Why me???
Be careful with regards to infections especially with the RNY you may get an infection and they refuse to admit that you have one. I wouldn't take any chances.....ask questions before hand and make sure you get the answeres you feel good about don't let them dismiss you. Trust me I've been there and you don't want to go that route.... If I were you take care of the sinus first before considering your RNY.....
Be safe and consider all your options before going into this....
AHH that is scary, to be 100% honest, I already have a sinus infection, I was in the hospital all day yesterday and again today, I am on heavy duty antibiotics they did 2 IV doses of Rocephin I am also on Leviquin, Augmentin, and Flagyl. I talked to a E.N.T yesterday and today he reviewed my cat scan and he said it is completly up to Dr. H. He said he would do it if the E.N.T dr. said ok, the ent dr. said his personal opinion is that he wants my infection gone first but then scheduled a appointment the day after my surgery date, so my take on that is, he believes my infection should be gone by my date. So I talked to Margie and she said we will just play it by ear, If by Friday I am not feeling better I am to call her and we will reschedule. If I am feeling great we are still on for Monday. She also told me that while I am in the hospital, before and after surgery I will be on antibiotics. So I am thinking all will be well.