Monday was another day of nastyness . here it started off with freezing rain and sleet , then freezing rain some more ,oh yeah in all of that was lots of thunder and lighting. Crazy weather but I remember having weather like that back when I was a child so it really isnt anything new , it just doesn’t happen all the time
I was really careful and ate nothing but protein stuff all day . Don’t want a return of what I had last night from being stupid. I think I thought since a little bit of it didn’t seem to do anything to me I could go all out. well I found out real quick, I sat with a pan in my lap for several hours because I was too weak to stay in the bathroom and throw up.
It was about 3 am before my stomach calmed down and only did then I think because I ate a small piece of protein bar.
I just know one think that I wont pu**** again like that any more. The craving for sweets is over, hope it wont return again. maybe I will handle it better the next time.
I cleaned out all the cabinets in the bathroom today and threw away a trash bag full of meds and cosmetics. Good grief lots of money down the drain there for cosmetics that don’t work,.I have started using bare minerals and love them. They don’t change you just slight coverage and help smooth out some. Easy to apply and all.
Made a meatloaf for supper, that sounded good and it was. Only ate that and nothing else. I made Joe a baked Potato to go with his but I don’t eat them anymore, only baked sweet potatoes and I didn’t have any of them. Will have to get some the next time I go to town, which will be today if the roads are ok.
Have to go to the title company and stop by the bank and stuff for info on buying this land behind us.
We are anxious to get it done and get started on re doing the house some , we are going to rent it out , hopefully that will work out for us. We will have almost 2 totally clear lots , except for grass to plant a garden on if the economy gets as bad as I think it is going to do. It already has some blackberry vines on it, they produced some last year but not much.
Or at least that is the plan, If we can find a decent person or persons to rent too.
We went to see the banker today and he said no problems what so ever. Could give us the full amount if we want to. Which I think we will do so we can use what savings we have for repairs to it.
Will catch up with all of you tomorrow. Today was a hurried up sort of day.
Thanks Vesta for calling and checking on me. Was good to know that someone would do that for us.
Traci: I am like you about peoples weight and where they carry it and all . Don’t get me wrong I cant wear like a pair of 6 jeans no way. I can get myself into a pair of 8s but cant wear them anywhere lol If I had the tummy skin off I think I will be able to. The skin might be what is different and the amount of weight verses the amount of skin we have left over. You think? No im not tall , I wish I were. I was 5 ft 3 but since I have lost weight I am now 5 ft 31/2 inches ,gained a half of a inch whew buddy that’s a lot huh?lol
Nuttie good to see you on. Glad you are enjoying working now,. Im thinking about going back to work again. I haven’t returned since I had knee surgery.
Tammy: have you decided yet if you are coming on the 25th? Sure hope so.
Sorry all but today was
Amanda G. glad you are home and doing well. Sip sip sip sip and walk walk walk
Don’t worry about the protein too much right now mainly the water and walking.
EARTH ANGEL congradulation on your surgery , do as the doctors say and see notes to Amanda above.
Love and hugs

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!