Need a new doc to do fills
sally, there are no doctors in the cox insurance that do any kind of fills or check ups for post op RNY surgeries. i know this b/c i was going to use dr. olive for follow up but since he is cox and no longer does the surgeries (he use to do RNY) he is out of the question. hope you can find someone. what hospital does your insurance go through now?
Achievers Support Group
Uthoff Valley Elementary School Library
1600 Uthoff Drive
Meetings are the first Monday of every month from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
(No child care available.)
Leader: Gayle Rice Profile Contact
Co-Leader: Amanda White Profile Contact
Great fitted bras at Ann's Bra & Cameo shop
141 and Olive (north east corner) Chesterfield, Mo
they fit you and they are wonderful