Jan C.
on 2/20/08 12:52 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Hope you all got more accomplished today than I did. It was way too cold to work outside today and from what they are saying it will be too cold for the next several days. Can you believe all the cold , ice and snow we are having this winter. What happened to  global warming?? Lol it sure isnt having an effect here.

I did get some more seeds planted . Have almost all of them planted now. Still have some that need to be started in the greenhouse but most of what I have left is seeds that you directly sow into the ground. Lot of plants don’t like to be transplanted so I plant them directly where I want them to be. Saves lots of time too.


Went to town today and got some more gas for the greenhouse. We are using portable large tanks but it still uses more than I thought it would.most days if the sun is shining you don’t have to have but very little heat in there. But the nights when it gets down into the 20s it takes quite a bit. I want to get my heater hooked up to a thermostat so it will adjust itself by its self. Each year I add something to it so that will be my next thing.


This month always seems to be the longest month in the year to me, I guess cause it is the dead of winter and by now I am ready for spring. But it is getting close to being over only 8 more days in this month and then Daylight savings time starts March 9, wow they have moved it up. Becky told me this today when we were talking. And it stays on till early November, maybe they will have it not stop at all next year. Don’t know why they thought it necessary to go at it slow, when they started it they didn’t do it slowly they just did it. Ive always hated it , don’t know or understand what they thought they accomplished. Sort of stupid in my opinion . but then they never ask me lol


American Idol has two good ones from MO. A guy, David Cook from Blue Springs, Mo and a girl from Joplin , MO. I forgot what her name is but she is really good I think.

Does any one on the board know either one of these kids?


ANDREW: wonderful to see you again, Im glad that you came back online with us.

We really have missed you and since you don’t have any support down there where you live I hope we can help you in some way .

Did you graduate from your online classes? Did you know I went back to work for a short time till I had my knee operated on? Im about ready to go back to work again except that it is getting to be a pretty hectic part of the year for me with planting and all.

Hope you stay around you have lots of information for new people that you can share.


TRACI: I hate painting, I would much rather be  outside with the sun beating down on me digging in the dirt lol sure is nice that there are so many different people in the world isnt it? If we all liked doing the same things some stuff would never get done. My idea of being rich is to be able to afford someone to cook and clean for me. Lol.

Oh the babies, two are related and are cousins and the other two are related the same way. Two are my great grand babies and the other two are Joes nieces babies so the four of them are not related to each other lol now have I got you totally confused? When you look at the picture of all four of them…the 2 on the left are my great grandbabies and the two on the right is Joes great neice and nephew. Hope that makes it as clear as mud lol



VESTA: I know what you mean and I try to stay away from carbs but it really is hard sometimes. Expecially when you have a hubby that wants and has all of this junk food in the house. But I really try, and so far most of the time I succeed.  I drink a lot of crystal light it seems to give me the sweetness that  I want most of the time.



Well going to close and get this posted. Hope more of you will join in on here .


Tammy where are you ? how is Janet doing? Hope she will be at the COF meeting on the 25th too. Are you for sure coming up?








Brenda Minks
on 2/20/08 3:11 pm - Silva, MO
Hello, Boy is it ever cold outside!!!!  I went out to try to see the eclipse but it's to cloudy. Well had to take Dennis to the doctor today. He had already went through a bout of the crappy stuff that has been going around and he seemed to be better and then it hit him again! He got an antiobotic, an inhaler and cough syrup. So maybe this will make him better, I don't like it when he is sick . Then I found out my g-daughter went to the doctor today too for pretty much the  same thing. I hope we don't get that winter storm tonight! I'm like Jan I am ready for spring. I would try to respond to everyone about their post  but I have such a short term memory I know I would forget someone, so just know that if you ask for prayer I will do that. And I do try to read every one's post. Welcome back Andrew!!! It's good to know your still kicking. How are you doing with your weight loss? I often wondered about you, and also I often think of Sky  what ever happened to her? Well I am gonna go to bed. Good night All and God Bless

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right..
Forget about the one's who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason. 
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. 
Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.




Traci K.
on 2/20/08 8:22 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Well shoot - another winter storm is here.  *sigh*  No school AGAIN today for the children.  Sadly, they were already reporting accidents on the news early this morning on Hwy 44, so it's good the children are home today.  Jan:  I can't say I like painting, I just like the end result and that's enough to spur me on.  It's the same with house cleaning and organizing.  I don't necessarily enjoy the process of it, but really enjoy the end results and I'm very picky about it all and no one else could do it quite to my satisfaction, so I do it myself.     I would probably like being outdoors if I could tolerate heat and humidity at all, or all the migraine triggers with the allergens or whatever that trigger migraines for me.  But I can't.  Of course it's not hot outside now, but in Missouri, most of the year the outdoor conditions are such that I don't do all that well.  Gotta run.  Have a great day everyone.  Stay safe everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
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