Jan C.
on 2/21/08 3:55 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Happy Birthday Andrew: we all wish you the best on your Birthday.

Hope you and all in that area aren’t frozen in yet.


We had about 2 inches of sleet down here but that was about it. Don’t know what we will see in the morning when we get up. We are suppose to leave about noon Friday and go to St. Louis for the week end. Anyone up that way can you tell us what the weather is there?


Joe and I played cards most of the day and then got out a new jigsaw puzzle and started working on that. We use them a lot in the winter. Once we put together a 10,000 piece puzzle , good lord was that thing ever hard to do, lasted us all winter before we got it done. Said then we would never do one that big again. lol


  Since I was stuck in the house Thursday I cleaned out our closet, wow sure didn’t know it was that messy until I started cleaning.



BRENDA: well did you all get bad weather over your way? How is Dennis doing now? I hope he is getting better he doesn’t need anything else does he.

I hear from Sky once in awhile, She is doing well as far as I know.

There are lots of people that started this journey about the same time I did that I never hear from anymore. I wonder and worry about them. Some were on the computer daily with us and after they had surgery they just dropped out of sight, like they never knew us.

Is sort of hurtfull if I let my self think of it that way. But I prefer to think of it that they lost so much and have so much to do now that they don’t need the computer to talk to people anymore.



TRACI: I was wondering if our bodies get use to the heat later and get hot again like we use to? Last summer I didn’t ever get really too hot I don’t think. I could work outside in the sun and it felt so good.

I like the results of a good paint job but I still prefer someone else do it. Im horrible at it and wind up with more paint on me than anywhere else. Lol

Are your children staying home again today? Just think next year you will be home schooling them and they will be there every day. Lol

One day you will look back and think boy that went quick .



Well I think I will get to bed im getting sort of sleepy again.

Hope there isnt any more stuff on the roads when we get up in the morning.

Stay safe everyone.







Traci K.
on 2/21/08 9:06 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone This crazy weather!  Jan:  the weather up this way is not great at all.  The main highways are now passable (not clear, not 100% dry, and there is also blac**** etc....) - at the moment, but more sleet and snow is expected later today.  The side-roads are still sleet and ice covered.   That's today.  What it would be like by tomorrow is anyone's guess.  If this weather would just stop, and they could get in and work on the roads and the temps go up a bit so the salt and stuff would work, well then we could see improvement.  I have never done well in the heat, even as a child.  I just don't tolerate heat at all.  So it's just me, it has nothing to do with my surgery.  Yes, my kiddos are home from school again today.  Yep - they'll be home full-time come fall, but at that point I will be prepared for that, as will my daily schedule and routine.  At this point, when you have your day planned around them not being here - well, when they are AND they can't go outside because it's too dangerous with the ice, cabin-fever sets in and they get bored.  All this while my hubby is trying to sleep, and me trying to get my stuff done (yesterday just happened to be sewing on some delicate fabric that didn't want to cooperate).  Not a good mix.  Anywho, I saw they came and plowed my street yesterday.  I believe they salted too.  I'm only 2.7 miles from Walmart and I really must go to the store today as we're having an event at church tomorrow night and I have some things I need to bake for that and don't have the ingredients I need.  So I'm going to brave the weather later to go to the store - I think.  We'll see.   WAIT!!  My hubby can pick the stuff up on his way home from work and I can bake it later today.  So scratch all that.  Anywho, have a great day everyone.  I've got a couple things left to do on this blouse I'm making for my pastor's wife and I need to get that done so she can pick it up later today.  So I better get to work. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY  7/27/04
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Amanda W.
on 2/21/08 11:59 pm - Potosi, MO

We got more sleet and freezing rain here yesterday, and actually heard some thunder with it in the middle of the night last night.   I think it's all over now.  My little boy didn't go to school at all last week and only 3 days this week, due to the road conditions.    Would much rather have snow than this icy stuff.   Actually, I think everyone is ready for Spring.  : ) I had my first soft scrambled egg this morning.  (2 weeks since surgery and starting soft foods today.)  Actually, I only ate a little over 1/2 of it and gave the rest to my 2 year old.   Who'd have ever thought that small amount of an egg would fill me up.   : )   So far, so good.  I couldn't wait for today to get here, but then was a little scared to try it before that first bite.  After all, I did 10 day clear liquids before surgery, and then been on liquids the past two weeks.    Now I have to figure out how to get all these vitamins, water, protein shakes, and 3 meals in without drinking and eating at the same time.     Yesterday was my oldest little boy's 6th birthday, and we made a chocolate cake together.  It wasn't easy for me, but I guess it was more emotional than anything.   Sweets were my downfall, so I would always overdo it.   Anyway, I ate a sf fudgsicle while everyone else had a piece of cake.  It was fine, I was able to taste chocolate and enjoy watching my little ones get all messy with birthday cake.   Hard for me to believe my oldest baby is already 6.   : )   Hope everyone has a great weekend!



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