Boy quite a change in temps from Tuesday huh? Wednesday was just a boring bleak type of day at least down here we didn’t get any thing other than a few snow flurries. But it sure didn’t get very warm either at 4 yesterday afternoon was only 32 .
Daughter,Michele and son George went home to her house in Eureka Springs , she couldn’t stop hugging and kissing him, I hope this makes her get over the sadness she has had over not being with them for the last few years.
Today I took the time to do my taxes getting back a little bit just had it efiled into our savings account . Not a lot but every little bit helps.
Didn’t do much of anything else today .filled out our form for personal property taxes for next year, you know the stuff you own that you just keep having to pay taxes on. STUPID LAW!
Did everyone vote Tuesday? I did and hopefully it will make a difference. Some of the candidates are really scary to me tho.
Lana: where are you able to get the citracal chewables anymore? I use to get them at wal-mart but they haven’t had any for a long long time now. Is there someplace on line for them?
Bev : I surely hope you are starting to feel better. I know it took me about 3 weeks before I was feeling great didn’t have any problems just sort of weak, wanted to take several naps a day , which I just went ahead and did. I think any time you have general anesetic your body takes a while to get it out of your system .
Hope the fever is going down and you are feeling better.
Marylin: lol sorry I had you confused about what day it is. Welcome to the club I stay confused all the time. Lol
Craig: so glad that your neck is coming along really good.. I am checking into having a face lift, tired of looking at the deflated wrinkles that I have. Wow no wonder when I look at my before picture and my now picture my jaws were quite the fat ones. Lol
Tammy: oh wow im so glad that you are going to come to the next COF meeting. Will Brenda come with you?
Hope Janet comes next month I have missed talking to her a lot. . Is she still sick or is it just her computer ?
Congratulations on becoming a new Aunt again. Always exciting isnt it?
Traci: hope you all didn’t have too much bad weather last night. We had lots of rain and below us in northern
Vesta: love your new picture , I don’t know if I would recognize you are not. Hope you can come to a COF meeting someday soon this months is the 25th I think , Glenna if that isnt right correct me ok?
How is your meetings going Vesta? Are they growing ? Hope all is well with you .
Sheila: great losing am anxious to see you soon , will you be coming to the COF meeting this month? Sure hope so. Cant wait to see you. As far as the B-100 vits. I take them and will continue to take them don’t really care what someone says. I think they are what make me feel good and have energy . Please come to the meeting on the 25th.ok?
Well today Thursday I have to go to my endocronoligist and have a needle biopsy done on my lumps on my neck . not looking forward to that at all but will be over with soon. They said they didn’t think it was cancer but because I have so many of them , 6 total, that they want to see what is in them and why im forming them. I had a detailed thyroid lab work done yesterday wow they took 6 vials of blood lol

Traci <*)))>< | Sullivan, MO
Join My WLS4Health OH Group
Lap RNY 7/27/04
My blog: http://wls4health.com
~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!
First before I forget, I get the Citrucal Lemon Chews at Drugstore.com. You have to pay shipping but no tax so it about evens out and I do love them. I also take the Citrucal Minis because I want to have about 1400/day especially since my shoulder is still healing.
I got permission to go without the sling last Thursday and I haven't had much problem with it. I can't lift anything and still have much physical therapy to complete but it improves every day. Can't raise my arm above shoulder height yet but I know it will get there.
I have been so worried about Janet. I know she prefers to text message but I don't have that on my plan and so each message sent or received costs me 15 cents and they add up fast.
I'm trying to save money - or let's say pay off some little puny credit cards so I can get a big medical credit card to have the tummy skin taken care of. I just can't deal with it right now. I thought I could convince myself that it didn't bother me - but it does and so in the next year or so I'm gonng get it taken care of.
I did find a new to me product that I am enjoying. I got Unjury Chicken Soup flavor and if I just make it with ho****er from the tap it dissolves great and tastes good to me on these cold mornings. I also re-ordered those Fresh Energy Bakery bars Jan and I like - I like the fruit ones covered in white chocolate/yogurt coating and I'd sort of forgotten about them until this week. Want some variety from the bullets although I still use them most days.
I'm praying for Bev and all those who have had surgery recently or are getting ready for surgery. It is a big step and it is life-changing. I definitely feel it was worth the things I have had to change or give up but some may have a harder time adjusting to our new way of life and some have surgical complications that I didn't have to deal with. I was pretty sick before with the co-morbidities and that was a big motivator for me. I have to admit being thinner and wearing smaller clothes is a big bonus but health is the real reason and listening to my physician and doing what he wants is what I try to remember to do every day.
I think all of us struggle with remembering to get our protein in and sipping and chewing - it still is not exactly second-nature to me. But, we have to persevere and keep trying every day. You know, each morning is a new beginning and what happened yesterday is gone. Make this day the one where you get all your water and protein in. You can do it - we all can.
Hugs and love,
Hi Jan and all, Good to see you back online. How was the nice warm weather? Better than this freezing cold. I think February is the most dreary month of the season. Well I have had my sleep study, venous doppler, and PFT . So far I am on oxygen from the sleep study, not the cpap just oxygen because my oxygen level drops to low when I am asleep, they are bringing it tomorrow. Guess the sleep apnea is not to bad or doc wouldn't just put me on oxygen. And I have to see a pulmonary specialists (from the PFT) because I have a mild restriction and doc thinks I ought to be on an inhaler. But he wants to make sure what it is (thus the specialists.) Don't know what will come out of having the doppler. lol One good thing is my doc is very cautious and said he just wanted me to be in the best shape possible for the surgery. I am thankful for that.. I have my stress test on Feb 19 and then thank the lord I will be thru testing. I hope anyway. Best darn physical I have ever had....Then it is off to see Dr Suttmoeller on the Feb 27th and hopefully good news if I pass all my test.. I have decided to see if I can have the gastric sleeve. I have been researching it and I feel more comfortable with it. Guess I will get off here for now, good luck to all the newbies. Hope everyone gets to feeling better. Don't catch the flu, they say it is starting to spread here in Sedalia..