New Lap bander needing help and motivation
I just want to let you know that your weight loss is not that bad. What you have to remember is the first six to eight weeks since your surgery was healing time. You were not expected to loose weight. If you did great but if not, then no big deal. So actually, you have just really been loosing since around the first of Feb, 08, if I have done my figures right. So, what you have lost is not really bad at all.
If you can't eat something then at least grab a protein shake. Gets your nutrients in and you can drink on the go! Our *** N-Gos down here have muscle milk now. I was going from one spot to another yesterday and just had to grab one of those. It worked, not something I would do for every meal but it sure helps I also drink my protein in the morning. My band is too tight to eat. So, that really just leaves two meals for you to figure out. Those little tuna cans are great.
Just ask, there are those of us on the Mo board that can help. And remember, you are doing fine with as recent as your surgery was. Banders don't loose the weight (on average) as fast as RNY people.

Thank you for the motivation, I really am trying to do a bit better. After my first fill it seemed like I could eat way too much. I was hungry all the time. However I just had my 2nd fill done last Thursday and so far I am now feeling some restriction. I am actively taking my multivitamins, and drinking my water like I should. I am also trying to get a better schedule of eating even though my current schedule is so hectic. Thanks again for the encouragement.