gastric sleeve
I had the VGS done June 4th, 2007. I have done really well with it and I am aprox 8 1/2 months out and I am about 28lbs from being down 200lbs.
I had a pretty easy time ajusting back to most foods...Eggs bothered me for about 6 months and I still do not eat bread a lot because it fills me up so fast.
I am proud of my weight loss and have the option to finish my surgery into the bypass at any time. But I think I have done well enough that wont be an option I choose.
There are a few more on the board that have had the VGS and as far as I know most of us have not had any complications.
Dr.Scott suggested I have it because of my BMI and told me he would fini**** after I had lost some weight and could have the rest of the surgery safely. I am happy he had me do it this way and that it has turned out so well. I see no reason to mess with my bowels if I can loose as well as most others that have had the bypass and not have my bowels messed with....]
You can go to the forum list and click on the forum for VGS and read up on it more.
Hope things go well for your boyfriend and he has great success with which ever way he chooses....Tammy
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!