Friday was really busy for us. I had a follow up appointment with my ortho guy that did my new knee. After examing it he said he was going to release me since I have such good range of motion and that I can do anything I want to. Run dance whatever. I ask him about the swelling I get when I over do and that it still gets hot he said that would do that for about a year. He felt all over it and said it is in good shape and right where it is suppose to be and that I look like it has been at least 5 or 6 months since I had surgery instead of 2 months. So all is good with it. He ask if I was ready for the other knee to be done yet and I told him no but when I get ready I will call and make an appointment to see him.
We then drove over to see my daughter and her son that is visiting, he is going to stay with her for another week. Im glad they really need the time time together.
Things are really going good for them. I am hoping that he will decide to come back up here , get a job and go to college over there where she lives or at least close like in
We then stopped by Joes nieces house and visited her and her youngest one who will be 1 on the 16, we have 3 babies that will be 1 this month , we are trying to find a day that we can get them all together and have a birthday party for them with small choc cakes for each of them all sitting on
Oh yeah I got some of the vacation pictures put on my web site that is shown under my signature on here. So if you want go take a quick look around. Funny thing I did with some pictures I took I had the movie part of the camera on and didn’t know it so if any of them are on there you will get a short little movie that is looking everywhere . If I had known that it was on I could have gotten some really great shots. I guess that is what you get when you take a new camera that you don’t know anything about on vacation with you. Hope you all can see some of the beauty we saw in them.
TAMMY: yes the meeting is the 25th and you know that if things don’t work out at Janets you are more than welcome to come visit me. I think you slept pretty good that one time on my couch.lol Seems like I remember some pretty heavy snoring. Lol
But you know you are very very welcome .
TRACI: yeah I know about the oatmeal , I do eat a small bowl of it daily as well as take a stool softener daily . the problem isnt that I don’t go it is just that it feels like I don’t go.
Is lots of pressure for some reason. And yes I drink close to 80 to 100 oz of water daily.
I had a cup of senna tea last night and got some relief . The tea seemed to calm the intestines for some reason.
Thanks for all of your concern and for all the valuable info you have.
DEBBIE D: how great that you are feeling better now. Be sure and take those pills for sure.
I hope you are right about the warm up I don’t know tho if it will or not. Lol but will wait and see you never know that is for sure.
Im trying to get a new picture of me on here and not having a lot of luck yet lol
Haven given up ,,,,,YET!!!
Got to go and get to bed tonight I didn’t sleep much Thursday night don’t know if it was because of that procedure I had don’t Thursday or what but seemed to be running full blast all night. It was about 3am before I lay down and then went right to sleep and was up by 6am
Love you all

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
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Lap RNY 7/27/04
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