Still Here 7 Weeks Out
Hello MO Board, I am still here. I guess its time for an update. I have been around, just haven't posted in a while. It has been 7 weeks since surgery. I now weigh 229. My journey has gone well. I only had 1 bump along the way. I had gallstones but they did pass. I am very happy with my decision to have surgery. I do not regret it one bit. I have been pretty busy with life though. I am still going to school. My son is in the hospital for the second time this year. This is a bad time of year for him. He struggles every year at this time. He is Bipolar and gets very angry. Sometimes he can control himself and sometimes he cannot. My weight loss has slowed at times but I am okay with this. I have never been able to lose any large amounts of weight and keep it off. So I am quite happy. I am getting about 90 grams of protein by shakes a day. I eat 2-3 times a day. I haven't had any problems with food except sometimes eating too fast. I then feel a lump in my chest. I am getting the water in, not always the 64oz they want but I do get a majority down. I try to walk 30 minutes a day on my treadmill. I walk about 4-5 times a week. I want to walk every day. Somes weeks I am able to get it in others not. I need to start exercises with my arms though. I am developing bat wings. My arms are probably the part of my body that I am most conscios about. I have never been satisfied with them ever. Well I will try to post more but yep I am still here. Kelly