Why does it hurt?
Why does it hurt if you eat too fast? I can understand if you eat too much but why if you eat too fast?
Also can someone or everyone post who is post op for at least 3 months or more for me what they eat in a typical day?
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Peace in all you do,
I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, I like it!
Starting weight 350 / Surgery Weight 314
Current Weight 183 as of 7/1/2009
Target Weight 150
Lower body lift 6/1/2009
Belanna, the reason it usually hurts when you eat fast is that you dont have time to chew it up enough and are pushing too much into your stomach too fast. you can eat way too much like that before you realize it too. remember to take small bites and chew chew chew.
what i have in a typical day is breakfast i have a strawberry smoothie protein shake,
around 10 am i have a protein bar. noon i will have usually about 6 shrimp or a 1/4 cup of tuna with a tiny bit of real mayo in it and maybe a couple of saltines.
some times will have a protein bar again in the afternoon, and then try to eat something for supper usually a piece of cheese and 2 crackers. or a small h.b. patty.
later in the evening i will usually have a sugar free small ice cream bar or s.f. popsicle.
that is about it. I get most of my protein from the shakes and protein bars. not food. i just cant get enough down at once for there to be much protein.