Jan C.
on 2/7/08 1:32 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

The biopsy is done , wasn’t easy to maintain while it was going on , She took 10 vials of stuff from the lumps and they send them off to Mayo clinic for the results. She said it was about a 80 percent chance that it will be benign, which is good,

The results from my Thyroid blood test all were in normal range. I was hoping that would be the answer and all of this could be fixed with simple little pill but not so. Just everyone pray that I remain calm and unruffled till we get the results back which can be up to two weeks.

I don’t believe in worrying about things until there is something to worry about. Saves a lot of grief and heartache.  


Tomorrow I go see my ortho guy about my knee to see if he thinks it is coming along ok.

I have almost full range of motion in it now . still lack a tiny bit but not much.It does swell up on me sometimes tho. And I cant wear jeans yet since they rub on the knee and make it raw. Shucks. Lol

I bought a new velour set of pants and jacket today size smalls well small in the pants but medium in the jacket, could have wore small in the jacket but they didn’t have any to match. Was one small jacket and it didn’t match anything lol so I got bright red, good color ,looks happy and sassy and not afraid of anything. Lol well I did say it looks that way ,not that it is.


Sure am ready for spring, I got out all my seedling materials today and made a list of the materials I will need. Joe is going to go to my brothers in Gainsville tomorrow I think and get a load of decomposted horse manure to put into my dirt pile I bought last fall. He has to go to Arkansas so on the way back he will get that.


Do any of you ever feel constipated and your not but you continue to feel that way? I have been feeling like that for several days even tho I have been going I still feel that way, don’t know what is going on with that. Am drinking a cup of dieters tea tonight , maybe that will help. You know I just thought of something it might be, I bought some grapes the other day and I ate several of them. May be the reason don’t know.

Anyway will see what the tea does maybe it will get rid of the feeling .



TRACI: those grandbabies are really special aren’t they, lot more fun that your own were, we get to do all the good stuff with grandbabies and don’t have to worry much about day to day mundane with them . As the saying goes: If I had known how much fun grandkids were I would have had them first. Lol



TAMMY  H: sure wish Janet would use that laptop. We all really miss her.

Yes I saw the post about Megan, Have you heard anymore about her and her car? That is so sad. Seems like so much happens to Janet and her family. Text her and let her know that we all love her.

Cant wait to see you the end of the month. You said you were going to stay for a few days will that be with Janet?

Hope you have good luck finding a mini van. Good ones I think are pretty hard to find. And the big vans usually use way too much gas. They are great if you have big families tho.



RACHAEL: so good to hear from you, two jobs? That is one too many you know. I did that all the time I was raising my 3 kids because I had to as a single mother.with no help any where , not even child support. But it still is very hard on a person. Will be praying that you can rest when the time is so.



LANA : HEY sweetie so great to hear from you. Glad to know your shoulder is doing better. I know what you mean about the tummy tuc****ep telling myself that it really doesn’t matter but it does …and the face with the wrinkles is what really bothers me the most tho.

I will order me some of the chewable calcium , I love those. But I have to make myself not just eat them like candy lol

Looking forward to seeing you on the 25th.seems like forever since I saw you. Since I missed the meeting in January .



VESTA: so good to hear that your support group is growing. That is great.

I will let you know about the bumps as soon as I know about them .



BEVERLY  B: sounds like you are getting all your ducks in a row for sure.

I think you will do great after the surgery what ever one you decide on.

Just do as they say and they will get you there.


Yes the warm tropical weather was great. Could have stayed there longer if I could have.



Guess I will go to bed , im getting rather tired and I have to get up early and go see the ortho doc in the morning.







Tammy H.
on 2/7/08 1:53 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Yall.... Just wanted to let you all know I have passed along to Janet the prayers that were posted....She said she really appreciates each of them.... She told me today that they told Megan to get to a ortho ASAP! She is having sever spasams in her back and her leg and hip got it pretty good. I guess it messed up her car pretty bad cause she was talking about her needing to find her another one. Not sure why she hasn't used the lap top to get on yet. Most of the time her house sounds like my house. Things are always crazy and something is always going on!  But I will let her know yall want to hear from her. Jan...I am in hopes things work out where I get to make it to the meeting. I really want to. I will know more for sure closer to time. Is it the 25th?  I haven't had a chance to talk to Janet yet. She had mentioned that she wanted me to stay with her the next time I came that way. But you know how things can get at her house lol lol...So I guess I wont know on that till closer to time either..... Well guess I will get off here and get around for bed..Got a long busy day as usual..... Yall have a great Friday.... God Bless you all..... Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Traci K.
on 2/7/08 8:14 pm - Sullivan, MO
Morning everyone Busy busy day here; lots of running and errands, so I've got a quick sec. Jan:  how much fiber are you getting in?  Many post-ops (myself included) swear by eating a bowl oatmeal each morning.  The regular quick oats type.  It really works.  In the summer I do eat some raisin bran or something.  Without it - I can't keep things 'moving', if you know what I mean.  And I really hate the thought of taking meds for something that I could  resolve just by eating more fiber.  I've tried fiber pills and such, and they just didn't work the same.  The oatmeal works well for meal (as does the raisin bran) and I don't dump, it doesn't cause me to gain weight or anything because of the carbs - as these are more complex carbs, not simple carbs.    Also, my surgeon believes that all post-ops should take a stool softener daily.  Apparently we RNY post-ops can have a tendency toward packed stools and the softener, while it doesn't make you actually go, helps things along because it softens it (duh) and I guess keeps it from getting impacted.  When I had my hernia repair at 1year post-op, I too was having regular BM's, but when he got in there, he said I was very very impacted.  This surprised me.  Thus why he said to take the stool softener, and of course, drinking all of our water is another thing we must do - and bowel health is only one of the reasons why. Have a great day everyone!!
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

Debbie D.
on 2/7/08 10:34 pm - KS

Good Morning, Jan & Missouri Peeps! Jan, thanks for the update on your procedure.  I can only imagine how painful that must have been.  I will be praying that they are benign.  It's so nice to see your smiling face every morning again.  We missed you! So where are those vacation pictures?  I know we all want to see them!! Well, I had my follow up with Dr. Hornbostel yesterday.  I had surgery 1/27/08 for an internal hernia.  Am thankful it was NOT the gastric fistula SMMC originally thought.  I am doing well and don't have to go back to see Dr. H until August.  I thanked him for taking such good care of me.  I really love him and Margie. Traci, so you had an internal hernia repaired as well?  Did your upper back hurt?  I now know just how serious your back aching can be.  I am very thankful it was not a gastric fistula.  After discussing it with Dr. H, I am now on 2 weeks of antibiotics and taking 2 priolsec daily.  I told him I really thought it would be best to treat me as though I did have an ulcer.  He told me I could continue the priolsec daily after the initial 2 weeks if I wanted to.  Is that what you take as a preventative medicine?  It's been almost 30 years since I've had an ulcer.  I was checked every few years and the last time was about a year before my rny and everything always checked out negative.  I would rather be safe than sorry. Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.  It's suppose to warm up into the 40's this weekend!  I am ready for Spring!  Love, Debbie D.

Traci K.
on 2/8/08 8:09 am - Sullivan, MO
Hi Debbie Yes, I had an internal hernia repair just shortly after my one year post-op surgiversary.  My upper back hurt some after the surgery from the gas they use to expand your stomach during the lapropscopic procedure; but my primary pain before that was more in the front, in my abdomen - not my stomach, but lower.  It was so intense I could hardly breathe.   My surgeon puts all his patients on prescription Prevacid to take daily forever, as an ulcer preventative.  I've been on it since day one of my surgery.  Well, I'm now taking the generic of Prilosec because of changes in what my prescription insurance will cover - but I am taking a prescription medication for ulcer prevention.  Which exact one (Prevacid, Prilosec, something similar or their generic versions), I don't think matters - only that you take one.  Let me just say, that I have gone as long as a couple of weeks, without taking it (got lazy, didn't get the prescription filled, thought I could do without it....yada, yada......), and my pouch starts hurting and burning.  I know for a fact that I can't do without it.  I don't want to risk an ulcer.  With such a small pouch - what in the world would they do to fix that?!!!!!  Yikes - I don't want to find out.  I'll take the pill and avoid the whole mess. 
Traci  <*)))><  | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY  7/27/04
My blog:  http://wls4health.com

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