Jan C.
on 2/13/08 2:13 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

Well another day of not getting something done lol…we went up and got the contract signed from the guy we are buying the land from and took it to the title company and she said he needed somethine else from the courts before he was  allowed to sign his name on the dotted line , I thought that was possible so that is why I wanted to go thru a title company and do a search and all. It is well worth the money to do it now rather than find out a couple of years down the road that there is a loop hole that makes the place not yours even after all the work you did.


Well the birthday party for the 4 , one year olds is all planned out and will be a wow of a day im sure. My daughter who is a photographer is all excited about having 4  babies eating cake all together at the same time . We have ordered 4 small choc. Cakes for them to each have one apiece lol can you imagine the mess….oh well everything including them will be washable. Maybe tub pictures will be cute too.


Did all the ice melt where you are now? Ours is all gone even if it only got to 40 today the sun and the temps got rid of it easily. I hope everyone that is without electricity is getting worked on and will be warm and toasty again soon.


TAMMY: I know what you mean about having less time on the computer, It is getting ready to be planting season for me and I am thinking about going back to work too. If I do it will be pretty hurried for me to be able to get on.

Wow you really are going to have a mini vacation at Janets aren’t you? I am axious to see you I know you look so different ,

Wow on you not knowing Janet from her picture..lol I don’t think of my self as being second choice  silly. But you know you are always welcome even if you do snore. Lol

I don’t know why Mel doesn’t get on here anymore , sure wish she would and I really miss Janet so very much.

Will be praying for your little princess , it hurts when the little ones get sick doesn’t it.

Would much rather be sick myself.

Also will keep Heather in our prayers.


TRACI: well it seems like you have a house full of kiddos all the time, I know you are relieved when they go to school. Don’t mean that you don’t love them but I remember those days when you  really have about all you can take of kiddos. Lol



SHEILA: hey there girl I certainly hope I see you at the meeting on the 25th I have missed you.

Im going to fuss at you some, ok? You better start getting in your allotted amount of protein unless you are really wanting to start losing hair by the handfuls and you are going to start getting really sick. I know you are losing weight but you will lose more faster if you get in the amount you are suppose to , same way with the water. I know it is hard that is why I use my protein shakes to reach my goal daily. I cant get it in anyother way. Now get busy and find a way to do it ok. Don’t want you being sick and having all sorts of problems.


Tammy: yes right after surgery it is hard to get in enough fluids, it takes awhile . I still have days at a year and half when I have to force myself to get in all the fluids a day I need. But I can really tell the difference when I don’t. just keep pressing toward the amount you are suppose to do you will reach it soon.

They say the fat cells store those hormones and lots of people will have periods that hasn’t had one in years. Don’t know I had a hysterectomy long ago .

As far as pain goes, Dr. H. says we can have Tylenol, not much else I think. I take Ultram also that he okd.

Sometimes exercise will help with cramps better than anything else.

Good luck and hope you get to the doctor tomorrow.



BELANA: wow look at you. Love the picture. Sounds like your life is getting on track good and things are going like you want.


Happy early birthday to you …have fun . just not too much …………\






Are you all watching American Idol?    



Traci K.
on 2/13/08 8:12 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Today is also my wedding anniversary.  We call it our Vale-versary.  I do believe my children will be going back to school TODAY after being home a full week with snow and ice junk.  Whew!!  Yes, I love them - but when we're paying tuition for private school - well, I'd prefer they go!    Now, we do intend to start back to homeschooling in the fall, because of the change in my hubby's work schedule, so my daily routine will be changing - but that's then, this is now.  Now they are in school Yep, all ice/snow is melted away here.  The sun was shining most of the day yesterday.  It was lovely.  I got all the laundry caught up and had a productive day.  My grandbaby arrives later this morning and will be staying with us until Saturday, as my daughter and son-in-law are going on a marriage retreat in Branson.  She's never stayed with us overnight before, so I'm praying all goes smoothly.  She does great at other times when I watch her, so I have no reason to think this won't go equally as well. Yes, I have been watching American Idol.  They've been tough this year on the contestants!  Some good talent though.  Can't wait to see who the final 24 are.  Well, gotta get these kiddos ready for SCHOOL!!  Squee!!!!!!!!   Have a great day everyone!! 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Amanda W.
on 2/13/08 11:58 pm - Potosi, MO
Happy Anniversary Traci!!!!!!

Amanda W.
on 2/13/08 11:55 pm - Potosi, MO

Happy Valentine's Day Jan and everybody!   We are melting out here hopefully today.  My kindergartner didn't go to school again today.  He is bored with being home by now.   They are talking about more snow showers here tomorrow I think.   It's either one extreme or the other with weather these days it seems. Yes, I am watching American Idol - already have a favorite guy contestant, but haven't decided which girl is my favorite quite yet.  Although the girl from Joplin has a fantastic voice! On a wls note, I get to start full liquids tomorrow and I can't wait.   So tired of chicken broth.  lol


on 2/14/08 12:55 am - Nixa, MO
Hello Missouri,
Have a few seconds so I'm gonna try to buzz through for a minute. Still no one available to interview for a co-worker for me so I'm doing the work of two since the middle of December.
Jan, you are so right about the protein and water. If I don't push myself it's easy to slack off but then I don't feel as good and get sluggish and tired. It's the same with physical therapy on my shoulder - I have to force myself. However, I do find my activities of daily living are easier and I can do more things using both hands.
I'm wondering about Cotonmom. She has had a hard time I think.
I am doing great - holding my own on weight - not gaining or losing really. It's a balancing act but it's not like I wasn't informed or prepared for this. Thanks you Claudette and COF!!!
I did read somewhere that Chromium was good for carb cravings so I added it to my daily supplement regimen. I can't say I notice much difference - still would like to eat sweets too much - but chromium won't hurt me and it might help!!! Anyone else see that information.
I just want you, Jan, to keep reminding everyone about the water and protein. I think too many people don't realize how vitally important that is for us. We really have to eat/drink smart or we will pay the price. It's a lifetime committment to really thinking about what we put into our bodies. We don't have the luxury to goof up.
I have been especially working on posture since I'm going to physical therapy. Mine had gotten soooooo bad and I need to strengthen my shoulder blade muscles to pull my shoulders back. That also opens up the rotator cuff which makes PT easier. It's all inter-connected.

I hope all of you have a great Valentine's day. We are going somewhere for dinner - not that I can eat lots but it's the thought that counts, right?
Hugs and loveys to you all.

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


on 2/14/08 5:23 am - Ozark, MO
Hey OH Board, First off JAN I love your new picture !! You look great !! Our snow is gone now. It took all day, but I'm sure glad it's gone. We lost quite a few branches from our trees ,but the trees still look pretty good.I don't star****ching American Idol until they get down to about 12 people. I get attached then heartbroke when they get voted off, so I cut the pain as much as I can. LOL LANA; Glad to see you on the board again. I know you've been so busy, but we've missed you. I hope you find someone to help you out there. I'll be job hunting not to long from now. It's so hard to look when you've been a stay at home mom for years then get back in to the work thing at 50. But, I'll get something. Not much else going on here. I was sure glad school got back in cuz like you Traci I love my kids but it's hard to entertain 3 big ones who love to argue. I did get the house pretty clean cuz when they fight I make them clean and I mean like spring cleaning. I'm 9 weeks out now and I have lost 33 pounds.I haven't been able to go to the gym this week much with the ice, but I'll get back into the swing of it tomorrow. Everyone take care and talk to you soon. Connie 
on 2/14/08 7:02 am

Hi  Connie, This is patti from dr Torros office we had  the surg the same day.  Glad that you seem to bedoing good. I'm not doing so bad myself.  I have lost 40 pound to date. I seem to be stuck their for a week or so. I can't get it moving again.  just wanted to let you know that i was thinking about you, and wanted to say hi...

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