Columbia MO Support Groups??
Linda they also have one once a month at the actual office at woodrail and they wont ask anything about who your dr was or anything .... I live in Ashland and have gone to one of their meetings..
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be, before you can actually become that person.
This ticker indicates the weight loss from my highest point
Liquid Diet----334
hi linda, you look very familiar to me, did you go to hallsville high school? i went there most of my school yrs my name is shelly poe (cox) well we are stationed in virginia beach va for 4 more years and hubby retires and we are moving back to columbia, i had my gastric bypass in june of03 i had open rny, i weighed 260 and i now weigh 124, i had a baby 15 months post op and only gained 18 pounds and lost all that in 2 weeks,i wish i would of done this sooner.let me know if you are who i think you are was your last name peterson, i had and older sister named kim. we are gettin ready to haul ass to mo on the 15th of march for 3 weeks to visit all of our friends and family. im always home sick,lol may if ya want you can email me or something, let me know how you are doing with this life change, or share my experiences with you! please get back to me so ill know if im not going crazy. bye hope to hear from you soon.
shelly- wife to mike....2-14-1986
mom to- logan...2-8-96
mom to- jensen...6-10-05
BEFORE @258 AFTER @140