Wasn’t the weather yesterday beautiful , sun , sun and more sun. still little nippy but what the heck. I got out and cut some of the old stalks out of my flower garden . I always leave most of the dead flowers with the seed heads on them for the birds to forage on in the winter and too it is more interesting looking out there than a flat nothing .
We will be gone this week end to Rogers , taking care of greatgrandson, Joshua, He is such a happy baby, My granddaughter Sarah has a laptop so I will be able to use it to post what we are doing . Hopefully it will be pretty so we can get outside with him and at least take walks. He is just learning to get around good on his own feet so will exercise him and me some.
I know Joe wants to go to a big fishing warehouse that is over there. Similar to bass Pro but different. Plus Teresa gave him a gift card from there for Christmas so he is wanting a new rod and reel since he has the gift card he can buy a better one than he normally gets.
I am nervous leaving the green house in the hands of Kim and Ryan, I have so many little baby plants up and growing that all they will have to do is let it get too cold in there one night and they will all die. I have so many that are up and just sticking their tiny heads above the ground.
TRACI: since you missed the sun on Tuesday I hope you got some of it yesterday. It was beautiful ..it would have melted that last dusting of snow away quickly.
Im more than with you about needing flowers and sunshine…Maybe is we all close our eyes and wish really hard it will get spring. I know it is out there somewhere.
VESTA: glad your support meeting is going well. How many did you have in attendance last Tuesday night? It makes it so exciting to see and hear of new groups forming and doing well. Good for you for starting one there.
CONNIE: Yes the gas x works wonders, but I was out so had to go looking for something in the medicine cabinet …found something but didn’t work nearly as well so will pick some up again when I go to town.
Girl you are looking really good , just keep up what you are doing . This summer you will be ready for that
You wont fail , I think all of us wonder if we will be the one that this surgery doesn’t work on. And every time we have a stall it scares you to death but it will work most of the time at least the first year in spite of yourself ..
So have you and the vocational person decided what job you would be good at?
And how did that go taking all the kids to the Dentist at once. ?
BEVERLY B: so glad that you have all your testing done now. And good to know the shortness of breath is from the fat and not from your heart or lungs. I well remember how just walking to the mailbox in front of the house I would be panting like a dog in summer.
Ive heard that they take blood test to see if you have quit smoking , is that right? I will pray that you are able to do that. As I say all the time while you are trying to quit smoking, (Keep your eye on the Prize) lol I know that is easier said than done but think of what all you have went thru to get to this part of having the surgery. Smoking is just one more hurdle….I use to smoke and know how additive it can be and I tried and tried to slow it down and give them up a little at a time , never worked, it wasn’t until I picked a date and time and threw the rest I had away and went cold turkey that it really worked. I know I wanted to go get some within minutes but I kept saying , you can do this , and you can too. Fool yourself by holding a piece of a drinking straw cut to the right length, chew gum, suck on sugar free hard candies, when you feel like you cant do it another minute go far a walk and since you are short of breath think how much better you will be breathing when you quit the cigs. And get the weight off. I will be praying for you , I know you can do it. Like the little engine that could , I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN , I THINK I CAN,,,,,,,I KNOW YOU CAN!!!!!!
Love all of you

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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