Why Post-ops NEED protein shakes
There has long been controversy and discussion in the post-op world about protein shakes and do we or don't we need them. The answer is found quite simply in basic biology and our newly re-directed digestive systems to find the answer. And the answer is a definite YES we need the protein shakes! If you've had a malabsorptive procedure, then you need protein shakes to get in your protein, as you can no longer get the protein you need from food.
Now for some of the technical explanation and a bit of Biology 101. You need to know and understand this, to know the why behind it all. It's your body - you need to have this information and not just take my word, or anyone else's word on this.
Biology 101: Protein Digestion
Protein requires both a mechanical and a chemical process for digestion. Chewing is the mechanical. Chewing does not digest food, it merely breaks the food into smaller mass (and helps, in the case of the post-op, prevent food from getting stuck in the stoma), then the chemical process is where actual digestion occurs.
In a normal, non-WLS digestive system, protein is digested primarily in the stomach (obviously other foods too, but I'm discussing protein here). Hydrochloric acid, pepsin, gastric juices and normal churning all occur in the stomach and happen over the course of hours - the old stomach that we no longer have. The process then continues and is then completed in the small intestine - which is partially bypassed for us.
So look at the above: protein is supposed to be primarily broken down over a period of hours in the stomach (which we don't have) and then that digestion process completed through a long course of the small intestine, which we have partially bypassed, and is what many are using as their only means of digesting protein at all. The body doesn't work like that. Protein isn't going to get broken down and digested in just a few short feet of small intestine; some maybe. A very tiny bit, maybe - but certainly not enough. This is the bypass part of our surgery. For protein, it's more of a mal-digestion, than a mal-absorption. We don't digest it; and if it's not digested, then we can't absorb it.
This is why pre-digested protein shakes are so important. And if you don't get predigested whey protein, your body will get the protein it needs from muscle. Eventually, it will catch up with you.
As for the taste of protein. Yep, no doubt about it, some of them are flat out awful. Good grief - enough to gag you for sure! BUT, not all of them are bad and there are bazillion and one protein powders on the market today, so there is going to be one that you can tolerate. You just need to tolerate it, liking it is a bonus. I personally LOVE Champion PureWhey Stack and Unjury. I drink mine with soy milk, as it does mask any off protein'ish aftertaste and I like the taste, but of course, everyone's taste buds are different. You need to find one you like. Go to vitalady.com and order some samples. Unjury.com also has samples. Try them first, before you spend a bunch of money.
This is critical folks. Where the rubber meets the road. You can whine, complain and fuss all you want: you will eventually find yourself sick and in worse shape than before you had your surgery if you don't get in your protein shakes and supplements. I'm not kidding. If you're going to fuss about taking some vitamins and drinking protein shakes, then please -don't have this surgery. You'll end up worse off and could kill yourself because when they say this surgery is mal-absorptive, they aren't kidding. That means you will not absorb protein, certain vitamins (like B12) and nutrients ever again from food in the way you used to. EVER.
This is why you need to take the vitamins - and in larger quantities, spread throughout the day - to get in enough to counter-act the amount you're not absorbing otherwise. If you're only absorbing about 50% of what you take in, it only makes sense you'd need to take more than a normal dose to get in what you need each day.
With protein shakes, because it's pre-digested, you're going to more readily absorb that, because of the form it's in.
Get your labs checked at least every 6 months. Take your supplements, and your protein shakes, and I'm telling you - you will feel better and be healthier.
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
I am so glad to read this. I admit to not having too much patience for folks who "can't stand protein drinks", however, I have less tolerance for doctors who let them get by with that attitude. I wish I had a quarter for every time I've heard someone say that their doctor says they can get their protein from food - I don't believe that is possible and there will be sickly folks out there from trying that. I do believe you just gag it down and don't really worry about whether it tastes "good" or not. Worrying about what tastes good got most of to the point we needed surgery in the first place. Many of the things I think taste good are awful for me. I consider my protein drink a medicine, like diabetes or high-blood pressure pills and I just make myself get it taken. There are some fortunate folks out these that have found a protein they enjoy - I'm not one of them. However, I do "take" my protein every day - I don't chose to get sick ever again.You all know my motto - don't concentrate on how much you can eat but on how little you can eat!!!
Eat very small amounts of the best things you can at the stage you are at and drink that protein and water!!!
Hugs - I'm a grouchy old woman but I love you all.
I am so glad to read this. I admit to not having too much patience for folks who "can't stand protein drinks", however, I have less tolerance for doctors who let them get by with that attitude. I wish I had a quarter for every time I've heard someone say that their doctor says they can get their protein from food - I don't believe that is possible and there will be sickly folks out there from trying that. I do believe you just gag it down and don't really worry about whether it tastes "good" or not. Worrying about what tastes good got most of to the point we needed surgery in the first place. Many of the things I think taste good are awful for me. I consider my protein drink a medicine, like diabetes or high-blood pressure pills and I just make myself get it taken. There are some fortunate folks out these that have found a protein they enjoy - I'm not one of them. However, I do "take" my protein every day - I don't chose to get sick ever again.You all know my motto - don't concentrate on how much you can eat but on how little you can eat!!!
Eat very small amounts of the best things you can at the stage you are at and drink that protein and water!!!
Hugs - I'm a grouchy old woman but I love you all.