A-N-G-E-L-S Support group, SPfd,MO
REMINDER....we'll be meeting this Thursday 2/7/08, 6:30-8:30pm, Library Station (2535 N Kansas Expwy) Springfield-in the story hour room...in the back of the kids section.
We meet twice monthly and the meetings do rotate right now between Thursday and Fridays due to scheduling issues with the Library. The NEXT mtg in Feb. will be the 22nd(FRIDAY) at 6:30pm, in the Frisco Room.
We've been meeting for a few months now and love the "open" flow of conversation that this meeting allows. For those who haven't stopped by yet, please do this month!! Bring support folks with you or just yourself...either way, we want you to come and have the chance to get the support we all need during our weightloss journey.
FYI for any lap-banders we have one who has been coming to our group and another joining this week and we'd love to welcome the rest of you too....
another FYI: Some of the folks do go out after the meeting and some meet at Panera next door before the mtg...
CLOTHING: if you ahv any clothes you'd liek to pass on feel free to bring them.
PROTEIN: any products you love OR that do not agree with you, bring those too!
See ya Thursday!!!

openRNY 4/04