Starting to feel a little better
I had my surgery on Mon. Jan 21st and was released to go home on Wed. then ended up in my local ER Thurs. with a high temp. that Sun. ended up back in Sedalia and was admitted again, got out last Wed. Still running a low grade temp. was told it was due to the severe hemotoma that I have on my left side however I have talked to a lot of medical people and searched the net and can't find where a hemotoma causes you to have a temp.? I think I have an infection somewhere and am not being told that for some reason? Anyway I am starting to feel stronger and more able to function. It's hard to get food in cause I'm not hungry I just know that I have to eat. I have been drinking (sipping) water taste the best to me. My taste buds have really changed, everything even though sugar free taste really sweet to me I read in a book that eventually after a few months that goes away? It takes me basically all day to get all my vitamins in cause I hate the taste of them especially the b complex ones...yuck! I got on the scale this morning and I have lost 10 lbs since surgery but really at this point I don't really care about the weight loss I just want to feel normal again. Maybe soon I will feel better and more excited about the weight loss. I was supposed to have gone back to the dr. for a follow up today but due to the weather had to reshedule it for Thurs. I hope he releases me to drive I feel so trapped not being able to drive myself to where ever I want to go however recently I haven't wanted to go anywhere but maybe that will change soon? Does anyone have any suggestions on a good chewable b complex vitamin? I have one but it's too sweet and sour tasting so it takes me several hours to get it down!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers through this trying time.
The only chewable vitamins I take are the Citracal lemon chews and that's because I love them. I swallow all my other vitamins - my Dr. said it was OK if it didn't bother me and it doesn't and I've never seen an undissolved pill come out the bottom end yet!!! Ask your Dr if you can just swallow pills.
The only chewable vitamins I take are the Citracal lemon chews and that's because I love them. I swallow all my other vitamins - my Dr. said it was OK if it didn't bother me and it doesn't and I've never seen an undissolved pill come out the bottom end yet!!! Ask your Dr if you can just swallow pills.