!  YAY!!!!!!!   Sadly, my son woke with the flu.  Poor kid - he's not feeling well at all.  We've manage to avoid that nasty bug all winter - until now.     So I've been putting away laundry and doing some research on the computer.  Jan - I sure hope you get to go to a home and garden show!!  That does sound like fun.   For me, equal fun would be a dog show.  Gotta run and rotate some laundry.  Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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on 3/1/08 3:03 am - pomona, MO

Yep I went to a home show today here at west plains I love them too..lots of good ideas plus all the free stuff..lol Traci I hope your baby is better, I hate for my little ones to be ill, but now it is greats and grands. everyone have a nice day sounds like the last one for awhile rain rain and more rain for here...vesta


Brenda Minks
on 3/1/08 10:12 am - Silva, MO

Hello everyone, thought I would try to say hello before  my dial up loses my connection. I will certainly be glad  one of these days to finally move outof the 18th century  around here and be able to get high speed internet! My neighbor bought the satellite internet and she says  it's a lot better than our dial up around here, but, she  says the satellite goes out a lot. Oh well!:)

We are doing pretty good around here now, finally got over  all the sickness.

Dennis is doing better with his diabetes since he is seeing  the new endocrinologist .

We had a singing, eating, meeting at our church last Saturday night and I got a request to sing “Go rest high on that mountain” by Vince Gill and I was still suffering from the allergies and sinus. I wasn’t sure if I could do it but as  my sister put it “You nailed it!” so I was praising the Lord!!

I have to agree with Jan and Traci, I would like going to a garden show,but I would LOVE to go to a dog show!

I pray everyone is doing well!

God Bless


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




on 3/1/08 10:50 am - Kirksville, MO
Hey Jan and All,      Yes my headache is gone, finally! Not sure what it was but I did up my water intake today so it might have been a little bit of dehydration.Thanks for everyone's concern. I apprecate it.      Kind of bummed out today. I found out that my son has rented a new house and has another six month lease.They had talked about coming back home but I guess they have decided to stay. He really likes his job. And for the first time they are not struggling with money. So I am happy for them. But it is a real bummer for me. I really do miss them so much. They are trying to convince me to move there but my DH will not even talk about it. So I guess that won't be happening any time soon     Hope you got to go to your home and garden show Jan.      Ok take care all and God Bless, Tammy V.       

My journey to live life to the fullest!!!


Shannon C.
on 3/1/08 9:28 pm - Kirksville, MO
It looks like our break of spring weather is going and LOOK OUT Springfield its coming thru the I-44 corrider this evening and Monday.



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